Njuri,I can employ your whole clan. My inheritance from my grandfather is still unused siting at Barclays..bank accruing interest. I care less what happens in that hell hole.,my hope is you all get your shit together so that I can get few hands stretching to me for handouts. I really think the racist Michael Joseph is right when he say kenyans are peculiar people. You are really inferior homo sapiens that are stuck in the evolutionary wheel. I really never associate with kenyans. You are the only people I interact with and then my parents. 7 got no time for kenyans Sheridan
They love begging it is like you all addicted to dependency. A person like you really spending your life raising zebus is in a semi arid jungle shows how daft even the outlier kenyans are. One,of these days uneducated borana urchin will come and feed you to,hyenas. If your dad is still farming beans then I know you are yet to evolve.