Author Topic: MuratheD,Inlaw Njee.M &Sabina C,WaIria Engineering Violence To Frame Ruto  (Read 2474 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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A while ago RV pundit was advocating violence as tool of intimidation and coerce electorate in to voting for Ruto  . I pleaded with him this would be counteractive as it would backfire and actually make Ruto lose more votes . I alsom pointed out for him to be more keen and see into Rutos strategy which actually was to have Mt Kenya in his bag and leverage any lost votes by endearing himself in the previously dominated ODM zones  . T believe wisdom prevailed and not only did RV scale down his war rhetoric but he stopped all together associating with this strategy .

Ruto also rolled out his hustler Nation strategy and has gone full gear , The strategy has ruffled feathers in the BBI/Handshake team and awakened them to their nightmare of not only losing BBI referendun(if its going to happen) but also 2022 elections . So the have gone ahead and employed their last bullet in  pistol which was to trick Rutos supporters into violence then frame  Ruto . We saw it in Kisii  we have now seen it Muranga . Unfortunately after having no consequential results in Kisii  , they went a notch higher in Muranga and sacrificed individuals from Kiandutu slums in Kiambu so that it could get a more bigger reaction . Later you saw ODM and Raila issuing press statement and holding press conferences insinuating Ruto is the one advancing violence .

Its in the news and blogosphere who the real perpetrators of violence are  and according to Mutahi Ngunyi is pro BBI strategist , The Govts plan is to engineer violence and have Ruto sent to ICC .

Well we want to tell them that we are already recording the happenings and we have already started sending them to ICC . This is the same strategy used in  2007 where Raila planned for violence then roped Ruto to ICC .

So unfortunate Police force can be used by politicians to enable violence . In 2007 we sent the wrong guys to ICC , this time around we will send the right guys , we know all the meetings and where they are happening , unlike in 2007 when they were secretive and technolgy was not advances like now , Atwoli should tell us what has been agenda in his house , he should produce meeting minutes , Safaricon should produce all logs related to what transpired in Kisii and Muranga .

The DP also cited the chaos that erupted in Kisii last month hours before he arrived in the South Nyanza county as another example of police interference.

“It also happened in Kajiado recently where the provincial administration was used to intimidate and threaten wananchi from attending my function,” he said.

Ruto, who is set to embark on another campaign tour, asked Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai to stop taking instructions from people he termed "political brokers and power- thirsty government officials".

He urged him to stand on the side of justice and serve all Kenyans without discrimination.

Ruto said the security apparatus is well aware of the organisers and perpetrators of Kenol violence “and they should just proceed and arrest them”.

He regretted that the police were increasingly being used to execute political assignments.

“The security apparatus is aware of those who caused the violence. Action must be taken against them, irrespective of their political standing,” he said.

Ruto said the spots of violence being witnessed in his meetings were a product of those uncomfortable with the conversion of the empowerment of the ordinary people.

“We do not want the politics of balkanization, of dividing the country along tribal enclaves,” he said, instead noting the country was yawning for issue-based politics.

Sources within the police service have revealed that a detailed security plan, prepared by the local police and shared with their seniors at the county and regional levels, was trashed a day before the chaotic Sunday.

Details of the security plans are contained in a police document dubbed 'operation order'. The document, which had been trashed, came to light yesterday after senior police commanders recorded statements with the Police Internal Affairs (PIA) unit.

The commanders stationed at Makuyu Police Station recorded statements with a six–man team from IAU. A verbal communication was issued to local police chiefs instructing them to withdraw all officers from Kenol town on the day Ruto and his brigade were to attend the church function at the Kenol AIPCA church

This was not the case. On Sunday, neither the county commissioner nor his deputy were at hand to welcome Ruto. The directive to withdraw the officers came from unidentified individuals at the Office of the President.

Besides the orders to withdraw police officers from the ground, the unnamed state operatives are reported to have also directed the Maragua Sub-county Commissioner to keep off the DP’s event. The sub-county commissioner was granted leave and asked to travel to his rural home for a rest over the weekend despite having not requested time off, sources told The Standard.

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How Murathe tried to Stop Sabina Chege from Planning Muranga Violence, New Chat Conversation Reveals
By Daily Star Reporter -October 6, 2020


Embattled Jubilee Vice Chairman David Murathe has distanced himself from the chaos witnessed on Sunday at Kenol saying he unsuccessfully tired to stop Sabina Chege from planning Muranga violence.

