Author Topic: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.  (Read 9591 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« on: October 10, 2014, 06:57:43 AM »
When i told vooke and company that China was set to overtake US very soon they didn't believe

Now it's least on PPP terms..but i suspect even in nominal terms when China's yuan is allowed to appreciate to it's real value..about 10-30% undervalued will overtake US on nominal (dollar terms).

China man is back to controlling the world trade and related affairs after 200yrs when Brits and American have ran the world...through slavery, colonization,plunder of others natural resources mainly gold,diamond,oil and etc,extermination of red indians in Americas and aboriginals in Oceanias, wars,industrialization and innovation.

China man has done it mostly via working extremely hard, learning(copy-paste),innovating and fairly trading with rest of world.....their empire is not built on the sweat and blood of others.

This is great day for the world. Chinese ran world i think will be better than bazungu world.

Offline anarchista

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2014, 08:21:17 AM »
Cue Hong Kong Umbrella pseudo-revolution. The US in not taking this lying down- expect more wars on spurious grounds as it tries to control the flow of oil and trade in dollars.

The writing is on the wall. US stats dont make pretty reading despite its lectures to everybody else

  • 20.4 million live in deep poverty (half of Kenya?)
  • 32 million adults can't read (75% of Kenya?)

Meanwhile the New World Order is taking shape

The Chinese are no angels themselves but a world without American warmongery is always going to be a better world.

Ofcourse there are claims that the proper measure is GDP but even so, its a question of when, not if.

Hopefully America will not kill us all trying to stop that happening.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2014, 08:36:43 AM »
The US i think have given up...China has deftly move to the top while avoiding US attempts to goad her into conflicts and wars..China man stealthy economic submarine is moving under water at top speed...

On the you can see all over Africa..the last decade..the rise of china has meant the rise of rest of world.

US and old developed economy simply are on marginal returns...and will be struggling to maintain their current lifestyle..leave alone lifting millions out of poverty.

China man has lifted nearly half a billion out of poverty in a decade.

Offline anarchista

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2014, 08:49:19 AM »
The US will never give up. The question is how much shit they will cause.

China essentially owns the US, when the US stops printing dollars, but the Chinese engine relies on importing oil. Wherever in the world the strike an oil deal, expect war to follow re: Sudan, or any proposed pipeline route is guarantee for oil.

Chinese biggest problem is without American market, it goes tits up. Africa, India and Latin America aint putting lenovo laptops on their credit cards. We can afford only cheap plastic trinkets that have zero margins.

Sins of the father... . . blood from the son

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2014, 03:23:47 PM »
Every damn thing sold in USA and most of the world is MADE IN CHINA. US companies relocated to China enmasse for cheap labor and sent products back. A producing country became a consumer country sending massive amounts back to China to build more factories to sell more to the world. So China did not do it alone rather capital moved from the west and they benefited.
In 1990s I heard the same about Japan, then.....
Average Chinese earns $4k/yr. Its the shear number that makes it huge.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2014, 04:13:08 PM »
US has given up already because China is as of today the world leading economy. I do not know what US will do to reverse that.

Secondly i think OIL for now as resource is overrated. China people don't know is a MAJOR OIL PRODUCER. They have one field that i think rivals Saudi been a sweet pot of Oil somewhere in Quanzu. In figures both US and China produce about half their demand. US has been fracking..and they are going to be self sufficient. China is set to begin fracking. Suffice to say China produces i think 3-4M barrels daily from their oil fields...if they frack..they will be self sufficient soon.

Thirdly is this common US propaganda that US is china biggest or heck only market (or heck source of FDI). US is anything 15% of China market. China does trade of nearly 40% with asian nations (japan,koreas,malaysia, philiphines,indonesia,india, Iran,Saudi Arabia etc). China does another 15% with European union. It does 2-5% with Africa...and maybe about the same with Latin America.

If US was to embargo they've done in ICT (Huwaei and other chinese companies are not allowed due to "security concerns")...China will still you've seen their big tech companies..have outran the rest of world except the US. They are just going to lose 15% of their international trade.

USD is only a concern to China because it's global currency so whatever country they trade....most guys want to be paid in USD and how FED mess up with it becomes china no 1 concern. China therefore invested in US debts and pegged their currency to the shield themselves from American games. That now is history...China knows USD is on it's way out..many people are now signing deals with China using china man is working on making yuan a global currency. With excess money..china has stopped investing in US debts..and has started buy off US big companies....big they can learn on it as they go international...wakina Kraft food and even recently US's iconic hotel waldrof.

This century is china..just like the rest of 18 CENTURIES of modern world...when china supplied all trinkets,pots,ceramics,porcleain, clothes,silverware,chinaware,brass,earings,knives, name our forefathers for 2,000 yrs of christian calender.

US is a flip in historical radar. Came, terrorized the world and gone. Now this is for big boys..China and India. They are going to be neck to neck but China man has big edge.

The US will never give up. The question is how much shit they will cause.

China essentially owns the US, when the US stops printing dollars, but the Chinese engine relies on importing oil. Wherever in the world the strike an oil deal, expect war to follow re: Sudan, or any proposed pipeline route is guarantee for oil.

Chinese biggest problem is without American market, it goes tits up. Africa, India and Latin America aint putting lenovo laptops on their credit cards. We can afford only cheap plastic trinkets that have zero margins.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2014, 04:28:16 PM »
Nobody can precisely predict how this will work out but we'll wait and see.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2014, 05:03:27 PM »
One fact I learnt this week is that 60% of the world's population is Asian. :D :D

Offline bryan275

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2014, 06:59:27 AM »
China would be no where without US demand and innovation. Please note that the US economy is very localised with about 10% exports....China however....

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2014, 07:10:56 AM »
US would be no where without copy-pasting British/Europe innovation and demand. Everybody got to start somewhere. Right now China are the top dog..and US can only watch the dragon grow bigger and bigger...despite their humble starting ground about 30yrs ago.
China would be no where without US demand and innovation. Please note that the US economy is very localised with about 10% exports....China however....

Offline bryan275

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2014, 07:55:13 AM »
Until demand inside China outstrips its exports, the US is still king.  The customer always is. 

The sheer weight of Chinaman's poor is mind boggling... 3 times the entire US population...
China would be no where without US demand and innovation. Please note that the US economy is very localised with about 10% exports....China however....

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2014, 07:58:21 AM »
When did you last check china economy might be mouthing stuff you last heard in 1990.  Last i checked China domestic driven economy had eclipsed international trade/export driven economy (where US account for 15% of that that segment).

US is the king in exactly what?..when China has outpaced it in nearly everything that is measurable.

China is still poor..2nd world with 10k Gdp per capita...but it has lifted 500M out of poverty in a generation...which is unprecedented.

Until demand inside China outstrips its exports, the US is still king.  The customer always is. 

The sheer weight of Chinaman's poor is mind boggling... 3 times the entire US population..

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2014, 08:05:16 AM »
Bryan...China is fastest consumer market and second world biggest importer.

Offline bryan275

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2014, 08:05:16 AM »
Every time you come mouthing off about it.  Kumbe your stuff is 20 years old? 

Chinese export led economy is too exposed to the foibles that come with global trends.  Why do you think China keenly buys US debt?  The basic chinaman is no consumer.  Fact.

The US is king consumer of chinese made I phones, iPods, tellies etc.  The dirt poor African cannot match this. 

When did you last check china economy might be mouthing stuff you last heard in 1990.  Last i checked China domestic driven economy had eclipsed international trade/export driven economy (where US account for 15% of that that segement).

US is the king in exactly what..when China has outpaced it in nearly everything that is measurable.

China is still poor..2nd world with 10k Gdp per capita...but it has lifted 500M out of poverty in a generation...which is unprecedented.

Until demand inside China outstrips its exports, the US is still king.  The customer always is. 

The sheer weight of Chinaman's poor is mind boggling... 3 times the entire US population..

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2014, 08:07:48 AM »
Regurgitating old anti-chinese propaganda won't help advance your argument.

It quite easy...quote figures showing china is an export driven economy....whilst china is second world biggest importer...of all goods including luxury brands.

Pick any global company including wakina apples..and see how many units of Iphones, scotish whisky, gold jewelerry, ferraris, and name any shipped to China.
Every time you come mouthing off about it.  Kumbe your stuff is 20 years old? 

Chinese export led economy is too exposed to the foibles that come with global trends.  Why do you think China keenly buys US debt?  The basic chinaman is no consumer.  Fact.

Offline bryan275

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2014, 08:17:02 AM »
 Looking at the consumption growth rate in isolation of the overall size of the population relative to the size of the economy is boneheaded matey.  300m Americans consuming slightly less than 1.2b chinanen?  Your facts and figures need a more qualitative analysis.  I concede that Chinas consumption is growing faster, but qualify that by adding that its coming from a low base. 

Kenya's GDP could grow 100% and still be below 100 b USD.  Fastest growing, but still dirt poor... China this and that....
Every time you come mouthing off about it.  Kumbe your stuff is 20 years old? 

Chinese export led economy is too exposed to the foibles that come with global trends.  Why do you think China keenly buys US debt?  The basic chinaman is no consumer.  Fact.

The US is king consumer of chinese made I phones, iPods, tellies etc.  The dirt poor African cannot match this. 

When did you last check china economy might be mouthing stuff you last heard in 1990.  Last i checked China domestic driven economy had eclipsed international trade/export driven economy (where US account for 15% of that that segement).

US is the king in exactly what..when China has outpaced it in nearly everything that is measurable.

China is still poor..2nd world with 10k Gdp per capita...but it has lifted 500M out of poverty in a generation...which is unprecedented.

Until demand inside China outstrips its exports, the US is still king.  The customer always is. 

The sheer weight of Chinaman's poor is mind boggling... 3 times the entire US population..

Offline bryan275

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2014, 11:03:36 AM »
I'd care more about what China's growth means for Kenya...Regardless of how she compares to the us etc. 

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2014, 07:43:14 PM »
The purchasing power parity thing.  How does that work?
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2014, 07:38:14 AM »
IMF goes around the world collecting prices of goods and services.An haircut in Chicago might cost 20 dollars but only 50 bob(half a dollar) in kenya. In China..3 square mill at 3 star hotel..may cost 10 dollars..a comparable hotel in US might cost 50 dollars. Once the international price list is collated..the GDP is adjusted based on that..
The purchasing power parity thing.  How does that work?

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Re: China overtakes US 2yrs before schedule.
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2014, 03:54:06 PM »
IMF goes around the world collecting prices of goods and services.An haircut in Chicago might cost 20 dollars but only 50 bob(half a dollar) in kenya. In China..3 square mill at 3 star hotel..may cost 10 dollars..a comparable hotel in US might cost 50 dollars. Once the international price list is collated..the GDP is adjusted based on that..
The purchasing power parity thing.  How does that work?
IMF goes around the world collecting prices of goods and services.An haircut in Chicago might cost 20 dollars but only 50 bob(half a dollar) in kenya. In China..3 square mill at 3 star hotel..may cost 10 dollars..a comparable hotel in US might cost 50 dollars. Once the international price list is collated..the GDP is adjusted based on that..
The purchasing power parity thing.  How does that work?
Interesting.   So it's basically a measure of how far the dollar will go in a specific country.  It sounds like a good way to compare overall cost of living.  Do they factor in quality of the service or products?
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman