Author Topic: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts  (Read 5598 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« on: December 13, 2020, 09:38:46 AM »

This ie partly the reason in the current constituion we abandoned selecting CS from the current elected MPs.

This is the legacy Uhuru wants to leave Kenya with .

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2020, 12:02:45 PM »

This ie partly the reason in the current constituion we abandoned selecting CS from the current elected MPs.

This is the legacy Uhuru wants to leave Kenya with .
This if not plain ridiculous shows the luo state of mind Robina and co have and we mountain people have always objected to. Unfortunately its not new they have been dividing cabinet post since 1992. In 2007 Baba even inspected a dummy inauguration parade.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2020, 12:12:50 PM »
LOL. Raundi hii Raila iko na system and deep state BWANA. Omera, his brother Uhuru, cannot let him down. I tell you these people are children almost.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2020, 05:32:03 PM »

This ie partly the reason in the current constituion we abandoned selecting CS from the current elected MPs.

This is the legacy Uhuru wants to leave Kenya with .
This if not plain ridiculous shows the luo state of mind Robina and co have and we mountain people have always objected to. Unfortunately its not new they have been dividing cabinet post since 1992. In 2007 Baba even inspected a dummy inauguration parade.

You aptly put it . Nas had a song New York state of mind  with  lyrics which described Newyork in late 80s early 90 s  as following

I never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death
Beyond the walls of intelligence, life is defined
I think of crime when I'm in a New York State of Mind

Now coming back to Luo state of mind they have always overestimated their political might .  In 2002 Raila and Luos thought of Moi the same way they are thinking of Uhuru , they though with co-operation and having snached the KANU SG seat from Kamotho Moi would handover power to them  . They were shafted but even shafted further by Kibaki post 2003 and were thrusted to the opposition benches where they have never recovered from . In 2013 they were all over saying how Kalenjin would vote for Raila because they cannot vote for a Gema candidate  , what hit them seems hit them really nice because they seem to be living in self deceit upto this moment . No tell me why do they expect Uhuru to side with them leave alone Uhuru to bring Gema to their side .

In 2013  they had Mama Ida ordering curtains which she planned to change once she enters statehouse .

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2020, 10:32:52 PM »
All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2020, 11:10:02 PM »
Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2020, 08:09:37 AM »
Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

Then don't be selfish and leave it for other tribes to have their day in the sun!  :D

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Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2020, 09:43:47 AM »
That's why we are going for inclusion.. only Kalenjin like yourself want to continue the 2-tribe monopoly.

Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2020, 11:11:41 AM »
Ruto has acted as loyal Dpork for 10yrs and invested in gema..its only natural that he inherits the seat.If Raila wins I don't see any problem.They are already sharing cabinet with homabay  getting 3.THIS NOT HOW TO WIN.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2020, 11:31:35 AM »
"Competitive" my foot!
Look hommes, down south, Magufuli won 2015 with 58% (after being rigged by Kikwete who didn't want a legacy of handing over CCM to the opposition) and now you BELIEVE he won with 84% in 2020 including CCM winning 97% of all parliamentary seats???

And correction: Historians have it that Moi was President for 24yrs not 25!

The only person I see "naive" here is Pundit!
For the second time today, I am calling you an idiot.

Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?
Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2020, 12:34:06 PM »
Pombe Magafuli is turning out to be just another African big man. There already calls for him to candidate for a third term. The man will break the long tradition TZ has of a president only serving maximum two terms. The longer he stays up there. the more repressive his regime will become.

"Competitive" my foot!
Look hommes, down south, Magufuli won 2015 with 58% (after being rigged by Kikwete who didn't want a legacy of handing over CCM to the opposition) and now you BELIEVE he won with 84% in 2020 including CCM winning 97% of all parliamentary seats???

And correction: Historians have it that Moi was President for 24yrs not 25!

The only person I see "naive" here is Pundit!
For the second time today, I am calling you an idiot.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2020, 12:46:24 PM »
Yes TZ had at least a pretend democracy monopolized by CCM... until Magufuli showed up. I hope Biden squeezes his balls properly. Kenya is the only "democracy" in the entire Eastern & Central Africa now. Entire Sub Sahara I think it's just Kenya, Ghana and maybe Nigeria when their army lets them. You can top up Botswana and RSA - legit African democracies can fit in one hand.

Pombe Magafuli is turning out to be just another African big man. There already calls for him to candidate for a third term. The man will break the long tradition TZ has of a president only serving maximum two terms. The longer he stays up there. the more repressive his regime will become.

"Competitive" my foot!
Look hommes, down south, Magufuli won 2015 with 58% (after being rigged by Kikwete who didn't want a legacy of handing over CCM to the opposition) and now you BELIEVE he won with 84% in 2020 including CCM winning 97% of all parliamentary seats???

And correction: Historians have it that Moi was President for 24yrs not 25!

The only person I see "naive" here is Pundit!
For the second time today, I am calling you an idiot.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2020, 02:41:50 PM »
BTW @Robina and @,KaInsect, have you seen that video making rounds on social media of the fellow who had been appointed as Minister of mining (who happens to hold a Masters degree in Finance) totally unable to read the oath of office (if you ask me, because of fright of being in the presence of Mfalme, despot Dr. Magufuli... who has elevated himself to a Roman emperor of old or a Bokassa
to be worshiped and feared)?
The Dr of Chemistry who never took a unit in psychology hasn't a clue what just happened, he thinks the guy forged his certificate and cannot read. My contacts in TZ tell me the guy who won't be Minister after what befell him at the swearing in ceremony, is a decent fellow.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2020, 04:12:32 PM »
I saw it. Was not sure whether to laugh or cry. Very embarassing. Pombe should do some self reflection which of course will not happen. Already people are singing tawala Pombe, tawala. Reminds me of the days of our Kaleo leader.

BTW @Robina and @,KaInsect, have you seen that video making rounds on social media of the fellow who had been appointed as Minister of mining (who happens to hold a Masters degree in Finance) totally unable to read the oath of office (if you ask me, because of fright of being in the presence of Mfalme, despot Dr. Magufuli... who has elevated himself to a Roman emperor of old or a Bokassa
to be worshiped and feared)?
The Dr of Chemistry who never took a unit in psychology hasn't a clue what just happened, he thinks the guy forged his certificate and cannot read. My contacts in TZ tell me the guy who won't be Minister after what befell him at the swearing in ceremony, is a decent fellow.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2020, 04:44:53 PM »
BTW @Robina and @,KaInsect, have you seen that video making rounds on social media of the fellow who had been appointed as Minister of mining (who happens to hold a Masters degree in Finance) totally unable to read the oath of office (if you ask me, because of fright of being in the presence of Mfalme, despot Dr. Magufuli... who has elevated himself to a Roman emperor of old or a Bokassa
to be worshiped and feared)?

The Dr of Chemistry who never took a unit in psychology hasn't a clue what just happened, he thinks the guy forged his certificate and cannot read. My contacts in TZ tell me the guy who won't be Minister after what befell him at the swearing in ceremony, is a decent fellow.

Yeah, there is an ugly cult of personality forming around the funny shaped head fella. He is not impressive except for long haranguing hotubas that rehash the same thing over and over. Mwafrika is fated to ever live under despotism.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2020, 07:57:31 PM »
All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?
Oh we not in a hurry, we will patiently wait for Ruto to finish his 10years and think about that then.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Luo Nyanza MPs already Dividing Cabiner Posts
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2020, 07:59:10 PM »
That's why we are going for inclusion.. only Kalenjin like yourself want to continue the 2-tribe monopoly.

Moi became VP for 12yrs. President for 25yrs - 10 of which - he won in competitive multiparty election. That is not sneaking in:). Ruto has been all that and now DPORK for 9yrs - going 10yrs - sharing 50-50 power with Uhuru.That is not a fluke. When you examine the Odingas - it been hilarous almost - 2yrs - max - they get played- coz they are damn naive fools.Let just say for 57 years of Kenya independence -  a Kalenjin has been DPORK or Deputy - for nearly 45yrs of that - leaving only a small period of 63-67 - and 2002-2012. Luos have endured the worst -siberia - except for brief period of 2yrs afer independence and NARA 5yrs.

And reason is obvious - such kind of naivety - where you're jostling for cabinet position 2yrs to next election :) because apparently Baba is now winning; with deep state and system::)

You're now depending on Uhuru/GEMA :) to play your a direct shot so you can score - and don't even imagine - Uhuru could well in some serious holywood script with Ruto.

All i see is Luo this, Robina that lamentations. Ngonjeni mnyoroshwe Diani - by your fellow hustlers :) - then we can talk. We have excellent people in all tribes and only 2 have ruled. Moi sneaked into power amid Gema feuds - then Kibaki and Uhuru - they all had characters an ocean separate from your boy. Mboya ran the show before - and Odingas have been MP, CS, VP, PM. Any other famous Ruto? I think Ruto Sr was a chang'aa brewer. When will a Meru be president?
Once Ruto finishes his 10 years we will now ban Kikuyus and Kalenjins from high seat. I will vote baba then if he still alive.