Author Topic: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner  (Read 4035 times)

Offline Omollo

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Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2021, 07:02:59 PM »
The Problem with the Kenyan Judiciary and the Kenyan lawyers is they think they own the law and that the court decisions come from the high priest of the constitution.  All the three branches of government are co-equal and all of them take the oath to protect the constitution from domestic and foreign enemies.  All of them have the ability to abuse their powers and so all of them must be checked and balanced. The constitution belongs to the people and not to the judiciary and therefore all the branches have a say on it.  The executive and the Legislature cannot go to court if they believe the judiciary is abusing its enormous powers to interpret the law by doing so in a biased way to give its self more power and usurp the powers from the other branches in a way not contemplated by the framers.  Its like the hen going to the fox to complain about fox eating hen.  Ouru in my humble opinion rightfully believed that the power to  appoint judges is not rubber stamp as the court is trying to pull wool over our heads to believe.  Kenyans have a working understanding that the plain meaning of the word "appoint" confers some measure of discretion and therefore when the court insists that Ouru must rubber stamp the JSC appointments, the court loses its credibility.  Ouru has no choice in this instance but to protect the constitution by disobeying the court order.   

These same activist court not too long ago left Kenyans shaking their heads when they ordered Ouru to dissolve the parliament in total disregard to the political and the economic and political  cost of its order  were Ouru to be stupid enough to carry out such madness.   The only way the legislature and the executive can exercise their right to protect the constitution and the country from a rogue judiciary is to disobey the court order as government officials are advised all the time to disobey illegal orders from their superiors.  The judiciary is the weakest branch of government.  They do not have the guns, the political megaphone and money.  The judiciary therefore depends on its credibility to gain trust from the people. and then the people would put the pressure on the other branches to protect the judiciary.   The courts must therefore exhibit a very heightened level of credibility to maintain their credibility and trust with the people.   The courts should therefore be very careful when they issue court orders that defy logic, or that they know will not be obeyed. 

Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2021, 07:15:01 PM »
You have sunk to levels never seen before!
Courts and judiciary enjoy public trust and confidence;
Parliament and Executive branch have the worst trust levels;
Judiciary unlike parliament and executive - enjoy security of tenure!
Uhuru and his Mps will be gone in 5yrs; well now 1yr; They have no security of tenure.
The judges will retire in their 70s. So Uhuru is making big mistake by creating enemies that will make his retirement hell.
Therefore as long as judiciary remain independent; this is a war you guys with Ouro will NEVER win.
President is allowed to be part of JSC - by appointing 1) AG and 2) Two people- that is already 3 Key members - of 9 member JSC.
Uhuru can also influence LSK - to get two more appointees!
Uhuru just influence the selection of Koome.
What more power do you want Uhuru to have?

If gov refuses to fund judiciary - then it better form a kangaroo court to try criminal cases - because 90 percent of the cases in our courts - are criminal cases brought by gov.

The Problem with the Kenyan Judiciary and the Kenyan lawyers is they think they own the law and that the court decisions come from the high priest of the constitution.  All the three branches of government are co-equal and all of them take the oath to protect the constitution from domestic and foreign enemies.  All of them have the ability to abuse their powers and so all of them must be checked and balanced. The constitution belongs to the people and not to the judiciary and therefore all the branches have a say on it.  The executive and the Legislature cannot go to court if they believe the judiciary is abusing to intepret the law by doing so in a biased way to give its self more power than the framers intended.  Its like the hen going to the fox to complain about fox eating hen.  Ouru had a rightfully believed that the power to  appoint judges is not rubber stamp as the court is trying to pull wool over our heads to believe.  Kenyans have a working understanding that the plain meaning of the word "appoint" confers some measure of discretion and therefore when the court insists that Ouru must rubber stamp the JSC appointments, the court loses its credibilty.  Ouru has no choice in this instance but to protect the constitution by disobeying the abuse of power masquerading as a lawful court  order.

