Author Topic: Kieleweke to abandon Raila  (Read 6926 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« on: September 19, 2020, 02:06:25 AM »
He is no longer of use. He is making those BBI/handshake crew unpopular on the ground.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 03:24:38 AM »
I thought these Mt Kenya lot are already with Mobutu. Are you saying they are yet to pick a candidate?
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2020, 08:25:57 AM »
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2020, 08:44:02 AM »

Hon Moses Kuria 2h ago
In view of the passage of the 3rd generation formula for revenue sharing, yesterday we kicked off a series of meetings as MPs and leaders from Mt Kenya region to discuss the repositioning of our core counties with the additional resources that will ultimately come with the new formula. This was only the first of such meetings that will take place in the next few weeks. Undoubtedly other regions will do the same. It is an inalienable right of every region to meet and chart the best way forward to uplift the lives of their people. Yet, sadly, when Mt Kenya meets its followed by suspicion, misinformation, innuedo and propaganda. There was no politics- Absolutely None- at Thika Greens yesterday, let alone succession politics. Why the Daily Nation chose to run with Fake News as a Headline and even quote shadowy, expired characters who were not at the meeting is baffling. If such is their fodder let them continue reserving space because we will meet again and again for the benefit and welfare of our people of Mt Kenya Region- An integral part of the Great Kenyan Nation

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2020, 08:55:26 AM »
Seem strange for Kuria to praise Prince Uhuru leadership over 1M1S - instead of Ruto Team Kenya like Murconman. Kuria now wants IPPG to implement BBI 35%

Hon Moses Kuria 1d ago

I take this opportunity to express my delight over the passage of the 3rd Generation Formula for Revenue Sharing among counties. This is a victory for all Kenyans in that

1. By maintaining the weight of population at 18% and land mass at 8%, the formula comes as close ad possible to the One Man, One Vote, One Shilling AS A PRINCIPLE

2. By offering a transitional relief of Ksh 54 Billion CONDITIONAL GRANT, President Uhuru Kenyatta has made it possible to not only break the stalemate but also ensure that no county receives an allocation less than what they received in the Financial Year 2019/2020. Further the extra Ksh 54 Billion is not a Harambee donation to Counties- It is a conditional grant which will be ring fenced for health, water and roads and not left to the whims of Counties. Whereas the Formula as passed ensures fairness in PRINCIPLE, the Ksh 54 Billion ensures that the fairness works in PRACTICE. Thank you Mr President Sir!

3. With the passage of the One Man, One Vote, One Shilling today, the Ksh 370 Billion if taken against an expected Ordinary Revenue of Ksh 2.1 Trillion over the same period represents 17.6 % of Revenue which is just slightly above the Constitutional threshold of 15% . Now that the historical injustice in the formula has been cured, it is possible and even desirable to devolve even more funds to counties. There is talk within the BBI circles of 45% of Revenue but with our runaway debt obligation and spiraling national wage and recurrent expenditure I do not see this being feasible. But even if we settle for 30% that would mean Ksh 750 Billion going to our counties.

Moral of the story. Lets have an Interparty Parliamentary Group (IPPG) to look at the good side of BBI and create a national consensus the way Senate and President Uhuru Kenyatta have done with the formula. It is doable. No one is absolutely right and no one is absolutely wrong. This is a lesson that no single person will solve our problems. We have to sit and reason together as Kenyans. The triumphalism of No one can stop Reggae goes against this spirit of reasoning and working together. It has to stop. If we resorted to No one Can Stop Reggae in the Revenue Sharing Formula, nothing could be achieved

This is our country. Lets talk to each other not at each other

God Bless Kenya
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2020, 10:10:38 AM »
Robina kizungu mingi.They want to go for their own.Ruto has his gema ground game.That is why he never bothers with moses kuria..he has run around before..formed a party and then came running back.Kieleweke are trying to wriggle themselves from Raila otherwise  the ground ni ngumu

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2020, 10:21:50 AM »

