Author Topic: EAC Dumps Kenya  (Read 3030 times)

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EAC Dumps Kenya
« on: September 19, 2020, 06:55:56 AM »
Our good neighbors do not think highly of us. First, the Ugandans and Tanzanian's want to control the East African oil wealth which could have been the preserve of Kenya. Secondly, the formation of a joint exchange market by Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda is bound to give the Nairobi capital markets a run for its undervalued money. We are on our own.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 10:06:39 AM »
We need to focus on Ethiopia..100m people country

Offline Kadudu

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2020, 06:35:31 PM »
Ethiopians are small time racists and big time nationalists. Before focusing on Ethiopia just mention one African business that flourishes in that country.
Kenya will be in for a big surprise. Tanzania and Uganda our brothers tupende tusipende. The three countries will get no where on their own.

We need to focus on Ethiopia..100m people country

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2020, 06:47:54 PM »
Ethiopians are small time racists and big time nationalists. Before focusing on Ethiopia just mention one African business that flourishes in that country.
Kenya will be in for a big surprise. Tanzania and Uganda our brothers tupende tusipende. The three countries will get no where on their own.

We need to focus on Ethiopia..100m people country

Ethiopia is shit.. till they fix their own internal problems there is no business to be done there..

Offline RV Kirgit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2020, 07:11:08 PM »
Ethiopians are small time racists and big time nationalists. Before focusing on Ethiopia just mention one African business that flourishes in that country.
Kenya will be in for a big surprise. Tanzania and Uganda our brothers tupende tusipende. The three countries will get no where on their own.

We need to focus on Ethiopia..100m people country

We have Somalia as fall back.

It's resources rich

We let USA do Military industrial work (drones etc) in both kenya and Somalia like Saudi Arabia. And kenya gets to do business in somalia with USA protection

USA gets there cut in all business deals

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2020, 09:31:06 PM »
Ethiopians are changing. Their economy is booming. They are opening up. You cannot deny that. Already business in moyale is booming.

What do mean Uganda and Tanzania are our brothers.

Is Kenya a country of bantus and nilotes only. This is the problem with kenya - we never think about 3/4 of the country occupied by pastoralists - so we are stuck in small corrindor

Somalia is our most brotherly nation. Boranas have their relative in Oromos and many others in Ethiopia.

To go to Ethiopia - we just need to use them - kenya boranas - for Somalia - kenya somalis.

The southern part of somalis - has turkana and luo like people - and that region has population maybe of 10m.

For a luhya like you - fish in water in Uganda.

Ethiopians are small time racists and big time nationalists. Before focusing on Ethiopia just mention one African business that flourishes in that country.
Kenya will be in for a big surprise. Tanzania and Uganda our brothers tupende tusipende. The three countries will get no where on their own.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2020, 09:34:49 PM »
Yes, Somalia trade despite being informal and mostly contraband has boomed without infrastructure. Now imagine if we build roads to Mandera, Wajir and connect to Kismayu.

We need to lock north. There is nothing left in TZ and Uganda. And maybe go to DRC.

Kenya bantus esp need to stop their inferiority complex against these cushites.

We have Somalia as fall back.

It's resources rich

We let USA do Military industrial work (drones etc) in both kenya and Somalia like Saudi Arabia. And kenya gets to do business in somalia with USA protection

USA gets there cut in all business deals

Offline Kadudu

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2020, 11:11:31 PM »
As usual very narrow minded of you. Kenya has a historical relationship with Uganda and Tanzania. Now reducing it to a tribal affair is very ignorant of you. If you think we can just replace the two countries with other neighbouring countries, you are dreaming. We should be looking for new trading partners and not trying to replace old ones with new ones. We need to expand our trade relations and not ignore the ones we already have.

Ethiopians are changing. Their economy is booming. They are opening up. You cannot deny that. Already business in moyale is booming.

What do mean Uganda and Tanzania are our brothers.

Is Kenya a country of bantus and nilotes only. This is the problem with kenya - we never think about 3/4 of the country occupied by pastoralists - so we are stuck in small corrindor

Somalia is our most brotherly nation. Boranas have their relative in Oromos and many others in Ethiopia.

To go to Ethiopia - we just need to use them - kenya boranas - for Somalia - kenya somalis.

The southern part of somalis - has turkana and luo like people - and that region has population maybe of 10m.

For a luhya like you - fish in water in Uganda.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2020, 12:03:36 AM »
You're now talking sense. We need to go to Ethiopia and Somalia as a priority. We need to get over our fear of those cushites and semites - and trade. Tanzania and Uganda - those are already well set up. There is nothing more that need doing there. So Ethiopia,Somalia and DRC should be our NEW partners.

Ethiopia esp is 100M people country. We need roads, railways, and name it snaking up north.

