Author Topic: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?  (Read 9419 times)

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What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« on: November 01, 2020, 02:33:15 PM »
Magufuli 84% vs 15% Tundu Lissu :o That as bad and almost brazen ukora as Kagame 96%. Kagame lock up all opponents then claim to be very popular... it not clear why he locks them up despite his economic miracles. My hunch has always been that Hutu-Tutsi enmity is so ingrained that doing miracles would not save poor Kagame.

I digress. Uhuru, Kagame and M7 promptly congratulated Pombe Magufuli for the "love, confidence" bla bla TZ folks have shown in him. Lissu wants US and EU to intervene.
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Offline RV Kirgit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2020, 03:01:50 PM »
It means more development for the people of Tanzania and means nothing to Kenya.

People do not eat democracy as peddled by west and their local agents like Tundu lissu and Bob wine.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2020, 04:58:42 PM »
It means more development for the people of Tanzania and means nothing to Kenya.

People do not eat democracy as peddled by west and their local agents like Tundu lissu and Bob wine.

Some of you have earned doctorates outside Kenya and you know damn well how hard and honest you worked for them, the long nights putting together a well researched thesis you wrote yet you are the first to endorse deceit and strongmen causing to be published stuff that is made up. You are the type whose universities need to strip you of those degrees because they failed to make you model citizens.

Compare yourselves with West Africa, when that Gambian tyrant tried to steal himself one more term, ECOWAS made it their business to chase him out of town so Gambians could reign supreme as is the preamble of their constitution.

What is happening in East Africa? Totalitarianism on the rise,  no East African state is allowing democracy to work. If a leader isn't killed by Covid-19, he wins elections with incredulous margins. It is spreading and very soon all govt in these region will just be messy come every election cycle. Bure kabisa wewe.

How is Tundu Lissu an agent of the West yet the man was pumped 16 bullets for daring to stand up for the people? Do you know what it is like to stop even a single bullet?  You are an embarrassment for those who has been inside a classroom. Nkt.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2020, 05:16:47 PM »
Mapadlocks has never been on a ziara to Western capital, think about that? He has my support off that fact alone.

We desperately need African leaders who will stick it to the chungus and their corporations.

I still don't believe in infrastructure led development though, that is my beef with Magufooli.

Kagame, M7, Magufuli are the future. Pundit is crazy he thinks his uncle Ruto is in the same class as this stalwarts.

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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2020, 05:57:12 PM »
Ccm all the way. Voting by ignorant voters is useless

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2020, 08:32:55 PM »
Mapadlocks has never been on a ziara to Western capital, think about that? He has my support off that fact alone.

We desperately need African leaders who will stick it to the chungus and their corporations.

I still don't believe in infrastructure led development though, that is my beef with Magufooli.

Kagame, M7, Magufuli are the future. Pundit is crazy he thinks his uncle Ruto is in the same class as this stalwarts.

Of course DP belongs to that league - they win elections by stealing. What is different for Ruto as opposed to
Kagame, M7, Magufuli is that he is not the incumbent yet, otherwise he would top Magufuli's 84% just like how Ouru got 96% in the repeat 2017 elections. Shameless so called leaders...

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2020, 08:43:53 PM »
Let speak when Ruto become PORK and win his re-election by 85% like Magufuli.
Ruto is next to Meles zenawi - by far the best African leader - we ever saw.
Mapadlocks has never been on a ziara to Western capital, think about that? He has my support off that fact alone.

We desperately need African leaders who will stick it to the chungus and their corporations.

I still don't believe in infrastructure led development though, that is my beef with Magufooli.

Kagame, M7, Magufuli are the future. Pundit is crazy he thinks his uncle Ruto is in the same class as this stalwarts.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2020, 12:05:20 AM »
The question that you have not answered is how Ruto "win" the elections in 2022 from outside the government and become PORK? The kikuyu elite are not handing over power to another Kalenjin like they did to Moi in 1978 just to be shaffted for 24 years.  When Raila was being shaved without water in 2007, 2013 and 2017, you should have started putting water on your head.  Wembe ni ule ule my brother.

Let speak when Ruto become PORK and win his re-election by 85% like Magufuli.
Ruto is next to Meles zenawi - by far the best African leader - we ever saw.
Mapadlocks has never been on a ziara to Western capital, think about that? He has my support off that fact alone.

