For a lawyer that is crazy - what purpose of a constitution. A constitution should be general framework. A solid framework. The statutory laws should be changed to fit the circumstances - but not the constitution. We want a document that can live for 100yrs.
Otherwise as you become desperate like Raila you're returning us back again to era where constitution was changed to satisfy short term interest in the end it became a mongrel.
Many of issues people have can be fixed with goodwill and without laws. You don't need constitution to co-opt members of opposition if that is what short term political reality demand. That can be done by parliament.
You don't need constitution for all the BBI nonsense - because you can for example start ward fund like CDF without touching constitution, devolve more funds without touching constitution, meet 2/3 gender rule without touching the constitution, name it. You don't need constitution to fire IEBC or do you need a constitutional change in many of Raila's BBI nonsense.
You don't need constitution to fight corruption, to get police to work, and the judiciary to function.
BBI therefore is just NONSENSE on steroid...designed by Uhuru as diversionary talk shop and swallowed hook, line and sinker by IDIOTS.2010 constitution is a product of a long struggle and we should not amend unless absolutely necessary. Actually we SHOULD NEVER ammend it except to really improve it's framework by removing some of badly written sections...that appears to codify certain aspect. They are few such areas...otherwise 90% of the document is good.
There ought to be as many amendments to the constitution as possible and as necessary. If BBI does not work then another group of people should organize another amendment to the BBI. What is important is that there is a well established process for amending the constitution.