This the d-day for Koome. If she doesn't come strongly to condemn Uhuru in the strongest terms possible; then we can as well prepare for civil war in kenya.
This the d-day for Koome. If she doesn't come strongly to condemn Uhuru in the strongest terms possible; then we can as well prepare for civil war in kenya.
Tantrums thrower in chief. What a noose he got himself into. It can only get tighter and tighter. Likely Mumbi Ngugi will be among the seven judges to sit for the BBI appeal.
Pundit, what is your posseion with civil war or you just do not understand what civil war is altogether?
Uhuru has gone against the constituition, but we the people of Kenya have to fight back using the very same constituition the man has breached. Nobody is going to be ready to loose his life because of some judges whom they do not even know.This the d-day for Koome. If she doesn't come strongly to condemn Uhuru in the strongest terms possible; then we can as well prepare for civil war in kenya.
What prevent civil war is strong institution like independent judiciary. If we bury our heads in the sand - it won't make the problem go away. Ruto is the biggest proponent in 2022 - and he has 2million armed youths. You got to think about some the minimum.
If it was Raila - I won't be talking about any war - but few stone throwers.
If it kalenjin nation - prepare for war - for they are prepared for war.
Barking dogs do not bite.
Uhuru with this BBI thing. This will go back to the courts and they will nullify the appointments intill all 41 judges are appointed.
Its unpresidential to take things personal.BBI is dead no amount of pulling strings will make it come back. Uhuru still believes in a miracle.same as 2002 till votes started counting he thought he still had a chance.
Uhuru with this BBI thing. This will go back to the courts and they will nullify the appointments intill all 41 judges are appointed.
Its unpresidential to take things personal.BBI is dead no amount of pulling strings will make it come back. Uhuru still believes in a miracle.same as 2002 till votes started counting he thought he still had a chance.
Pundit come here:
This the d-day for Koome. If she doesn't come strongly to condemn Uhuru in the strongest terms possible; then we can as well prepare for civil war in kenya.Civil war will be fought in RV but has a capacity to make rhe rest of country ungovernable as most government machinery will be sent there exposing ares like NEP coast etc .Uhuru to me is very childish behaving like a toddler.
This the d-day for Koome. If she doesn't come strongly to condemn Uhuru in the strongest terms possible; then we can as well prepare for civil war in kenya.Civil war will be fought in RV but has a capacity to make rhe rest of country ungovernable as most government machinery will be sent there exposing ares like NEP coast etc .Uhuru to me is very childish behaving like a toddler.
Civil war will be fought in RV but has a capacity to make rhe rest of country ungovernable as most government machinery will be sent there exposing ares like NEP coast etc .Uhuru to me is very childish behaving like a toddler.
He has soiled the reputation of those he appointed especially to COA - because it appears they are friendly to executives. I hope they don't force brilliant judges like Prof Ngugi to flee back to diaspora.
As for Odunga and the rest - they are harderned.Odunga is as crazy stubborn jaluo jeuri as they come. He will next hit Uhuru so hard - I won't be suprised if he send entire BBI bill to him in the future.
Uhuru with this BBI thing. This will go back to the courts and they will nullify the appointments intill all 41 judges are appointed.
Its unpresidential to take things personal.BBI is dead no amount of pulling strings will make it come back. Uhuru still believes in a miracle.same as 2002 till votes started counting he thought he still had a chance.
Who will be fighting against whom in RV? I thought Kikuyus and Kalejins will vote as a block.
Uhuru’s obsession with BBI is starting to rub me the wrong way, let the law take it’s course and do not punish those who do not support it. I understand wanting to leave a legacy of a United Kenya but do it constitutionally. As for Kalenjins fighting a war with everyone, we have heard this before, if Kikuyus lose an election, the next day, people say a prayer and move on. We lost to Moi with obvious rigging and moved on with torture quietly. This entitlement that Ruto have to become president or the country burns is exactly why he will lose the election, Kenya is bigger than Kalenjins, I would like to actually know what percentage of our GDP is contributed by Kalenjins for them to have this kind of entitlement. Presidents trying to engineer the next election to favor their preferred candidate is done legally all over the world, Uhuru has settled for Raila and there is nothing wrong with that, he should however let our institutions referee the contest, Kenyans want to see a fair and transparent election. I still maintain that someone like Mudavadi can actually get elected this time around and this is gaining traction, a noncontroversial guy with some knowledge of how the economic works.
Uhuru’s obsession with BBI is starting to rub me the wrong way, let the law take it’s course and do not punish those who do not support it. I understand wanting to leave a legacy of a United Kenya but do it constitutionally. As for Kalenjins fighting a war with everyone, we have heard this before, if Kikuyus lose an election, the next day, people say a prayer and move on. We lost to Moi with obvious rigging and moved on with torture quietly. This entitlement that Ruto have to become president or the country burns is exactly why he will lose the election, Kenya is bigger than Kalenjins, I would like to actually know what percentage of our GDP is contributed by Kalenjins for them to have this kind of entitlement. Presidents trying to engineer the next election to favor their preferred candidate is done legally all over the world, Uhuru has settled for Raila and there is nothing wrong with that, he should however let our institutions referee the contest, Kenyans want to see a fair and transparent election. I still maintain that someone like Mudavadi can actually get elected this time around and this is gaining traction, a noncontroversial guy with some knowledge of how the economic works.
:D I see Pundit is back to his true self not the fake democrat only when his side is winning. Ati petty Unity has done what? is that news? The headline should be more like "Mr" Kenyatta answers "Mr" Odunga: know your place moron
Anyway when Pundit issues PEV threats then you know Ruto is in trouble. The 34 judges just sworn in will not step down for Odunga and Ngugi, the upteenth court order will be ignored. Ngugi can go teach at Buffalo Law NY with Makau Mutua.
About PEV... so laughably predictable . BBI is likely to come back, and your almighty warlord can slaughter his new friends Kikuyus... we already ran that analysis sometimes back. Loss and loss for Ruto.
In short Pundit, the gravity does not cave if Ruto loses. Just one loss and you are already threatening civil war :) Wait at least until you really lose... every contest has winners and losers. In meantime maybe prep that No tee shirt - hope you didn't toss it after pinning hope on odunga.
:D I see Pundit is back to his true self not the fake democrat only when his side is winning. Ati petty Unity has done what? is that news? The headline should be more like "Mr" Kenyatta answers "Mr" Odunga: know your place moron
Anyway when Pundit issues PEV threats then you know Ruto is in trouble. The 34 judges just sworn in will not step down for Odunga and Ngugi, the upteenth court order will be ignored. Ngugi can go teach at Buffalo Law NY with Makau Mutua.
About PEV... so laughably predictable . BBI is likely to come back, and your almighty warlord can slaughter his new friends Kikuyus... we already ran that analysis sometimes back. Loss and loss for Ruto.
In short Pundit, the gravity does not cave if Ruto loses. Just one loss and you are already threatening civil war :) Wait at least until you really lose... every contest has winners and losers. In meantime maybe prep that No tee shirt - hope you didn't toss it after pinning hope on odunga.
While posting I saw some speculation about the appeals bench. I've been a firm advocate for using a traditional pot to pick panelists. Put all available judges in the mtungi and in public ask someone to pull out 7 names. Those pulled out join the panel. The most senior judge of them presides unless he leaves it to the next senior.
Uhuru losing sleep over a CJ and his power to select an anti Kenyatta panel... why not limit that power by prescribing an open and transparent method. Deny the CJ the power to fix a bench by his or her own discretion. Computerize it.
Note that the rumor that Odunga, Mwita, Joel Ngugi would have sat on an appeal against their own judgment is another Uthamaki propaganda. Hakuna ushenzi kama huo.
Uhuru targeted the said judges for their role in the case that found him guilty of violating chapter 6. He decided to revenge
I was in a debate yesterday. Someone who thinks am anti Kikuyu. I asked for a restatement of all the past positions I've held on social and political matters and helped to recall them. Most have since gone mainstream and nobody gets to suffer the suspensions Bowen heaped on me back then blocking my ip address to ensure I didn't login with a different name.
I have cheered Kikuyus who have shared the values of non corruption, national interests against narrow ethnic bigotry. I take no credit for cheering Justice Mumbi Ngugi though I should.
So when it comes to Joel Ngugi the leading propaganda peddlers against him are Raila-Supporting Luo Trolls.
I think Maraga didn't choose him because of the desire for revenge. The petitions were quite numerous (18) and in the words of one opponent "too intellectual". I wouldn't expect a semi literate judge like Nambuye to even comprehend one paragraph. Joel Ngugi in a way rescued the judiciary and that bench / panel by being able to respond to the intellectual arrogance of some of the litigants on a sound and level footing.
But Uhuru Kenyatta is a primitive man given to the satisfaction of basic needs and having no capacity for greater ideas than old style money making and spending norms. To him complex ideas that aren't aiding his money making scams like Huduma number, SGR etc are Schemes to remove him from power. He can't appreciate Ngugi whether Mumbi or Joel. The tribalist feels "betrayed" by tribesmen.
I hope you read my time analysis for BBI and how it is already dead. Uhuru wants to remove reference to him as a moral debauch after the court found he violated chapter 6. That's a life sentence because he can't even run a charity or sit on the board of a PLC.
But he's not fighting for BBI.
In addition to what I wrote, almost every day sees portions of the BBI become time barred. In fact the high court landed a fatal blow on BBI.
You as a Railaist should be celebrating. 70 Uthamaki constituencies would have disenfranchised Nyanza and Luhyaland. The court saved Raila from himself.
35% for devolution when they failed to remit 5% in 2017, 9% in 2018, 20% in 2019 and God only knows how little they'll give for 2021 (% of the 15% due to counties that failed to be remitted. I recall the figures off head and may post the accurate ones in future
?s=20Question to @WMutunga. The President has INVITED us to a NATIONAL CONVERSATION. And the question is this: Should Judicial CHOICES be accompanied by the BURDEN of CHOICE? Yes or NO? Legal SIMPLETONS like @kipmurkomen and TWITTER lawyers with a HOLE in the head SHOULD NOT COMMENT.
— Mutahi Ngunyi (@MutahiNgunyi) June 1, 2021
?s=20We need the TRUTH about Joel Ngugi and George Odunga. What does DCI, FBI, NIS, and the EACC know? 41 Judges were NOT sworn in because SOME Judges were NOT cleared by NIS. Why were the TWO Judges NOT gazette? If DCI has DOSSIER against them, he should ACT in the NAMEof the PEOPLE
— Mutahi Ngunyi (@MutahiNgunyi) June 3, 2021
?s=20When they woke up THREE TIMES to elect President Uhuru Kenyatta, they called those of us supporting Baba all sorts of expletives. As they look for new political alignments beyond Uhuru, they’re now shifting goal posts & transferred the expletives to him.
— Donald B Kipkorir (@DonaldBKipkorir) June 4, 2021
?s=20In US, UK, India, South Africa, Uganda & all Countries that have same legal system to ours, criticizing the Judiciary is the norm. In Kenya, we are developing a very subversive & false theory that Judges are above criticism. Judges aren’t gods! Judges ought to welcome criticism.
— Donald B Kipkorir (@DonaldBKipkorir) June 4, 2021
?s=20US Supreme Court in a majority decision in Castle Rock v Gonzales, 545 us 748 (2005) held that the word “SHALL” means “maybe or maybe not” ... They also held that Court Orders don’t create Constitutional Rights! US Supreme Court is the Gold Standard of Jurisprudence.
— Donald B Kipkorir (@DonaldBKipkorir) June 4, 2021
?s=20In Kenya now, it is de rigueur to stand up to the President ... To disrespect, abuse & disobey the President is seen as protecting the Constitution .. In August 2017, those telling us now about Rule of Law read a different script then ... Rule of Law isn’t a revolving door!
— Donald B Kipkorir (@DonaldBKipkorir) June 4, 2021
?s=20In Kenya, the Judiciary is only seen as INDEPENDENT when it gives Orders against the Executive .... BUT when it tries or denies bail to the Corrupt, it is accused of being COMPROMISED. THE TRUTH: Our Judiciary has been Independent since 1897 BUT Few Judges play to Public Gallery.
— Donald B Kipkorir (@DonaldBKipkorir) June 4, 2021
As long as Ruto remains the man to beat - be acutely aware that a civil war is very possible - if a credible election is not held next year- just like you are aware that Kibera will always erupt when Raila doesn't have his way. It just happens that Kibera and other slums do not have the kind of KICK that Kalenjin warriors pack.
These are the subtext of the next election.
You cannot analyze politics or issues in isolation.
Therefore very important that elections are held in such a manner the Kalenjin warriors do not have to erupt - for have 2 million jobless youth - living amongst 2 million helpless immigrant civilians from other tribes erupt - is not some idle joke.
It's serious. If UFOOL want to play rough - let him find ways to handle the 2m kalenjin warriors. If he has no means and ways - let him not dare provoke a war. It very painful for the poor immigrants mixed in there - who will lose their properties, lifetime investment and lives. Then revenge attacks on Kalenjin like us settled in diaspora of other tribes....meaning we are putting in jeopardy about 3 million people - including myself.
It's Not a joke. And I will keep repeating this warning everytime I see evidence of a messed up election.
Ruto can lose in a fair way - like the way BBI was endorsed by 43 counties - against Kalenjn 7. If that happens - Kalenjin will suck it up - and continue with life. They did it in 2002 when Moi and Uhuru lost. They did it in 2010 with the constitution.
But to imagine that Kalenjin will take a stolen election when their man is the main actor is to JOKE in a very grave issue. To brazenly rig Ruto out is to declare a civil war - it that plain simple.
Judiciary is part of having a credible election - in such a serious contest - you better have a CREDIBLE judiciary that will listen to election complaints and fairly adjudicate so people don't have to bring crude weapons to sort out conflicts.
?s=20From the CJ Koome statement, it’s clear that the main rider take-away there is, “the CJ’s office is not involved in judges recruitment in any way” so “don’t threaten me.”
— Robert ALAI, HSC (@RobertAlai) June 5, 2021
?s=20Thanks. We must finish the journey with Uhuru. Of all these politicians, President Uhuru is the least harmful.
— Robert ALAI, HSC (@RobertAlai) June 5, 2021
This gang of Ruto would disobey the law, maim and kill at will.
The supporters don’t know what they wish for.
?s=20Ruto called people demonstrating against the govt, “militia.” Tanga Tanga adherents like Ndindi Nyoro called for the suspension of democracy and Moses Kuria called for killings.
— Robert ALAI, HSC (@RobertAlai) June 4, 2021
If you really think that Uhuru is bad and Ruto is your alternative, you are just a pig. Wake up!
Yes -- my point is when I tell you PORK has massive power to clobber few rebel judges you say am endorsing impunity - that Robina has sunk to new low. But so now do you endorse genocide - PEV2 - EJK of unborn babies?
The reality is Uhuru & Raila can easily beat Ruto. Ruto & Kalenjin can easily cause PEV2... and Ruto will be the big loser as warriors kill Kikuyus, Luhyas, Gusii. Maybe few Luos and Maasai? PEV1 cornered Kibaki due to non-Gema unity. But non-Gema are effectively divided and that exposes Ruto to 41 vs 1 disadvantage.As long as Ruto remains the man to beat - be acutely aware that a civil war is very possible - if a credible election is not held next year- just like you are aware that Kibera will always erupt when Raila doesn't have his way. It just happens that Kibera and other slums do not have the kind of KICK that Kalenjin warriors pack.
These are the subtext of the next election.
You cannot analyze politics or issues in isolation.
Therefore very important that elections are held in such a manner the Kalenjin warriors do not have to erupt - for have 2 million jobless youth - living amongst 2 million helpless immigrant civilians from other tribes erupt - is not some idle joke.
It's serious. If UFOOL want to play rough - let him find ways to handle the 2m kalenjin warriors. If he has no means and ways - let him not dare provoke a war. It very painful for the poor immigrants mixed in there - who will lose their properties, lifetime investment and lives. Then revenge attacks on Kalenjin like us settled in diaspora of other tribes....meaning we are putting in jeopardy about 3 million people - including myself.
It's Not a joke. And I will keep repeating this warning everytime I see evidence of a messed up election.
Ruto can lose in a fair way - like the way BBI was endorsed by 43 counties - against Kalenjn 7. If that happens - Kalenjin will suck it up - and continue with life. They did it in 2002 when Moi and Uhuru lost. They did it in 2010 with the constitution.
But to imagine that Kalenjin will take a stolen election when their man is the main actor is to JOKE in a very grave issue. To brazenly rig Ruto out is to declare a civil war - it that plain simple.
Judiciary is part of having a credible election - in such a serious contest - you better have a CREDIBLE judiciary that will listen to election complaints and fairly adjudicate so people don't have to bring crude weapons to sort out conflicts.
Tweet of the week?s=20Ruto called people demonstrating against the govt, “militia.” Tanga Tanga adherents like Ndindi Nyoro called for the suspension of democracy and Moses Kuria called for killings.
— Robert ALAI, HSC (@RobertAlai) June 4, 2021
If you really think that Uhuru is bad and Ruto is your alternative, you are just a pig. Wake up!