These same activist court not too long ago left Kenyans shaking their heads by  by ordering Ouru to dissolve the parliament in total disregard to the political and the ensuing economic cost and chaos were Ouru was to be stupid enough to carry out such madness. Ouru having taken the oath to defend the country had no choice but to ignore the courts order.  The only way the legislature and the executive can exercise their right to protect the constitution and the country from a rogue judiciary is to ignore them and cut their sources of funding.  The judiciary is the weakest branch of government.  They do not have the guns, the political megaphone and money.  The judiciary therefore depends on its credibility to gain trust from the people. and then the people would put the pressure on the other branches to protect the judiciary.   The courts must therefore exhibit a very heightened level of credibility to maintain that trust with the people.   The courts should therefore be very careful when they issue court orders that defy logic, or that they know will not be obeyed.  In this instant case, the court missed an opportunity to interpret the constitution in a way that gives the president his constitutional rights of discretion and the JSC its right to recommend and vet.  When the court makes bone head decisions that defy logic then it hurts itself and becomes a joke and irrelevant.

Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2021, 07:17:55 PM »
This could bankrupt Uhuru is COA if brave enough. This one of the ways to skin the cat. You cannot use public money to engage in political intrigues - it obvious BBI was project meant to handle the Raila problem.

In any case this can be brought again in the future - when the Auditor General has presented BBI facts.

Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2021, 07:33:32 PM »

Include one person nominated by PSC. He starts with a strong 4.
Now you see why Koome is in a precarious position if she loses half of Judiciary nominees in JSC and lawyers already dont want her. Her goose is cooked once a new regime comes in.

Judiciary and lawyers are known to protect theirselves , Koome seems ready to do executive dirty work. Lawyers have fired a warning shot nowonder she had to give a weak statement the other day.

You have sunk to levels never seen before!
Courts and judiciary enjoy public trust and confidence;
Parliament and Executive branch have the worst trust levels;
Judiciary unlike parliament and executive - enjoy security of tenure!
Uhuru and his Mps will be gone in 5yrs; well now 1yr; They have no security of tenure.
The judges will retire in their 70s. So Uhuru is making big mistake by creating enemies that will make his retirement hell.
Therefore as long as judiciary remain independent; this is a war you guys with Ouro will NEVER win.
President is allowed to be part of JSC - by appointing 1) AG and 2) Two people- that is already 3 Key members - of 9 member JSC.
Uhuru can also influence LSK - to get two more appointees!
Uhuru just influence the selection of Koome.
What more power do you want Uhuru to have?

If gov refuses to fund judiciary - then it better form a kangaroo court to try criminal cases - because 90 percent of the cases in our courts - are criminal cases brought by gov.

The Problem with the Kenyan Judiciary and the Kenyan lawyers is they think they own the law and that the court decisions come from the high priest of the constitution.  All the three branches of government are co-equal and all of them take the oath to protect the constitution from domestic and foreign enemies.  All of them have the ability to abuse their powers and so all of them must be checked and balanced. The constitution belongs to the people and not to the judiciary and therefore all the branches have a say on it.  The executive and the Legislature cannot go to court if they believe the judiciary is abusing to intepret the law by doing so in a biased way to give its self more power than the framers intended.  Its like the hen going to the fox to complain about fox eating hen.  Ouru had a rightfully believed that the power to  appoint judges is not rubber stamp as the court is trying to pull wool over our heads to believe.  Kenyans have a working understanding that the plain meaning of the word "appoint" confers some measure of discretion and therefore when the court insists that Ouru must rubber stamp the JSC appointments, the court loses its credibilty.  Ouru has no choice in this instance but to protect the constitution by disobeying the abuse of power masquerading as a lawful court  order.