As usual very narrow minded of you. Kenya has a historical relationship with Uganda and Tanzania. Now reducing it to a tribal affair is very ignorant of you. If you think we can just replace the two countries with other neighbouring countries, you are dreaming. We should be looking for new trading partners and not trying to replace old ones with new ones. We need to expand our trade relations and not ignore the ones we already have.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2020, 07:55:39 AM »
The more I read what @RV Pundit posts these days, the more I think, he has gotten careless/thoughtless on what he writes. If TZ didn't matter that much why within a days if not hours (oil deal of UG and TZ) did Kenya blink and end the standoff that had led to banning Kenyan Airlines landing in TZ. If the leadership of ruling administration Jubilee weighed the gravity, a party which you support wholly, why are you feeding us half-baked theories here on yet to be viable option?
They say each market has its madman, seemingly Pundit could be morphing into that madman on


Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2020, 08:19:49 AM »
The more I read what @RV Pundit posts these days, the more I think, he has gotten careless/thoughtless on what he writes. If TZ didn't matter that much why within a days if not hours (oil deal of UG and TZ) did Kenya blink and end the standoff that had led to banning Kenyan Airlines landing in TZ. If the leadership of ruling administration Jubilee weighed the gravity, a party which you support wholly, why are you feeding us half-baked theories here on yet to be viable option?
They say each market has its madman, seemingly Pundit could be morphing into that madman on

Such kind of posts can only be written by an idiot like you.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2020, 11:35:39 AM »
Support your arguments here with data. Post your figures before calling us idiots. Pundit treats us here like Jubilee treats the masses, we are supposed to agree with everything he says.  :o Eti our trade with Ethiopia & Somalia.... Bloggers on Nipate are not pumpkins. The is no way Kenya can wish away the trade benefits Uganda and Tanzania bring to this country, Uganda being our number one export partner.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2020, 11:41:46 AM »
Strawman arguments. Where did I say we should dump Uganda or Tanzania. I say we should focus on Ethiopia - a bigger virgin market that is unexplored. That should give us more option. Ethiopia is 2nd largest African country - after Nigeria. We focus on that - and we could strike it rich. They are getting their shiet together - and there are lot of opportunities for kenya traders and business.
Support your arguments here with data. Post your figures before calling us idiots. Pundit treats us here like Jubilee treats the masses, we are supposed to agree with everything he says.  :o Eti our trade with Ethiopia & Somalia.... Bloggers on Nipate are not pumpkins. The is no way Kenya can wish away the trade benefits Uganda and Tanzania bring to this country, Uganda being our number one export partner.

Offline gout

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2020, 01:53:56 PM »
There is a difference between what politicians think and do versus what mwananchi, traders do to day. Magufuli is not Tanzania neither is Museveni Uganda. The dick measuring contest between Uhuru, Museveni and Magufuli is largely ignored except when it causes massive trucks jam in Busia or Namanga ama HoloHolo.

The Moyale and Somali border trade reference just proves this divergence. Moyale Ethiopia has boomed from Kenyan traders bring in beans and other cereals. Somali borders must be tax free sugar, clothes and all which eventually finds its way into Uganda.
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Offline gout

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2020, 01:59:53 PM »
The question is what we would be exporting to Ethiopia. The reason the exports to Uganda and TZ have fallen is due to improveemnt of their local production capcity for basic stuff we were manaufacturing. Unilever has even moved out to Egypt.

Strawman arguments. Where did I say we should dump Uganda or Tanzania. I say we should focus on Ethiopia - a bigger virgin market that is unexplored. That should give us more option. Ethiopia is 2nd largest African country - after Nigeria. We focus on that - and we could strike it rich. They are getting their shiet together - and there are lot of opportunities for kenya traders and business.
Support your arguments here with data. Post your figures before calling us idiots. Pundit treats us here like Jubilee treats the masses, we are supposed to agree with everything he says.  :o Eti our trade with Ethiopia & Somalia.... Bloggers on Nipate are not pumpkins. The is no way Kenya can wish away the trade benefits Uganda and Tanzania bring to this country, Uganda being our number one export partner.

I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2020, 04:11:42 PM »
Yes, I know lots of soya beans, maize and such are coming in. But I think Kenya has edge in many things including even manufacturing, pharmaceuticals - and whatever KRA has not over-taxed.
The question is what we would be exporting to Ethiopia. The reason the exports to Uganda and TZ have fallen is due to improveemnt of their local production capcity for basic stuff we were manaufacturing. Unilever has even moved out to Egypt.

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Re: EAC Dumps Kenya
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2020, 05:53:28 PM »
Our good neighbors do not think highly of us. First, the Ugandans and Tanzanian's want to control the East African oil wealth which could have been the preserve of Kenya. Secondly, the formation of a joint exchange market by Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda is bound to give the Nairobi capital markets a run for its undervalued money. We are on our own.

I recall correctly the Kenyans had reservations about the software vendor on this project.  They have no problem with the joint exchange per se.
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