The new evidence puts the Muranga women rep on the spot over the death of 2 people.

The violence at Kenol Muranga saw 2 people lost their lives while several others were injured few minutes before DP Ruto arrived to grace a church fundraising at APCIA, kenol Muranga.

Trending: Revealed: Inside Kieleweke Plot to Impeach DP Ruto

The event was hosted by Kandara women rep Alice Wahome and MP Ndindi Nyoro.

The two have since been summoned by DCI for questioning but have blatantly refused to appear saying they will not be used to cleanse the killers of the two innocent souls who lost their lives.

Sabina Chege is still at large despite all incriminating evidence reportedly pointing back at her.

Recent: Interrupt Ruto Meeting at Your Own Risk, MPs Warn Matiangi Ahead of Kisii Rally

One of suspects who was arrested after being rescued by the church members alleged she was ferried and promised Ksh 1000 by an agent of Sabina Chege.

It has since emerged that David Murathe tried to stop the women rep from organizing violence that meted death and destruction at Kenol.

In a series of text messages seen by Daily Star, two female MPs had texted Murathe informing him of their plans to stop the Deputy President William Ruto from attending the Muranga church function by planning violence.

A day later on Wednesday after the text was delivered, Murathe replied telling them to drop the plans and let the DP speak and they would issue a rebuttal later.

But it was already too late and the legislators replied back 2 days later on Friday saying they had already gone ahead with the plans and hired 5 buses to ferry goons from as far as Thika.

Sabina and her colleague reportedly planned the violence with the blessings of Interior CS Fred Matiangi and his PS Karanja Kibicho.

Also on the spot is nominated MP Maina Kamanda who has featured prominently in the planning.

It’s reported that while the group which arrived from Thika started lighting bonefires, police turned the other eye away.

It was not until the locals mobilized to repulse the attackers that the police intervened in what locals say was to protect the intruders from being ove run.

Read also: Hustlers vs Dynasty Narrative a Recipe for Violence against the Rich, NCIC Warns

Pressure is mounting on Inspector General of Police Hillary MutyambI to move swiftly and apprehend the organizers following the news revelation by Murathe.

Offline RV Pundit

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Jesus why do you like to twist the truth?
I have NEVER advocated for violence
But I foresee violence if RV and GEMA break up.
What they are doing in Muranga will boomerang elsewhere
Unless GEMA themselves.

Offline Nefertiti

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Noway that a selective scan of the media reports on the Kenol incident. What is - another tabloid? Itumbi is not a very reliable voice in this matter for obvious reasons - he is the equivalent of Kanze Dena or Kayleigh McKenanny.

I assumed too Kieleweke was solely behind the mayhem - but on careful analysis of various sources - it appears both camps indulged in the shameless act. Tangatanga ferried goons from Nairobi; Kieleweke from Thika and Kiambu slums.

You are right this incident will be used to tame Mobutu by banning his rallies or at least limiting Tangatanga activities. Welcome to the machinery. His rallying cry is actually being framed as hate speech - with which I agree; dividing people into rich vs poor is incitement 101.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Kenol violence: Politicians ferried, paid gangs to fight

One political group ferried youth from Wetethie and Kiandutu slums in neighbouring Thika while the other brought goons from Mwiki, Githurai, Kasarani, Kayole and Kibera.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Everybody is shocked kikuyus can kill and maim each other because of politics. This is the first time its happening post mau mau. Gatheca Uhuru is to blame for this mess kikuyus have been sunk so low. He even doesn't care about hoi polloi kikuyu masees because they are just fodder for the canon.
Well there will be violence in 22 but not against Kikuyus on contrary I see other kabilas luhyas luos facing the blunt of it.

Offline Kadudu

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Keep your Mt Kenya violence to yourselves. The rest of Kenya will continue with life even after 2022 no matter who will be residing in SH.

Everybody is shocked kikuyus can kill and maim each other because of politics. This is the first time its happening post mau mau. Gatheca Uhuru is to blame for this mess kikuyus have been sunk so low. He even doesn't care about hoi polloi kikuyu masees because they are just fodder for the canon.
Well there will be violence in 22 but not against Kikuyus on contrary I see other kabilas luhyas luos facing the blunt of it.