These same activist court not too long ago left Kenyans shaking their heads by  by ordering Ouru to dissolve the parliament in total disregard to the political and the ensuing economic cost and chaos were Ouru was to be stupid enough to carry out such madness. Ouru having taken the oath to defend the country had no choice but to ignore the courts order.  The only way the legislature and the executive can exercise their right to protect the constitution and the country from a rogue judiciary is to ignore them and cut their sources of funding.  The judiciary is the weakest branch of government.  They do not have the guns, the political megaphone and money.  The judiciary therefore depends on its credibility to gain trust from the people. and then the people would put the pressure on the other branches to protect the judiciary.   The courts must therefore exhibit a very heightened level of credibility to maintain that trust with the people.   The courts should therefore be very careful when they issue court orders that defy logic, or that they know will not be obeyed.  In this instant case, the court missed an opportunity to interpret the constitution in a way that gives the president his constitutional rights of discretion and the JSC its right to recommend and vet.  When the court makes bone head decisions that defy logic then it hurts itself and becomes a joke and irrelevant.

Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2021, 09:24:25 PM »

We still remember how Ouru/Ruto supporters reacted to the  Maraga court in 2017 which nullified the presidential elections. Today, those who support ouru/ Rao support the executive branch decision to exercise its discretionary powers and those who oppose BBI are crying that Ouru has violated the constitution by standing up to a rogue court.  Its as predictable as day and night so do not try to re-frame it as high minded people or low minded people.  Its all politics.

You have sunk to levels never seen before!
Courts and judiciary enjoy public trust and confidence;
Parliament and Executive branch have the worst trust levels;
Judiciary unlike parliament and executive - enjoy security of tenure!
Uhuru and his Mps will be gone in 5yrs; well now 1yr; They have no security of tenure.
The judges will retire in their 70s. So Uhuru is making big mistake by creating enemies that will make his retirement hell.
Therefore as long as judiciary remain independent; this is a war you guys with Ouro will NEVER win.
President is allowed to be part of JSC - by appointing 1) AG and 2) Two people- that is already 3 Key members - of 9 member JSC.
Uhuru can also influence LSK - to get two more appointees!
Uhuru just influence the selection of Koome.
What more power do you want Uhuru to have?

If gov refuses to fund judiciary - then it better form a kangaroo court to try criminal cases - because 90 percent of the cases in our courts - are criminal cases brought by gov.

The Problem with the Kenyan Judiciary and the Kenyan lawyers is they think they own the law and that the court decisions come from the high priest of the constitution.  All the three branches of government are co-equal and all of them take the oath to protect the constitution from domestic and foreign enemies.  All of them have the ability to abuse their powers and so all of them must be checked and balanced. The constitution belongs to the people and not to the judiciary and therefore all the branches have a say on it.  The executive and the Legislature cannot go to court if they believe the judiciary is abusing to intepret the law by doing so in a biased way to give its self more power than the framers intended.  Its like the hen going to the fox to complain about fox eating hen.  Ouru had a rightfully believed that the power to  appoint judges is not rubber stamp as the court is trying to pull wool over our heads to believe.  Kenyans have a working understanding that the plain meaning of the word "appoint" confers some measure of discretion and therefore when the court insists that Ouru must rubber stamp the JSC appointments, the court loses its credibilty.  Ouru has no choice in this instance but to protect the constitution by disobeying the abuse of power masquerading as a lawful court  order.

These same activist court not too long ago left Kenyans shaking their heads by  by ordering Ouru to dissolve the parliament in total disregard to the political and the ensuing economic cost and chaos were Ouru was to be stupid enough to carry out such madness. Ouru having taken the oath to defend the country had no choice but to ignore the courts order.  The only way the legislature and the executive can exercise their right to protect the constitution and the country from a rogue judiciary is to ignore them and cut their sources of funding.  The judiciary is the weakest branch of government.  They do not have the guns, the political megaphone and money.  The judiciary therefore depends on its credibility to gain trust from the people. and then the people would put the pressure on the other branches to protect the judiciary.   The courts must therefore exhibit a very heightened level of credibility to maintain that trust with the people.   The courts should therefore be very careful when they issue court orders that defy logic, or that they know will not be obeyed.  In this instant case, the court missed an opportunity to interpret the constitution in a way that gives the president his constitutional rights of discretion and the JSC its right to recommend and vet.  When the court makes bone head decisions that defy logic then it hurts itself and becomes a joke and irrelevant.

