Your LOW IQ shines through.
There are things we call PRINCIPLES. Or Rules. You break them - and you set a bad precedent - and create new rules.
Maraga told Uhuru - it was all or none.
For he knew - the moment he allowed Uhuru to cherrypick - who to appoint or not - he would have basically taken over the role of JSC and independence.
Next time - and next president - will continue with this tradition - of choosing to appoint who they want - when they want.
JSC would effectively have been clipped. The constitution discarded.
Martha Koome obviously has a good heart (from her reformist women issues) but her LOW IQ is showing (she got a pass in UON for some reason).
These kind of things - remind me of Mumbi Ngugi - stupid rulling that governors who enjoy security of tenure- should step aside when a DPP charges them!
It the biggest assault on devolution. Governors who are supposed to head a level of government - are now walking on eggs - as compromised police and DPP can kick them out of office ANYDAY - they just need trumped charges.
You're happy now - but when Ruto or Raila - who are better politicians - comes - and use this NEW DONATED power by KOOME and Mumbi power - even better deploy this - you'll cry like Moi.
Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.
Moi is dead but their hate continues.
LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.
Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.
She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges
; that is how a fool reason.Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.
It either all or none.
Already Koome is being kicked like a dog -- you would think she is Raila. The poor woman needs to call Kibicho to get more bodyguards - these psycos can easily EJK her.