Offline Nefertiti

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Elaborate please. The genocidal Kalenjin can only butcher Kikuyu women and kids - Purko morans are not a joke. No other political violence can be serious without usual victimizing of the Kikuyu diaspora unless it is between Kipsigis and Ogiek.

Everybody is shocked kikuyus can kill and maim each other because of politics. This is the first time its happening post mau mau. Gatheca Uhuru is to blame for this mess kikuyus have been sunk so low. He even doesn't care about hoi polloi kikuyu masees because they are just fodder for the canon.
Well there will be violence in 22 but not against Kikuyus on contrary I see other kabilas luhyas luos facing the blunt of it.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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Ruto: Murang'a chaos was premeditated, police instructed not to act

Deputy President William Ruto has alleged there was a scheme to have police stay away from the Murang'a function he attened on Sunday which ended up claiming the lives of two Kenyans.

Deputy President William Ruto has alleged there was a scheme to have police stay away from the Murang'a function he attened on Sunday which ended up claiming the lives of two Kenyans.

“It is tragic. It was actually premeditated that there should be violence for whatever reasons,” he said.

“Let us use all other forms of competition but violence should be out of reach of any political competition. It must not be in the matrix and equation of our politics.”

Ruto spoke at Karen on Wednesday where he held an empowerment conversation with a section of Kitengela Market traders and boda boda riders. 

His sentiments were echoed by a  section of MPs who accused senior government officials of instructing the police to stay away from the Murang'a function.

The MPs said it was tragic for senior officers in government to take lives of Kenyans lightly.

They asked the Inspector General of Police Hillary Mutyambai to explain the circumstances under which the officers were allegedly asked to leave the venue, saying he would take responsibility for the chaos.

They said under his watch, the police boss was increasingly being used to perpetuate crimes against humanity.

In particular, the politicians said Mutyambai had allowed the police Service to be infiltrated by politicians, a move they claimed had heavily compromised its work.

The politicians included Mary Seneta (nominated), David Ole Sankok (nominated), Soipan Tuya (Narok), Caleb Kositany (Soy), Nixon Korir (Lang’ata), Kimani Ngunjiri (Bahati), Mwambu Mabonga (Bumula), Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu) and Kimani Ichung’wa (Kikuyu).

Ichung’wa said the politicisation of the police operations had led to the emergence of factions. “The groupings may plunge this country into chaos. Most officers are not happy with how their bosses are running a Service that is supposed to be impartial,” said Kikuyu MP Kimani.

He said the Inspector General of Police should stand firm, be independent and serve the country dispassionately.“You must not allow the police to be used by politicians who want to cause instability in this country,” he told the police boss.

Ichung’wa said those who planned the Murang’a chaos were known. “Why not arrest them instead of going after young, helpless people who are just innocent?” he posed.

Sankok asked Mutyambai not to allow the police to be turned into a militia group. “The trend that we are seeing now is worrying. Why is the police being used to cause fracas in the country?” Asked the nominated senator.

“We would not let go of this issue. Those in charge of our security are now giving orders not to offer security to Kenyans but to preside over violence,” said the Soy MP.

While asking leaders to focus on progressive politics that would empower everyone, Korir said those charged with the security docket of the country must be held to account for property and lives lost in Murang’a on Sunday.

“Mr Mutyambai is not working for a militia. If he wants to serve the interests of certain factions, let him resign and join politics. He cannot run away from the crimes that he is engaging in,” added the Lang’ata MP.

Offline RV Pundit

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The hustler movement and gema laity refusal to be used as political pawns is the main reason why the harambee houses power brokers have resorted to violence.

Offline Nowayhaha

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The hustler movement and gema laity refusal to be used as political pawns is the main reason why the harambee houses power brokers have resorted to violence.

Uhuru once realising he couldnt achieve any success in Big 4 resorted to making BBI a do or die a defining KPI for his legacy. He expected Ruto and Mt Kenya to follow blindly. If he would have settled for BBI one then he would be on the path  of leaving a very good legacy , however as the usual self he wanted to ceate generational wealth and at the same time please everyone in this case Raila and ODM at the expense of Ruto and Jubilee what has he gotten is a very divided nation . A nation where his stronghold is now defending an outsider Ruto something unheard off previously. A nation which doesnt not want to hear of BBI and anything associated with him.
Now you have employees in his office directing police to be dormant participants in violence.