Offline Pajero

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2020, 10:44:18 AM »
Pundito,don't spin it to look like it's Raila loosing here,We know who has been salivating for the gema vote all along.It was just a matter of time before okuyus show their real colours.Basucally they are telling your Mobutu to forget their votes.thar their votes will go to PK.I have always been on point insisting that gema will neither vote Raila not your Mobutu.The biggest looser here is Mobutu.without gema votes,he is as good as tissue paper.Aa of Raila anything that divides kalenjin and kikuyu is to his advantage.With Pk,Raila,Mobutu,Mdvd,Kalonzo,mutua, all on ballot,Raila must be smiling.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2020, 10:50:56 AM »
Raila of 2022 is not the Raila of 2007. This one is done kaput. He is now losing coast. He will come distant third or fourth in 2017. Ruto is the man to beat - even if he scored zero gema votes.
Pundito,don't spin it to look like it's Raila loosing here,We know who has been salivating for the gema vote all along.It was just a matter of time before okuyus show their real colours.Basucally they are telling your Mobutu to forget their votes.thar their votes will go to PK.I have always been on point insisting that gema will neither vote Raila not your Mobutu.The biggest looser here is Mobutu.without gema votes,he is as good as tissue paper.Aa of Raila anything that divides kalenjin and kikuyu is to his advantage.With Pk,Raila,Mobutu,Mdvd,Kalonzo,mutua, all on ballot,Raila must be smiling.

Offline Pajero

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2020, 11:22:14 AM »
Really,Raila is loosing coast,Raila is loosing western,this is the only line of defence left with you.Atleast you are now coming to terms that Kikuyus will after all be supporting one of their own.Raila should be the least of your worries,his cards are safe,game plan on course,divide jubilee kabisa,kikuyu north,kalenjin south.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2020, 11:27:37 AM »
What game plan when he divided NASA into smithereens - and now his own ODM is splitting - after he run to GEMA - and abandon coast and non-gema. Just wait for coast to unveil their party - you'll be left with Joho alone.

Continue to bury your ODM head in the sand - that is how you lost Gusii, Bukusu, Kalenjin, Maasai, Somalis, Boranas, now Turkanas and Ruto and others.

Now Ruto is intelligent - he going for both gema and non-gema. He may miss a few in GEMA - but he has huge non-gema backing him. Infact the only place he is struggling on now is Gusii - where Matiangi the test-tube maybe a factor.

Within GEMA - Ruto has direct support - that Raila can only envy - and that your friends in PK camp - are trying to figure out how to slice it. Uhuru for last 3yrs ameshindwa. Sasa PK atawezena?

Jubilee you maybe suprised is very intact unlike NASA - Jubilee is very united outside a few in Mt kenya -because Mt Kenya ground has refused to board BBI/Handshake/Raila eventually Uhuru will come crying to negotiate with Ruto a safe exit - before the dynasties are kicked out.
Really,Raila is loosing coast,Raila is loosing western,this is the only line of defence left with you.Atleast you are now coming to terms that Kikuyus will after all be supporting one of their own.Raila should be the least of your worries,his cards are safe,game plan on course,divide jubilee kabisa,kikuyu north,kalenjin south.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2020, 11:29:53 AM »
First   I see the heading is "Its President or Nothing" , some of us who can read between the lines , it means a total opposition of BBI.
Going through the statements by Kuria , its eveident the seeds of discord against BBI have been planted , further by proposing IPPG this is a scheme of sideling the newly formed committes with memebers fully supporting the BBI from PSC to the Financial committe which are critical in ensuring a publiscte happens.
Another point to note is Mt Kenya politicians for the first time in history have found themselves in an unknown territory, more so for the elected leaders, previously they had a Kingpin , they had a party , read Ford Asili, DP  etc now the elected leaders who have learnt from history coming back to parliament is not an easy fete are trying to measure where they can place their eggs , no matter what no matter where its not a guarantee  that they will get nominated in the most popular party in the region  now add to the fact just like in 2013 and 2002 this will be a regime changing elections , people will want to see new faces as MPS , MCA and Senators.
Now seeing Kibicho along with these MPs will tell you , people inside government know their time is up and a safe exit would be to wnter politics.
As it stands things with things on the ground in Mt Kenya Ruto is the man to beat come 2022.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2020, 11:33:42 AM »
Really,Raila is loosing coast,Raila is loosing western,this is the only line of defence left with you.Atleast you are now coming to terms that Kikuyus will after all be supporting one of their own.Raila should be the least of your worries,his cards are safe,game plan on course,divide jubilee kabisa,kikuyu north,kalenjin south.