Where I grew up there's was an expression "Kutupa ndimu kwa mzinga wa nyuki" basically throwing a peeled lemon into a beehive. Then bees get into houses as far 4 kilometers away to sting humans. The place is without peace until sunset.

I have a feeling Uhuru has spilled raw blood in a shark infested part of the ocean.  As pundit pointed out the CoK 2010 is a gift that keeps giving. There's no longer any need to approach dissident businessmen to underwrite suits.


Remember not all the cases made it to the list of 18. A number are still winding through the courts and will finally make it to the court of appeal. So if he's going to throw tantrums he gonna be one sullen spoilt brat.

The case of his bank avoiding taxation will be determined against him. Whichever party loses heads for appeal. Then there are land and eviction cases.

Now Moi faced similar challenges. But he navigated carefully opting to corrupt the judges quietly through Kulei than provoking opprobrium. He knew lawyers and NGOs were like flies. Blue flies. Let them finish their shit but ensure no new shit is dropped nearby. Uhuru runs a nursery school. Give the devil his due before burning him: uhuru needed Ruto more than he'd ever know.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2021, 09:26:52 PM »
I fully agree with Kichwa. The more Tangatanga and allied activists, partisan lawyers and Uhuru haters speak, the more apparent it becomes that their support for judicial independence is nothing objective but pure opportunism. Just one ruling against them -- nay, Koome has not even done a thing - and she is a useless, corrupt system poodle. I am not surprised Grace Mumbi Ngugi cares about her own career first before "Prof" Joel Ngugi's activism. The 34 judges, the JSC and Koome can easily tell that Tangatanga only wants the courts to be independent from Uhuru - not from their own partisan politics and vested interests.
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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2021, 09:28:51 PM »
Tangatanga youthwinger attacks CJ Koome

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2021, 09:31:35 PM »
Tangatanga logic: CJ Koome must bend over backwards to their demands or else... alas, the judiciary is no longer sacrosanct nor independent! Only Odunga and Ngugi should be respected

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2021, 09:35:43 PM »
Tangatanga psyco to swear-in Odunga, Ngugi, et al


This Havi moron can't even command unity nor loyalty within LSK -- a true "democrat" cum believer in the law of the jungle.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2021, 09:37:08 PM »
My Dear Omollo, welcome to Team Ruto  -- you are in fine company

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2021, 09:38:28 PM »
More excellent legal and law-abiding, judge-honoring expletives from Team Ruto

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2021, 10:19:27 PM »

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2021, 11:19:49 PM »

Already Koome is being kicked like a dog -- you would think she is Raila. The poor woman needs to call Kibicho to get more bodyguards - these psycos  can easily EJK her.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2021, 12:04:14 AM »
Your LOW IQ shines through.
There are things we call PRINCIPLES. Or Rules. You break them - and you set a bad precedent - and create new rules.
Maraga told Uhuru - it was all or none.
For he knew - the moment he allowed Uhuru to cherrypick - who to appoint or not - he would have basically taken over the role of JSC and independence.
Next time - and next president - will continue with this tradition - of choosing to appoint who they want - when they want.
JSC would effectively have been clipped. The constitution discarded.
Martha Koome obviously has a good heart (from her reformist women issues) but her LOW IQ is showing (she got a pass in UON for some reason).

These kind of things - remind me of Mumbi Ngugi - stupid rulling that governors who enjoy security of tenure- should step aside when a DPP charges them!

It the biggest assault on devolution. Governors who are supposed to head a level of government - are now walking on eggs - as compromised police and DPP can kick them out of office ANYDAY - they just need trumped charges.

You're happy now - but when Ruto or Raila - who are better politicians - comes - and use this NEW DONATED power by KOOME and Mumbi power - even better deploy this - you'll cry like Moi.

Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.

Moi is dead but their hate continues.

LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.

Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.


She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges :) ; that is how a fool reason.

Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.

It either all or none.

Already Koome is being kicked like a dog -- you would think she is Raila. The poor woman needs to call Kibicho to get more bodyguards - these psycos  can easily EJK her.

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2021, 05:28:27 AM »
I have not (yet) joined Tangatanga. These are however tough times that don't provide for neutrality. No way in hell I can support Uhuru or any stooge of his even if that stooge is Raila. No fucking way. So once Raila became Uhuru's poodle he basically put me out for a transfer. If I don't see some major changes in Ruto's manifesto and a firm irreversible commitment to address long term issues as well as an ironclad undertaking to protect & preserve the constitution I'll probably vote for Reuben Kigame. But yes take it to the bank: I'm never supporting UhuRaila. Never!
My Dear Omollo, welcome to Team Ruto  -- you are in fine company

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2021, 05:53:41 AM »
The two posts are just total nonsense. If Mr. Biased wants to say something he knows after years here how to do it.

The judiciary has no tradition of suo motu actions. Much as I've ceaselessly urged it to take up matters of societal concern. If anyone will go after Ruto or any other corrupt individual it will be the government of the day. The judiciary will listen to and examine the evidence presented and make a determination. So it's just plain foolishness to peddle the LIE that the judiciary "goes after" anyone. It hasn't gone after Uhuru Kenyatta. But the next government- especially one he imposes be it Raila or MaDvD Eternal Compromise Candidate - will. Idiot hasn't learned if you are a corrupt president in Africa you're safe in retirement under a previously rabid leader of the opposition than someone from your party.

On Koome: She, like Njoki Ndungu, has no business at the Supreme Court of Kenya. By April Next year even Robina will be calling for her prompt removal. She won't benefit Uhuru because she's just too obtuse. An intellectual dwarf who can't read a full sentence. CJ is a position every president desires a stooge. But a brainless stooge with a long history of moral perfidy won't help. Why didn't the NiS share their extensive collection of sex videos with Uhuru before recommending the shyster? Sorry but I can tolerate a bribe taking judge if he doesn't go overboard but moral debauchery and incompetence just get me from the wrong side. One needs character to occupy certain positions. Koome lacks the character and will eventually be blackmailed by ruthless advocates. There was an advocate called Makecha who used to celebrate whenever a corrupt man became magistrate or judge. He never took up matters in plenary while defending criminals in cases he ALWAYS won. But would visit the chambers and when he came out the bench would have mellowed somewhat. Finally he wrote the "judgment" and gave the judge or magistrate to sign and read. Just for security he got his copy before it was read and ofcourse used it to shake more money out of the rich criminal client.

You'll see a lot of that because Lawyers are trained blackmailers.

Already Koome is being kicked like a dog -- you would think she is Raila. The poor woman needs to call Kibicho to get more bodyguards - these psycos  can easily EJK her.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2021, 06:03:46 AM »
I thought FnB owned a trucking company or so he said.

Bottom line: Uhuru wants to do something that requires 10 years in 11 months. It's driven by the desire to retain power beyond the 10 years he's granted.

Railaists believe he'll make their man president. The cries will be just too loud. And if he succeeds with his BBI the killings.

But I doubt he wants BBI. I think he'll decree zero elections like his dad did in 1968 and unleash violence on Luos. Nothing pleases the likes of FnB than seeing Luos shot. They get an orgasmic experience
Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.

Moi is dead but their hate continues.

LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.

Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.


She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges :) ; that is how a fool reason.

Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.

It either all or none.

Already Koome is being kicked like a dog -- you would think she is Raila. The poor woman needs to call Kibicho to get more bodyguards - these psycos  can easily EJK her.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2021, 06:19:05 AM »
Unless Uhuru is such a sloth - and as reckless as Kibaki - I believe he is not interested in BBI - except as red-herring. If he was - it would have been pushed early - giving sufficient time - for all these kind of court cases - which were more than expected. Raila was played with BBI 1, 2, 3, 4 - which were nothing other than time-wasting activities.

What he didn't anticipate was that Judiciary would expose his deceit - and threaten to send him the BBI 15B plus bill. That is what is making him very angry - the lawyers have clearly read to him - that court just did not want to tell him to pay but left it for anybody to go to court - and get such orders. It reason he could even kill Prof Ngugi. He should consider his security more seriously. Uhuru being lazy has no time for small corrupt deal - I think in the first term - he took Wanjigis 10 per cent from SGR [standard Chinese project management fee - given to influential fatcats to get the contracts speed things up and handle any non-project issues that ensure Chinese can concentrate on their work, get it done quickly and turn profit] - a whopping 30-50B kshs - but with BBI like judgement - you could easily lose half of he has to threaten judges and even murder some soon.

Uhuru in his 2nd term has been interested in ruling (kenya speak for looting) alone and in peace - and he succeeded - by pitting Raila and Ruto.

He might consider extending it for a few more months - so he can still eat [issue big contracts for his 10%] 2022/2023 budget - while everyone will be busy with elections.

I thought FnB owned a trucking company or so he said.

Bottom line: Uhuru wants to do something that requires 10 years in 11 months. It's driven by the desire to retain power beyond the 10 years he's granted.

Railaists believe he'll make their man president. The cries will be just too loud. And if he succeeds with his BBI the killings.

But I doubt he wants BBI. I think he'll decree zero elections like his dad did in 1968 and unleash violence on Luos. Nothing pleases the likes of FnB than seeing Luos shot. They get an orgasmic experience

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2021, 05:15:13 PM »
 :) the only thing that shines through is your sour grapes after Uhuru scorned your clay idol. Uhuru has ignored 2 orders to swear in the judges - there is no way to coerce him. I see more Tangatanga desperados line up in court wanting Koome not to assign the 34 judges new duties - which is nonsense after the court refused to stop the swearing.

Pundit if you could set aside your partisanship - bagging the 34 birds at hand IS the right thing to do. Why should Mumbi pay for Odunga arrogance - by rejecting a promotion? Your real fear of course is not any judicial independence - but that Ruto is being shafted live-live. What else did you expect :) - Uhuru rigged in Koome - expect her to ignore Havi and Miguna insults & empty threats - as the 34 judges take new jobs bila wasi wasi.

And oh, the judges are not stupid. They can tell from the insults and threats that Tangatanga and their NGO buddies are worse bullies than Uhuru. Judges should be independent from all parties not just the executive.

Your LOW IQ shines through.
There are things we call PRINCIPLES. Or Rules. You break them - and you set a bad precedent - and create new rules.
Maraga told Uhuru - it was all or none.
For he knew - the moment he allowed Uhuru to cherrypick - who to appoint or not - he would have basically taken over the role of JSC and independence.
Next time - and next president - will continue with this tradition - of choosing to appoint who they want - when they want.
JSC would effectively have been clipped. The constitution discarded.
Martha Koome obviously has a good heart (from her reformist women issues) but her LOW IQ is showing (she got a pass in UON for some reason).

These kind of things - remind me of Mumbi Ngugi - stupid rulling that governors who enjoy security of tenure- should step aside when a DPP charges them!

It the biggest assault on devolution. Governors who are supposed to head a level of government - are now walking on eggs - as compromised police and DPP can kick them out of office ANYDAY - they just need trumped charges.

You're happy now - but when Ruto or Raila - who are better politicians - comes - and use this NEW DONATED power by KOOME and Mumbi power - even better deploy this - you'll cry like Moi.

Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.

Moi is dead but their hate continues.

LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.

Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.


She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges :) ; that is how a fool reason.

Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.

It either all or none.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels