If Luhya back Uhuru rigging machine - the epicenter will most likely be in Nandi-Uasin-Gishu-Transzoia - where I estimate a million Luhyas live amongst Kalenjin - if I was living especially in the middle of Nandi - I would move before 22nd August. It won't be safe.If Kikuyus back Uhuru rigging machine - Kalenjin war machine will go for them - coz like Luhyas above - they are the easy targets.
The next epicenter will be as usual kipisgis against Gusii, Luos and maybe Kikuyu - all this depending on who is Pro gov or not.
It will start like 2007. People will peacefully demonstrate. Matiangi will sent police to shot people. Kalenjin warriors will attack civilian minorities living among them. The police will be overwhelmed as they become humanitarian agencies....each police station will have to handle thousands of people - and Matiangi/Uhuru will be calling for reinforcement from Mungiki and Chinkoro.
Uhuru will bring reinforcement - but soon they will also get overwhelmed - and before you know - Uhuru will hand over to Gen Badi

- and a Somali will run kenya
Who will be fighting against whom in RV? I thought Kikuyus and Kalejins will vote as a block.