Author Topic: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck  (Read 2900 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Best advice - fold TSP - and join UDA

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2021, 07:57:13 AM »
Best advice - fold TSP - and join UDA
Kiunjuri is actually more smarter than had given him. Guy has been working silently around the mountains poaching politicians and who is who. Am surprised he brought on board Ragwa I can without an iota of doubt say Ragwa will be Tharaka Nithi  Senator. Reason is all other Politicians agreed to leave that position to him so taht he doesn't contest the governor. Ragwa is well love there. I think Kiunjuri is a smarter operator than I thought

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2021, 08:14:49 AM »
Majority of those so called "poached politicians" are former MPS and Governors . They seem to want the easy route . Where by through TSP they wont battle it out in the primaries . Well this strategy unfortunately the success rate is very little . Maybe a Govvernor and a few MPS will make it (example is KANU in 2017 elections or GNU & APK in 2013 elections)
If you check Ruto is more popular in Mt Kenya East and Mt Kenya Diaspora and this where TSP and APK  plans to reap benefits . I can predict without doubt .The party which Ruto will run with is the one which will bag more seats in Mt Kenya - That is if Raila runs 

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2021, 08:43:49 AM »
Majority of those so called "poached politicians" are former MPS and Governors . They seem to want the easy route . Where by through TSP they wont battle it out in the primaries . Well this strategy unfortunately the success rate is very little . Maybe a Govvernor and a few MPS will make it (example is KANU in 2017 elections or GNU & APK in 2013 elections)
If you check Ruto is more popular in Mt Kenya East and Mt Kenya Diaspora and this where TSP and APK  plans to reap benefits . I can predict without doubt .The party which Ruto will run with is the one which will bag more seats in Mt Kenya - That is if Raila runs
Yes had not thought about that quite true. So this puts Kuria still at an advantage because he is in Kiambu where the battle is hot. But as for Tharaka Nithi Ragwa is senator.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2021, 09:03:19 AM »
In Central ( Nyeri /Muranga/ Nyandarua/Kirinyaga ) Ruto will get 80 % of the votes. Voter Turnout will depend if he is going on an all out war with Raila ,  Kiambu is usually tricky  in 92 they supported Matiba to the last person because apart from Moi factor , They looked at Maitba as theirs ( Having married their own)  In 1997 a substantial number of the voters boycotted the elections and the ones who voted elected MPS On Ngilus party SDP . It was during the election day that they were propped to vote for Kibaki as president and they did that shingo updane for the Kibaki was "a Kiguoya "but none the less was " wa Nyumba"  . The effect was Moi won the second term easily .
In 2002 they split the vote  between Uhuru and Kibaki and  majority of MPS went in through Uhuru party KANU .

By 2007  elections , Raila had managed to unify the GEMA votes by waging a political war against them . Uhuru had to shift to Kibakis side to survive , with that he became the heir apparent. As at now Ruto needs to put alot of effort in Kiambu and truthfully speaking to win Kiambu he might need Uhuru to vauch for him otherwise a substantial number of voters will abscond 2022  elections. Nonetheless he has made good inroads in Coast province which is simalar to Kiambu count in electorate numbers .
 But if you have Nakuru and Kiambu in your side and nil voter apathy you will be miles ahead .

Majority of those so called "poached politicians" are former MPS and Governors . They seem to want the easy route . Where by through TSP they wont battle it out in the primaries . Well this strategy unfortunately the success rate is very little . Maybe a Govvernor and a few MPS will make it (example is KANU in 2017 elections or GNU & APK in 2013 elections)
If you check Ruto is more popular in Mt Kenya East and Mt Kenya Diaspora and this where TSP and APK  plans to reap benefits . I can predict without doubt .The party which Ruto will run with is the one which will bag more seats in Mt Kenya - That is if Raila runs
Yes had not thought about that quite true. So this puts Kuria still at an advantage because he is in Kiambu where the battle is hot. But as for Tharaka Nithi Ragwa is senator.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2021, 09:27:25 AM »
On matiba he basically lived, married in kiambu and even the mother too...

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2021, 09:29:06 AM »
Kiunjuri will eventually fold up TSP..and so will pep, PDP, uda, Kadi asili,name them to form hustler nation coalition or party. From there it be friendly

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2021, 10:13:08 AM »
Kiunjuri will eventually fold up TSP..and so will pep, PDP, uda, Kadi asili,name them to form hustler nation coalition or party. From there it be friendly
I don't think so once bitten twice shy ask Kiraitu with his Mbus and Kiunjuri they folded party and Uhuru messed them.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2021, 12:20:40 PM »
But what will the part help you in case of a mess. This goodwill business. Ruto will not mess so soon. The 2nd term is where they need serious gurantees. Ruto is suffering as we speak for not factoring that Uhuru could go rogue knowing he won't be accountable to anybody in his 2nd term.
I don't think so once bitten twice shy ask Kiraitu with his Mbus and Kiunjuri they folded party and Uhuru messed them.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2021, 12:48:50 PM »
Kiunjuri in 2013 still went with GNU against Uhuru when it was assured going that route would fail . In 2017 Uhuru just like he did to Ruto tricked him to abandon GNU for a CS post , which more oftenly used to humilate him in public , even after making sure he forego running as a Governor in Laikipia in the 2017 G.E. he dumped him later after using him .  If I were Kiunjuri would go that route but seems he wants to have his cake and eat it , unfortunately just like Kioni with UDF party in 2013 they wont make any strides as ecxpected

Kiunjuri will eventually fold up TSP..and so will pep, PDP, uda, Kadi asili,name them to form hustler nation coalition or party. From there it be friendly
I don't think so once bitten twice shy ask Kiraitu with his Mbus and Kiunjuri they folded party and Uhuru messed them.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2021, 01:21:22 PM »
There are things that betray your #uthamakiness which are so well inbuilt that you are unaware of their existence in your DNA.

Let's start: exactly how did Raila wage war on GEMA?

I will ask other questions later to avoid giving you a free chance to fudge and lie.

By 2007  elections , Raila had managed to unify the GEMA votes by waging a political war against them .

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2021, 02:43:07 PM »
Let me assist,
1) Raila betrayal by GEMA elite
GEMA elite betrayed Raila almost immediately after Kibaki was sworn.
The same night - Raila was blocked from seeing Kibaki.
Instead of becoming a prime minister  - after sharing of power btw LDP and NAK- now Raila needed to book an appointment to see Kibaki.
Initially, I believe they wanted to keep it a secret that Kibaki was a vegetable - who had been hit by a stroke or two - after a blood clot from his leg.
But later became obvious they did not intend to honour the MOU signed btw LDP and NAK.

2) Kenya/national betrayal by GEMA elite

Then Bomas happened - now Kibaki /Gema elites were betraying Kenyans.
Not just Raila - for Bomas process had been a national project.
The Killing of Prof Mbai and the later firing of LDP members of Cabinet became the precursor to 2007 politics.

GEMA elites isolated GEMA from Kenyans in BOMAS of Kenya - and they got punished in 2007-2008 by being hounded all over the country.

For BOMAS main contention was Majimbo/Devolution. GEMA elite learnt nothing from 2005 loss and went headlong - almost like their own people didn't matter.

3) Raila handling of his betrayal was not smart. He should have isolated GEMA people from their elite.

Raila in retrospect should have learnt to handle his personal betrayal better - as Ruto has done.
Ruto has been careful - extremely careful - handling his humiliation and betrayal - a skill Raila lacks.
But maybe he has learnt the lesson - I see Raila is taking BBI betrayal in chest - he is flowing along Uhuru - but the real test will come next year when Uhuru endorse someone else than Raila - like I can 100% guranteeeeeee!

4) GEMA people are also the innocent victims of the manipulative GEMA elite. Raila made it easy for the GEMA elite to paint him as lucifer. Ruto has proven very hard to trip.

And 5) GEMA people after beating they got in 2007 - are not going to be easy to incited to a war they do not understand - and that they would suffer.

This is what is frustrating Uhuru - who is exactly one month away - from being nobody - unless he rigs Kiambaa.

There are things that betray your #uthamakiness which are so well inbuilt that you are unaware of their existence in your DNA.

Let's start: exactly how did Raila wage war on GEMA?

I will ask other questions later to avoid giving you a free chance to fudge and lie.

By 2007  elections , Raila had managed to unify the GEMA votes by waging a political war against them .

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2021, 09:38:38 PM »
I don't disagree with that account. It's one we've handled in real time all the way from the start. I was the last remaining KANU soldier & indeed crossed to LDP > ODM when I just got fed up with GEMA triumphalism manifested in tribal bigotry.

If you recall I repeatedly wrote about the Kikuyu intelligentsia being the engine behind tribalism in Kenya and specifically the Kibaki kleptocracy. They incite it, run it and then put on their Armani suits bought with stolen taxes to deny & pontificate. I never tired of criticizing Raila for pandering to the elite hoping - like MaDvD- that they'll admit him in their good company.

What Mr. Uthamaki is revealing is exactly who he was at that time. "Waging war on GEMA" was the standard response to anti-devolution. The policy was Kikuyu expansionism. The tribesmen were free to roam the country using their newly recovered power from the "2nd liberation" to help themselves to public resources and more specifically LAND. For some reason they feared devolution will expose census fraud & a shrinking population that in the words of Duale, can only grow, not in the bedroom but boardroom. They have ofcourse addressed this by simply keeping a ministry of devolution with a huge budget meant for corruption; kept a ministry of health with a budget bigger than devolved health funds, etc. But before that they looked at any support for devolution as a declaration of war on GEMA

So Mr. Uthamaki is inadvertently revealing where his sympathies lay.

I'm for the segregation of diehard Uthamakistanis from ordinary shirted upon men and barefooted women with dresses stuck in their crackers. But the creation of a unified Kenya will involve confronting Uthamakistanis. It must be done by persuasion but the big stick must be not far away.

Otherwise they'll plot and return to power after a short period. I'm not for the idea of appointment of a Kikuyu to appease Uthamakistanis. That Moi mistake caused some of the current problems.

Do another internationally supervised census reveal them for the minority they are let Somalis be accepted for their large numbers, give Lyhya and Kalenjin their number one & two positions then use that data to reward. I'd ask Ruto to name a northerner as DP.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2021, 10:46:50 PM »
No doubt last census was rigged..gema numbers padded.No less than prof lonyapouo..maths professor demonstrated from west pokot.. Uhuru census rigging.Next census will shock people

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2021, 05:51:10 AM »
Census riggng is among the abuses of state and national.institutions to mobilize one tribe and keep it acting like an automatic voting machine for a clique within it.

It is also a booby trap to assist in pushing the narrative of that ethnic group being "finished" anytime corrections are made. Failing or refusing to confront it will continue to encourage bigotry.

The day that is confronted Mr. Uthamaki here will claim "Ruto is waging war on GEMA" or similar ethnic 'persecution'. Just like devolution and support for it represented a war against GEMA. Raila fighting betrayal by taking on Kibaki was ofcourse warfare against GEMA and you read Mr. Uthamaki write about it in his sleep.

No doubt last census was rigged..gema numbers padded.No less than prof lonyapouo..maths professor demonstrated from west pokot.. Uhuru census rigging.Next census will shock people
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2021, 06:16:31 AM »
Hustler/class struggle has successfully delinked majority poor GEMA from their rich entitled GEMA elite. Ruto has succeeded in re-awakening the GEMA people class struggles. He did this too against Moi and his tiny elite - who like GEMA elite - had become so entitled and so arrogant - they thought they were a gift to the community.

After the next election - we will see a new crop of GEMA elite - mostly young, really representative (poor like everyone else), and hopefully educated - this is what happened in Kalenjin post-Moi. This will be true representation and leadership. Not continuation of imposed British class system on Kenyans.

So GEMA problem is basically over - we are seeing the last resistance - but unless they abort this hustler revolution - they are done. Next election they will be swept aside and new pro-people pro-national elites will emerge - and If Ruto wins - he will be responsible to grow nationhood - and hopefully resist the urge to oversteal or engage in tribalism.

Next problem - LUO NYANZA AND ODINGA FAMILY CULT. This one will sort itself out post 2022 when Raila retires. There doesn't seem to be an Odinga ready to inherit the father - so Luos have a chance in 2027 for a new fresh start. As for 2022 - we will still deal with the usual ODINGA COWS.

The rest of the communities do not really have any problem - Luhyas are okay - Kambas okay - coast okay (small problem with Arabs elite seem almost sorted if Joho retires).

I don't disagree with that account. It's one we've handled in real time all the way from the start. I was the last remaining KANU soldier & indeed crossed to LDP > ODM when I just got fed up with GEMA triumphalism manifested in tribal bigotry.

If you recall I repeatedly wrote about the Kikuyu intelligentsia being the engine behind tribalism in Kenya and specifically the Kibaki kleptocracy. They incite it, run it and then put on their Armani suits bought with stolen taxes to deny & pontificate. I never tired of criticizing Raila for pandering to the elite hoping - like MaDvD- that they'll admit him in their good company.

What Mr. Uthamaki is revealing is exactly who he was at that time. "Waging war on GEMA" was the standard response to anti-devolution. The policy was Kikuyu expansionism. The tribesmen were free to roam the country using their newly recovered power from the "2nd liberation" to help themselves to public resources and more specifically LAND. For some reason they feared devolution will expose census fraud & a shrinking population that in the words of Duale, can only grow, not in the bedroom but boardroom. They have ofcourse addressed this by simply keeping a ministry of devolution with a huge budget meant for corruption; kept a ministry of health with a budget bigger than devolved health funds, etc. But before that they looked at any support for devolution as a declaration of war on GEMA

So Mr. Uthamaki is inadvertently revealing where his sympathies lay.

I'm for the segregation of diehard Uthamakistanis from ordinary shirted upon men and barefooted women with dresses stuck in their crackers. But the creation of a unified Kenya will involve confronting Uthamakistanis. It must be done by persuasion but the big stick must be not far away.

Otherwise they'll plot and return to power after a short period. I'm not for the idea of appointment of a Kikuyu to appease Uthamakistanis. That Moi mistake caused some of the current problems.

Do another internationally supervised census reveal them for the minority they are let Somalis be accepted for their large numbers, give Lyhya and Kalenjin their number one & two positions then use that data to reward. I'd ask Ruto to name a northerner as DP.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiunjuri shows his cards - as Moses Kuria breathes down his neck
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2021, 07:07:43 AM »
Some additions and subtractions:

Joho isn't an Arab or swahili. He's a good Mdigo boy who started identifying with Swahili.

Raila forgot that certain matters are settled by customs. The man saw his father had multiple wives and thought that was primitive. The usual problems of a product of a polygamous family. The mothers indoctrinated the sons to hate polygamy.

Man got one wife who seems to hate living at home in Bondo and instead prefers Nairobi where she believes she's the Former PM and cuts deals for Raila to endorse. Yao imeisha. If we fail to develop a post Raila constellation some demagogue could emerge from the family in 30 years etc

Frankly I just want to see an end to tribal politics. Sadly corruption and tribal politics are welded together like the heads and tails of a coin.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread