Author Topic: Kenyans should protest Mlevi political persecution of Sonko  (Read 5399 times)

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Kenyans should protest Mlevi political persecution of Sonko
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2021, 07:37:24 PM »
Sonko went to far.  He is not being held because of his insult to Ouru but crimes he committed.  If you are going to bring attention to yourself in any Democracy, including the USA, you must be squeaky clean.  If Rosa Park was not clean, she would have been charged with other crimes, but she was clean and that is why she was able to protest successfully.  Sonko knows he is a criminal and should not have been tricked by Ruto to stick his neck out. He has to pay for his crimes like everybody else and he needs to stop blaming everybody else.  He escaped from jail and he should be taken back to finish his term and penalties associated with it.  Some will ask why now, my answer to them is, why not now.

I've never even in joke imagined you as someone who could defend the constitution or any of the Rights in it. This just confirms it. I pray people like you never come anywhere near power because we'd cry for Jomo or Uhuru Kenyatta/ Moi.

One can't use the police to hide his shame. He could hire private detectives or Mafia to do that for him. The abuse of state resources to visit vendetta on Sonko is annoying.

Uhuru is used to body guards sorting out his problems. The rest of us had to slug it out during break or after school. You won some and lost many and still got home and got some more for soiling your uniform and failing to explain the swollen eye!

We now see why that was essential to our upbringing. Some of us have had to be taught to let staff do certain things because the basic urge is to settle own disputes.

I would have chosen to also insult Sonko but knowing I'd be building him. But if I'm going home in 17 months what the heck. People might even say "we didn't know he had life in him".

If not I'd shut up and tell my hangarson to ignore. He'd have tired.

Sex tapes? I refer to the case of Sukarno vs the CIA. The latter obtained a tape of the Indonesian despot fucking some white prostitute. They sent to select individuals to undermine Sukarno. He heard about it, watched one then ordered millions of copies to be made. His intelligence modified the order: they'd start by selling it expensively to build interest. Once they built the interest they dumped the rest. It remains one of the biggest failures of the CIA

Sukarno actually campaigned on it: did you see how I made the white woman scream?
You guys sing his praises until he starts releasing WSR tape or do you only thinks he only tapes Uhuru?
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kenyans should protest Mlevi political persecution of Sonko
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2021, 07:51:10 AM »
Due process - is all Sonko need. Sonko is not afraid because he knows the gov doesn't get to decide who is guilty or not. It's judicial system that does that. Not kichwa.
Sonko went to far.  He is not being held because of his insult to Ouru but crimes he committed.  If you are going to bring attention to yourself in any Democracy, including the USA, you must be squeaky clean.  If Rosa Park was not clean, she would have been charged with other crimes, but she was clean and that is why she was able to protest successfully.  Sonko knows he is a criminal and should not have been tricked by Ruto to stick his neck out. He has to pay for his crimes like everybody else and he needs to stop blaming everybody else.  He escaped from jail and he should be taken back to finish his term and penalties associated with it.  Some will ask why now, my answer to them is, why not now.

I've never even in joke imagined you as someone who could defend the constitution or any of the Rights in it. This just confirms it. I pray people like you never come anywhere near power because we'd cry for Jomo or Uhuru Kenyatta/ Moi.

One can't use the police to hide his shame. He could hire private detectives or Mafia to do that for him. The abuse of state resources to visit vendetta on Sonko is annoying.

Uhuru is used to body guards sorting out his problems. The rest of us had to slug it out during break or after school. You won some and lost many and still got home and got some more for soiling your uniform and failing to explain the swollen eye!

We now see why that was essential to our upbringing. Some of us have had to be taught to let staff do certain things because the basic urge is to settle own disputes.

I would have chosen to also insult Sonko but knowing I'd be building him. But if I'm going home in 17 months what the heck. People might even say "we didn't know he had life in him".

If not I'd shut up and tell my hangarson to ignore. He'd have tired.

Sex tapes? I refer to the case of Sukarno vs the CIA. The latter obtained a tape of the Indonesian despot fucking some white prostitute. They sent to select individuals to undermine Sukarno. He heard about it, watched one then ordered millions of copies to be made. His intelligence modified the order: they'd start by selling it expensively to build interest. Once they built the interest they dumped the rest. It remains one of the biggest failures of the CIA

Sukarno actually campaigned on it: did you see how I made the white woman scream?
You guys sing his praises until he starts releasing WSR tape or do you only thinks he only tapes Uhuru?

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Kenyans should protest Mlevi political persecution of Sonko
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2021, 02:46:42 PM »
So why is he crying in court like a small girl?

Due process - is all Sonko need. Sonko is not afraid because he knows the gov doesn't get to decide who is guilty or not. It's judicial system that does that. Not kichwa.