We desperately need African leaders who will stick it to the chungus and their corporations.

I still don't believe in infrastructure led development though, that is my beef with Magufooli.

Kagame, M7, Magufuli are the future. Pundit is crazy he thinks his uncle Ruto is in the same class as this stalwarts.

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2020, 02:12:32 AM »
Raila is a flawed character. He should have won long time ago. People who've worked with Raila describes him as disorganized, indolent and an empty suit. You can read Sally Kosgey, Orengo and Miguna unflattering accounts of Raila in their leaks and books.

Power is not given. Kikuyu elite DO NOT own PORK. Power is taken by creating popular force that will sweep the current elite out like Hustler Nation is doing. The target here is to get 50% plus one. If you're running against gov - obviously you need some buffer - to avoid rigging. Your win to say the least has to been overwhelming and convincing...and it help with Ruto if you have an army of 2m warriors possibly 10M plus hustlers...ready to cause chaos.

Ruto is already DPORK. He has guys in gov - roughly maybe less than 50% but more will join as he become the heir-apparent. He knows everything going on. That is huge advantage. He is just laying low - hiding his gov machinery cards.

Lastly I think Uhuru has already called for a truce - he went to Nyeri last week and got worse reception - Ruto was there - it's unbelievable. What is gonna happen - you cannot beat him - you join. Honestly now, apart from assisination, there is no way they can stop Ruto. Ruto has to invest in security - otherwise the Stop Ruto Project we can declare has failed this weekend. Ultimately all the action of that project was in GEMA - to pry away Ruto from Mt kenya - and it's been an EPIC FAILURE.

AGAIN, Just because you FAILED doesn't everyone else will FAIL. Raila should long have given way for others to try - better.

Ruto at 54yrs is looking to do at 56yrs - because he work thrice harder, he plans thrice better, he strategize thrice better, he organize thrice more, he articulates thrice better and he thinks thrice better than ODINGA and any of his opponent. And Ruto is not the guy to choke on the critical moments by making stupid mistakes like the usual Raila blunders. He get his messaging so well - and stay the courses.

Ruto is one in a generation politician - a  Meles Zenawi - is huge statement from me.

The question that you have not answered is how Ruto "win" the elections in 2022 from outside the government and become PORK? The kikuyu elite are not handing over power to another Kalenjin like they did to Moi in 1978 just to be shaffted for 24 years.  When Raila was being shaved without water in 2007, 2013 and 2017, you should have started putting water on your head.  Wembe ni ule ule my brother.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2020, 02:33:22 AM »
More on Meles Zenawi...who doesn't get praise..because people are interested in Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara and Magufulis...who want to stick it to western natioons.
Meles Zenawi in 20yrs turned Ethiopia from being BOTTOM (last out of last) in every Index to one progressive nation that grew at double digit for decades.
Personally I had the privilege of working with him for more than a decade, as Chief Economist of the World Bank: writing the report of the Commission for Africa, of which he was a key driving force; working together in the run-up to Copenhagen 2009 and at the conference; on the UN Secretary-General’s Group on Climate Financing in 2010; and, more recently, on ideas for a BRICS-led infrastructure development bank.

He was an outstandingly gifted, intelligent and committed man; that very rare person, a great mind and a great leader. - I believe Ruto has that rare combination - Kibaki had a great mind but was a poor leader - Moi was a great leader but empty mind - you need to move people (leader) in great well thought out direction (brilliance).

He was extraordinary and is irreplaceable. But what can and should, and I believe will, continue is his remarkable and practical vision of how to combine development on the one hand and environment and climate responsibility on the other.

Indeed, he saw so clearly that if we fail on one, we fail on the other, and far from being competitive, they support each other.

His lessons and legacy on environment and development provide fundamental guidance for Ethiopia, Africa and the world.
The author, Professor Nicholas Stern (Lord Stern of Brentford) is Chair of the Grantham Research Institute.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2020, 03:11:53 AM »
Ruto is one in a generation politician - a  Meles Zenawi - is huge statement from me.

You are starting to believe in your own lies.

Once in a generation crook perhaps, he is no visionary. He  has achieved zilch in government other stealing public resources to bribe voters. Stop wasting your time writing puff pieces. Raila is your PORK come 2022, you can take that to the bank. Ruto will return as the prodigal son and become minister of Energy.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2020, 03:23:38 AM »
I guess you're not wasting yours dreaming. Ruto has never been PORK. In Jubilee 1.0 we saw some of his brilliance but he was of course in the shadows. It's not his show.

Raila's if he became PORK when he is now senile and sickly - would be tragic turn for kenya.

Kenyans way too smart for that. Take your man to Opoda farm and let him retire. He has been rejected since 1982! You want to add 2022 to his rejection list - that would make him greatest political loser in the world.

You are starting to believe in your own lies.

Once in a generation crook perhaps, he is no visionary. He  has achieved zilch in government other stealing public resources to bribe voters. Stop wasting your time writing puff pieces. Raila is your PORK come 2022, you can take that to the bank. Ruto will return as the prodigal son and become minister of Energy.

Offline RV Kirgit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2020, 05:06:40 AM »
Ethiopia has been working from a point of strength since they were never colonized and have beem very careful how to open up economy to foreign capitalists. Look at Safcom have been working night and day to penetrate but encountered roadblocks.

The sankaras and Magufulis have worked starting with systems captured by corrupt elite working with foreigners to suck resources without benefiting locals

They say its easier to defend a bone in hand than extract it from dogs mouth!

Offline Kichwa

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2020, 06:23:22 AM »
Ruto is the flawed character because he blew up a shoe-in to the presidency by ku over-jipanga.  He blew the run-way by one mile.  Lets see if he survives his pending colossal failure. The kikuyu elite has more than enough time to sell the argument that Ruto is another Moi in disguise.  His best bet is to position himself for the BBI position of official opposition leader.

Raila is a flawed character. He should have won long time ago. People who've worked with Raila describes him as disorganized, indolent and an empty suit. You can read Sally Kosgey, Orengo and Miguna unflattering accounts of Raila in their leaks and books.

Power is not given. Kikuyu elite DO NOT own PORK. Power is taken by creating popular force that will sweep the current elite out like Hustler Nation is doing. The target here is to get 50% plus one. If you're running against gov - obviously you need some buffer - to avoid rigging. Your win to say the least has to been overwhelming and convincing...and it help with Ruto if you have an army of 2m warriors possibly 10M plus hustlers...ready to cause chaos.

Ruto is already DPORK. He has guys in gov - roughly maybe less than 50% but more will join as he become the heir-apparent. He knows everything going on. That is huge advantage. He is just laying low - hiding his gov machinery cards.

Lastly I think Uhuru has already called for a truce - he went to Nyeri last week and got worse reception - Ruto was there - it's unbelievable. What is gonna happen - you cannot beat him - you join. Honestly now, apart from assisination, there is no way they can stop Ruto. Ruto has to invest in security - otherwise the Stop Ruto Project we can declare has failed this weekend. Ultimately all the action of that project was in GEMA - to pry away Ruto from Mt kenya - and it's been an EPIC FAILURE.

AGAIN, Just because you FAILED doesn't everyone else will FAIL. Raila should long have given way for others to try - better.

Ruto at 54yrs is looking to do at 56yrs - because he work thrice harder, he plans thrice better, he strategize thrice better, he organize thrice more, he articulates thrice better and he thinks thrice better than ODINGA and any of his opponent. And Ruto is not the guy to choke on the critical moments by making stupid mistakes like the usual Raila blunders. He get his messaging so well - and stay the courses.

Ruto is one in a generation politician - a  Meles Zenawi - is huge statement from me.

The question that you have not answered is how Ruto "win" the elections in 2022 from outside the government and become PORK? The kikuyu elite are not handing over power to another Kalenjin like they did to Moi in 1978 just to be shaffted for 24 years.  When Raila was being shaved without water in 2007, 2013 and 2017, you should have started putting water on your head.  Wembe ni ule ule my brother.
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Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2020, 07:52:25 AM »
Ethiopia has been working from a point of strength since they were never colonized and have beem very careful how to open up economy to foreign capitalists. Look at Safcom have been working night and day to penetrate but encountered roadblocks.

The sankaras and Magufulis have worked starting with systems captured by corrupt elite working with foreigners to suck resources without benefiting locals

They say its easier to defend a bone in hand than extract it from dogs mouth!

Absolutely! Uprooting corrupt Western backed elites is extremely difficult.

Sub Saharan Africa has been free in name only since so called independence. Wikileaks, memoirs by former diplomats, expose-s by western media occasionally reveal the tenuous claims to sovereignty of most African states. The west's nefarious hand is ever present. Their agents are working overtime to frustrate African empowerment.
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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2020, 08:26:45 AM »
Did you mean the best thief in all of Africa. Ruto presidency,if it happens will end up in tears for many, luckily some of us were smart enough to secure dual citizenship and have somewhere to run. It will be Nyayo era on steroids, all Kenyans will have to adopt a kalenjin accent to survive.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2020, 10:25:18 AM »
What is there to  exploit in poor African countries. We need to stop the nonsense that Africa is rich or was very rich. AFRICA IS VERY POOR AND HAS ALWAYS.
Ethiopia has been working from a point of strength since they were never colonized and have beem very careful how to open up economy to foreign capitalists. Look at Safcom have been working night and day to penetrate but encountered roadblocks.

The sankaras and Magufulis have worked starting with systems captured by corrupt elite working with foreigners to suck resources without benefiting locals

They say its easier to defend a bone in hand than extract it from dogs mouth!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2020, 10:28:54 AM »
Moi won with 2.5m out 6m voters in 1997 - 40% - and now in 2022 - registered voters will be 4 times that. Most kenyans cannot even relate with Moi or when he was a president.

A kid born in 1997 is now 23 years. Majority who were teenagers in 1990s are now 30yrs. Kids born in 1990 will be 32 yrs in 2022 - they won't have any re-collection of Moi!

So old guy - move on. Most kenya know only about Kikuyu presidents - and time to try  a Kalenjin is nigh.

Did you mean the best thief in all of Africa. Ruto presidency,if it happens will end up in tears for many, luckily some of us were smart enough to secure dual citizenship and have somewhere to run. It will be Nyayo era on steroids, all Kenyans will have to adopt a kalenjin accent to survive.

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2020, 10:39:24 AM »
There you have hammered this ignorant fellow. Anybody opposing a regime is branded a traitor of the Western countries. So cheap and coming from fellows most likely living comfortably in a Western country. Never been to Russia or China, but busy lambasting a country he lives in.
Where did our education system go wrong? Tundu Lissu has his political right to oppose Magafuli. Does that make him a traitor? Is Magafuli is not with his errors.

Some of you have earned doctorates outside Kenya and you know damn well how hard and honest you worked for them, the long nights putting together a well researched thesis you wrote yet you are the first to endorse deceit and strongmen causing to be published stuff that is made up. You are the type whose universities need to strip you of those degrees because they failed to make you model citizens.

Compare yourselves with West Africa, when that Gambian tyrant tried to steal himself one more term, ECOWAS made it their business to chase him out of town so Gambians could reign supreme as is the preamble of their constitution.

What is happening in East Africa? Totalitarianism on the rise,  no East African state is allowing democracy to work. If a leader isn't killed by Covid-19, he wins elections with incredulous margins. It is spreading and very soon all govt in these region will just be messy come every election cycle. Bure kabisa wewe.

How is Tundu Lissu an agent of the West yet the man was pumped 16 bullets for daring to stand up for the people? Do you know what it is like to stop even a single bullet?  You are an embarrassment for those who has been inside a classroom. Nkt.

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Re: What do TZ sham elections mean for Kenya?
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2020, 01:58:48 PM »
Elites globally cannot fathom and will not recover from populist leaders propelled by the bottom pyramid. Sonkos, Uhuru, Trumps, Duterte,  Bolsonaro, Magufulis and all. 

The elites think that everyone is worried about abstract ideas like going to the Mars, climate change, Obama poetry, Mandela messiah even when corona has shown even elitist Americans lining up for food - hata Geneva people were lining up for food! In Nairobi the elites were receiving food from the people they are now calling 'stupid and gullible' for hailing the wheelbarrow mkokoteni movement.

The disdain and madharau is so much that a person like Uhuru is mad at the people who propelled him bringing abstract BBI. 
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine