Let me assist,
1) Raila betrayal by GEMA elite
GEMA elite betrayed Raila almost immediately after Kibaki was sworn.
The same night - Raila was blocked from seeing Kibaki.
Instead of becoming a prime minister - after sharing of power btw LDP and NAK- now Raila needed to book an appointment to see Kibaki.
Initially, I believe they wanted to keep it a secret that Kibaki was a vegetable - who had been hit by a stroke or two - after a blood clot from his leg.
But later became obvious they did not intend to honour the MOU signed btw LDP and NAK.
2) Kenya/national betrayal by GEMA elite
Then Bomas happened - now Kibaki /Gema elites were betraying Kenyans.
Not just Raila - for Bomas process had been a national project.
The Killing of Prof Mbai and the later firing of LDP members of Cabinet became the precursor to 2007 politics.
GEMA elites isolated GEMA from Kenyans in BOMAS of Kenya - and they got punished in 2007-2008 by being hounded all over the country.
For BOMAS main contention was Majimbo/Devolution. GEMA elite learnt nothing from 2005 loss and went headlong - almost like their own people didn't matter.
3) Raila handling of his betrayal was not smart. He should have isolated GEMA people from their elite.
Raila in retrospect should have learnt to handle his personal betrayal better - as Ruto has done.
Ruto has been careful - extremely careful - handling his humiliation and betrayal - a skill Raila lacks.
But maybe he has learnt the lesson - I see Raila is taking BBI betrayal in chest - he is flowing along Uhuru - but the real test will come next year when Uhuru endorse someone else than Raila - like I can 100% guranteeeeeee!
4) GEMA people are also the innocent victims of the manipulative GEMA elite. Raila made it easy for the GEMA elite to paint him as lucifer. Ruto has proven very hard to trip.
And 5) GEMA people after beating they got in 2007 - are not going to be easy to incited to a war they do not understand - and that they would suffer.
This is what is frustrating Uhuru - who is exactly one month away - from being nobody - unless he rigs Kiambaa.
There are things that betray your #uthamakiness which are so well inbuilt that you are unaware of their existence in your DNA.
Let's start: exactly how did Raila wage war on GEMA?
I will ask other questions later to avoid giving you a free chance to fudge and lie.
By 2007 elections , Raila had managed to unify the GEMA votes by waging a political war against them .