Ruto case did not fail for lack of gov cooperation. Uhuru case failed for lack of gov cooperation. Please understand basic facts. It's tiring. Kibaki and his gov provided all the evidence against Ruto - NIS reports - name them. It was all fake of course. But Uhuru was protected - and gov refused to co-operate.
Ruto case only collapsed when charlatan at ICC protection realized they could not testify on oath - and stop cooperating - and they were in Europe already.
When Ocampo realized - he came for the remnants - he was desperately trying to shore his case - and came for Yebei (rip) and remainder - those rejected in the first round.
It's very likely Ruto interfered at that point. He clearly knew if he let them again - he would have to clear himself at great cost and time - so I cannot stand and say Ruto didn't kill very likely he did it. Yebei was organizing the 2nd lot to replace the reluctant first lot. He was murdered in cold blood and body dumped in Tsavo...all evidence for me point at Daktari Ruto.
So would Ruto be worried - of course - but at worse - he is worried about CAJ - not CAH - where he enjoys double jeopardy now - and in any case Bensauda cannot go for Kenya cases again unless she has the smoking gun.
Uhuru started killing Mungiki long ago. The Kingaga with poor Odhiambo. Many Mungiki who had met Uhuru or could testity were shot in cold blood.
Gicheru motivation is crucial. He was obviously well incentivized to interfere with Mobutu case at personal risk - I doubt it was entirely upto him whether or when to surrender to ICC. The timing of surrender is suspect with Uhuruto fallout - because I read somewhere ICC crew were on ground in Kenya to tie the strings in Mobutu case. GoK is now cooperative?
Yes this is pure theory until we learn more.
I have no idea. That is one theory. Another theory - he has suffered for nothing in 5yrs - he would have finished his jail by now - if he was guilty - and he will remain a fugitive for the rest of life. It was a wrong move from get go. He should have gone to ICC and got done with it. He is being charged for contempt of court - not for big ones - genocide, CAH, and persecution.
Well 5 years in winter is not a joke. Ask Slobodan Milosevic who froze to death there. I think the pertinent issue here is why has Gichure surrendered now after 5 years? Is it politically instigated and by who?