Oswago came from his village in Bondo - and yet he could not win. The guys who interviewed and selected them included Karoli Omondi - half picked were Railas - and Raila's office even took over procurement. Raila had maybe 15-20 ministers and 40 ass ministers going into that election - and still lost. He was the PM, Kalonzo the VP and MaDVD the DPM.
Meanwhile Ruto was mere MP facing ICC and Uhuru was just DPM but no longer a minister.
Ruto really helped the drunkard Uhuru to forge a message - prayer meetings - and bla bla - and he won. Jubilee was smooth machine until the drunkard insisted on driving it alone...while he cannot stay sober for 1/4 of the time. Let's pray the drunkard doesn't crash kenya and wake up to find himself back at ICC.
Now Ruto has found a message - Hustler Nation - that is resonating - this one is pretty good because the poor now have someone to blame (the rich). Meanwhile Raila is still talking about corruption

while he is busy stealing and BBI while everyone can see the country is now more divided than ever.
Now that you remind me Isaack Hassan actually was his nominee and he is the reason why Miguna was fired as Railas advisor ( When the he decided to attack Isaack so that Oswago could get a chance and become chairman ) . Eventually Oswago became C.E.O. but still could not influence the results . Then you come here and cry system .