Apart from Mombasa(due to Luo diaspora factor) , Raila will lose the other 5 counties, Kilifi and Taita Taveta where people thought they could share evenly has actually shifted . Just last week Kilifi politicians would want to be seen with Raila thats how bad it is for Raila.

Offline Pajero

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2020, 11:41:40 AM »
So being seen with somebody nowadays has become a measure of popularity,come on,don't expose your ignorance.Anyway just stick to your lane.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2020, 11:43:03 AM »
Pajero - RV insists Gema and Luo are oil & water. What I see here is Gema anointing PK before partnering into coalitions. I agree with you the person who was meant to have these Kurias in the bag is Mobutu - but 1M1S and other problems have unveiled the wolf. I am watching Sudi release on bail in Nakuru yesterday and the usual loudmouths are really timid and disciplined. Not a single shot from Kimani Ngunjiri or Murkomen. :)

Anyway people are posturing or positioning now for coalition. Not every Matiang'i will make final round - it's why I see Raila BBI as a better strategy than Hustler Nation. People want positions - they are not all delusional like Aukot - they need winning formula and a stake in it. Kaloozer is happy to retire as Senior CS - he just needs to save face - which PM carrot nails.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2020, 11:45:30 AM »
Maybe the title should read it's presidency or nothing. Honestly who is opposing a retiring Uhuru. He has less than 2yrs to go.

I think after 1M1S - basically appetite for BBI in them has died - this was something they wished they could sell as their BBI bargain.

I think the failure of Raila to secure 1M1S - has Uhuru and his Kibicho powers really worried - and Raila should be the most worried.

His bargaining chips are now very few. If he could not secure 1m1s - against Murkomen - 7 or 10 times - how can he secure other difficult things.

So Raila is kaput in power games - with Murathes ensared by COVID.

If Raila was smart he would have strike a rode when it's hot - and got himself something. When Ruto folks were being hounded in parliament - that was the time to demand a share of gov. He failed.

Now he is position where he support something - and gov has go through the motion 10 times - before compromising! - where Raila has basically lost support of many senators and their home-ground.

Now what is going to happen in mt kenya is simple. It's ground game. What will Mt Kenya people buy. If they insist on Ruto Liwe Liwalo. The elite will negotiate a safe exit - and support Ruto. No political elite want to face an angry populace and be send home.

Ruto in ODM face the same dillema - he wanted Kalonzo because he'd win in good unriggable margins against an incumbent (same 2005 white-wash of gov in the referendum) - but kalenjin were so angry and were in Raila LIWE LIWALO - so eventually Ruto had to run to their front and pretend to lead them into ODM.

From now till 2022 - the ground is everything - everyone in 2021 will be listening to their homegrounds - the local issues - and etc.
First   I see the heading is "Its President or Nothing" , some of us who can read between the lines , it means a total opposition of BBI.
Going through the statements by Kuria , its eveident the seeds of discord against BBI have been planted , further by proposing IPPG this is a scheme of sideling the newly formed committes with memebers fully supporting the BBI from PSC to the Financial committe which are critical in ensuring a publiscte happens.
Another point to note is Mt Kenya politicians for the first time in history have found themselves in an unknown territory, more so for the elected leaders, previously they had a Kingpin , they had a party , read Ford Asili, DP  etc now the elected leaders who have learnt from history coming back to parliament is not an easy fete are trying to measure where they can place their eggs , no matter what no matter where its not a guarantee  that they will get nominated in the most popular party in the region  now add to the fact just like in 2013 and 2002 this will be a regime changing elections , people will want to see new faces as MPS , MCA and Senators.
Now seeing Kibicho along with these MPs will tell you , people inside government know their time is up and a safe exit would be to wnter politics.
As it stands things with things on the ground in Mt Kenya Ruto is the man to beat come 2022.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2020, 11:53:21 AM »
You're clinically mad. More like Kichwa Mbaya. You imagine that everyone is preparing the road of the 2nd coming of Messiah Odinga. That people are pulling all the stops - so they can come and sit on the table - with now glorified Luo King - and negotiate - not even for positions that are on the table - but those that King Odinga will create after he wins in BBI 4.0.

Please check yourself in the nearest mental hospital.

Ruto right now is incredibly popular - it appears the more Uhuru attacks him - the more popular he is on the ground - he is getting a lot of sympathy and is now seen as the change guy - the guy to bring new hope for hustlers (poor masses).

Raila is seen as spent force - he had good momentum in those BBI rallies - where he is promising nothing but everything to everyone - but surely eventually the document is released -  it will be back to formulae kind of debate - so it's not good strategy. You cannot reconcile the gema and non-gema issues - it's just re-opening wounds. Maasai want this. Gema want opposite. Coast want that.

Ruto strategy is working - and is sustainable. The man is not sleeping. They kicked him out of gov - he has turned his Karen office into 2nd statehouse where people go to pray and pay homage to him.

Pajero - RV insists Gema and Luo are oil & water. What I see here is Gema anointing PK before partnering into coalitions. I agree with you the person who was meant to have these Kurias in the bag is Mobutu - but 1M1S and other problems have unveiled the wolf. I am watching Sudi release on bail in Nakuru yesterday and the usual loudmouths are really timid and disciplined. Not a single shot from Kimani Ngunjiri or Murkomen. :)

Anyway people are posturing or positioning now for coalition. Not every Matiang'i will make final round - it's why I see Raila BBI as a better strategy than Hustler Nation. People want positions - they are not all delusional like Aukot - they need winning formula and a stake in it. Kaloozer is happy to retire as Senior CS - he just needs to save face - which PM carrot nails.

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2020, 11:58:42 AM »
So being seen with somebody nowadays has become a measure of popularity,come on,don't expose your ignorance.Anyway just stick to your lane.

So tell me why do you think Kwale , Lamu, Tana River will vote for Raila, when in last election even with the hate of Uhuru ,Jubilee managed in some cases to beat Raila and some to even out .
Now for Kilifi and Taita I will explain to you , In Taita Taveta Uhurus perfomace was affected by his surname Kenyatta Family, His family and the park own vast amount of lands and Wadavi believe its theirs hence the reason Jubilee perfomed dismally in 2013 with an improvement in 2017. Actually Jubilee has MPs and MCAs there and suprisingly won Women Rep  As for Ruto he has no baggage in Coast Province wait and see how it will end up.
Now for Kilifi its the same thing, they hate anything associated with Kenyattas , Jommo had appointrd a Coast PC  in his time who terrorised the locals economically and socially , hence the reason in 2002 they opted for Kibaki the other Kikuyu against Uhuru the Kenyatta Kikuyu. Now coming to the biggest factor ,would i dare say Giriama because there are other tribes like Ribe,chonyi etc  have historical ties with Kalenjin remember KADU?,  for them its easier to unite with Kalenjin , thats the reason you see Ruto is most welcome there .Take this to the bank Kilifi in 2022 will go to Ruto.
As for Mombasa , with the Kisumu ndogos there , its a gone case thats a satellite Luo county, thats Tailas for Keep, even Odinga gave Moi a running in 1992, majority MPs with exception of KANUs Nassir and Chamgamwe s DP kiliku were Odingas Ford Kenya

Offline Pajero

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2020, 12:02:33 PM »
Coast people hate thieves and land grabbers

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Kieleweke to abandon Raila
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2020, 12:09:55 PM »
Coast people hate thieves and land grabbers
Ehe true , in their region, so with Uhuru as part of the equation out. Dont you think this will make Raila and ODM worried ?