We need to find solutions both for the humans and the conservation/restoration priorities. We have so much land we don't use. If we could just reclaim it, we would solve both.
All that land around the Mara, if you go there now, is becoming farmland. The better ones are private conservations. Fences all over. It has restricted wildlife to a very tiny portion. The Mara now feels like a district rather than a province if you go there. After two days, you've seen it all. Why? Maasais are becoming farmers and/or selling their land to others, coz the govt gave them title deeds some time ago. We can't solve that fencing issue if we are NOT giving them solutions/alternatives. I've seen some conservations who've managed to convince some pastoralists not to turn their land into farms or even fence them off. But they get the tourism revenue, in turn. These people must be part of the solution if you hope for it to last. We need the government to take over these efforts and spear-head these solutions for it to be widespread.