Author Topic: Raila spent force  (Read 6279 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2020, 08:37:15 AM »
The influencers have gone underground to being bankrupted by Uhuru but when time comes you'll see them.You cannot use intimidation on the uhuru is just going to get buy himself time but as official campaigning start in mid 2021 then you'll be shocked. RUTO just need to keep the ground game on...and worry less about leaders...they will come hoping to ride the train or be part of the future hov
One - the damage Uhuru is doing to Ruto plan is irreversible. The game of attrition is very corrosive. Anyway you were stuck on Uhurutopia for whole 2 years - now you still hope Uhuru will tosha Ruto even as the bareknuckles are afoot. Murathe, Waiguru, PK, Waruguru, Sabina - Uhuru parrots are already selling Raila.

BBI mnofu is sellable to Wanjiku on ground - and not only 35% devolution. If say Joho is touted as DPM - Pwani will go with him as kingpin - regardless of what happens later. Equally Mdvd can easily sell PM in Luhya - and wind up as mere CS. It's politics. Right now imagine Mdvd or Kalonzo backing Ruto who vehemently oppose BBI - what do they get but VP? How do you picture Kalonzo running for Majority Leader - even Tseikuru villagers would spit in his face :) He just needs to be promised Foreign CS and touted as VP in NARC 2 - he wanted Treasury job the other day.

Unless hustler movement swings everyone like the holy ghost :) - none of these influencers will touch Ruto with a 10ft pole. Even Duale is MIA. All other "revolutions" - KANU 63, NARC, ODM - branded as dream cabinet or such power-sharing. Seem wishy-washy Mdvd is warming up to Handshake again.

Raila think he is smart while Uhuru is smarter using him - and paying him almost nothing - just empty promises. Jubilee machinery can turn anyday Uhuru decides. Ruto has shown he is not a small guy - to be pushed around.

We will see soon - first BBI if it not ammending constitution now - is not going to be sold to anybody. Nobody believe a president who just go imperial power will proceed to water it down. Not even Kibaki could do that.

Raila is getting played - but he thinks he is the player. This is what Moi did to him. He found himself Tosharing Kibaki. This time round - I don't know if he will run to lose again or he will tosha who? If GEMA pick their own stooge - he may even tosha ruto - although Ruto would run away from him - he is toxic in GEMA.

As long as Raila cannot and is not being sold in GEMA - except by CORONA dude stealing money Murathe - he is being played.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2020, 09:03:30 AM »
Lol- Are you kidding me? Ouru was in government, a kikiyu prince and kibaki's God-son. You want to compare that to Ruto, the son of a peasant who stole his way upstairs. Why are you guys having problems with reality.

OMG! Pundit, I feel your pain.  This whole Kumi Kumi thing is going down just like we predicted in 2013. Ruto is now firmly and for all practical purposes outside the government. It's hard enough to win the presidency of Kenya from the opposition as we all know saving for 2002 when Kibaki and RAO were on the same side.  Now you are telling us with a straight face that Ruto will win the presidency against the government with RAO on the side of the government.  Whatever you have been smoking/imbibing, is not good for you bro.  Wake up and smell the proverbial coffee already. Each time Sudi and Ngeno insult Mama Ngina, Ruto's dream for the presidency is buried deeper and deeper into the ground. 

Raila think he is smart while Uhuru is smarter using him - and paying him almost nothing - just empty promises. Jubilee machinery can turn anyday Uhuru decides. Ruto has shown he is not a small guy - to be pushed around.

We will see soon - first BBI if it not ammending constitution now - is not going to be sold to anybody. Nobody believe a president who just go imperial power will proceed to water it down. Not even Kibaki could do that.

Raila is getting played - but he thinks he is the player. This is what Moi did to him. He found himself Tosharing Kibaki. This time round - I don't know if he will run to lose again or he will tosha who? If GEMA pick their own stooge - he may even tosha ruto - although Ruto would run away from him - he is toxic in GEMA.

As long as Raila cannot and is not being sold in GEMA - except by CORONA dude stealing money Murathe - he is being played.

Raila smartness is in killing Jubilee - which was lethal force - and carving out GoK machinery into his side. With Jubilee and machinery on Ruto side Raila was DOA. Now Ruto is running everywhere like a headless chicken - insulting Mama Ngina and Muhoho and name it - threatening PEV - from sleepwalking to SH 2 years ago. That very good game old Baba has played.

Now once that ground has been leveled - Raila BBI Manifesto is blank cheque to string all freeloaders - PM, 2 DPM, 2 VP, 35%, 1/3 women - that better strategy than hustler vs dynasty. Mdvd and Kalonzo wanted him to tosha them per CORD/NASA MOU - so he loses nothing by killing NASA. Mdvds have no chance to be PORK anyway- eirher they pull 4-8% solo - or settle for VP/DPM under NARC 2 aka Hamdshake coalition. Ruto got nothing for them. Kalonzo middle finger to Ruto is so final that Muthama is cobbling new Kamba thing - to join Ruto future hustler party. :)

We had 2 regime changing elections and in both occasions outsiders won the election , in 2002 Kibaki and 2013 Uhuru he had stepped down as Finance Minister due to ICC cases, Raila was then still in Govt as the Prime Minister

The reality is Uhuru resigned on 26Th January 2012 as Kenyas Finance Minister


Kenya's Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta, has resigned following a ruling that he will face trial for crimes against humanity.
It comes days after the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruled that he should face prosecution over post-election violence in Kenya in 2008.

Yes Uhuru could be the Godson of Kibaki , but he ran against Kibaki in 2002 and he was instrumental in defeating Kibaki in 2005 Referendum .

As for Raila he was still in government and was actually receiving intelligent reports up untill elections . Further to that half of the government were his nominees .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2020, 10:28:59 AM »
He nominated half the IEBC commissioners and was in charge of procurement - after gov took over - and brought us Canadians and French - to supply election kits. Raila ni mtu bure tu. That is why his supporters including Kichwa are tired. Only Robina here being new has the passion. The rest are tired of defeat after defeat.

Uhuru will drop him at some point.

Yes Uhuru could be the Godson of Kibaki , but he ran against Kibaki in 2002 and he was instrumental in defeating Kibaki in 2005 Referendum .

As for Raila he was still in government and was actually receiving intelligent reports up untill elections . Further to that half of the government were his nominees .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2020, 10:39:04 AM »
He nominated half the IEBC commissioners and was in charge of procurement - after gov took over - and brought us Canadians and French - to supply election kits. Raila ni mtu bure tu. That is why his supporters including Kichwa are tired. Only Robina here being new has the passion. The rest are tired of defeat after defeat.

Uhuru will drop him at some point.

Yes Uhuru could be the Godson of Kibaki , but he ran against Kibaki in 2002 and he was instrumental in defeating Kibaki in 2005 Referendum .

As for Raila he was still in government and was actually receiving intelligent reports up untill elections . Further to that half of the government were his nominees .

Now that you remind me Isaack Hassan actually was his nominee  and he is the reason why Miguna was fired as Railas advisor ( When the he decided to attack Isaack so that  Oswago could get a chance and become chairman ) . Eventually Oswago became C.E.O. but still could not influence the results .  Then you come here and cry system .

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2020, 10:46:16 AM »
Raila spent force since 2013. What's new?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2020, 11:11:24 AM »
The level of his descent....slow punctured politician past his prime - with orphans like you.
Raila spent force since 2013. What's new?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2020, 11:12:05 AM »
Oswago came from his village in Bondo - and yet he could not win. The guys who interviewed and selected them included Karoli Omondi  - half picked were Railas - and Raila's office even took over procurement. Raila had maybe 15-20 ministers and 40 ass ministers going into that election - and still lost. He was the PM, Kalonzo the VP and MaDVD the DPM.

Meanwhile Ruto was mere MP facing ICC and Uhuru was just DPM but no longer a minister.

Ruto really helped the drunkard Uhuru to forge a message - prayer meetings - and bla bla - and he won. Jubilee was smooth machine until the drunkard insisted on driving it alone...while he cannot stay sober for 1/4 of the time. Let's pray the drunkard doesn't crash kenya and wake up to find himself back at ICC.

Now Ruto has found a message - Hustler Nation - that is resonating - this one is pretty good because the poor now have someone to blame (the rich). Meanwhile Raila is still talking about corruption :) while he is busy stealing and BBI while everyone can see the country is now more divided than ever.

Now that you remind me Isaack Hassan actually was his nominee  and he is the reason why Miguna was fired as Railas advisor ( When the he decided to attack Isaack so that  Oswago could get a chance and become chairman ) . Eventually Oswago became C.E.O. but still could not influence the results .  Then you come here and cry system .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2020, 06:35:16 AM »
Oswago came from his village in Bondo - and yet he could not win. The guys who interviewed and selected them included Karoli Omondi  - half picked were Railas - and Raila's office even took over procurement. Raila had maybe 15-20 ministers and 40 ass ministers going into that election - and still lost. He was the PM, Kalonzo the VP and MaDVD the DPM.

Meanwhile Ruto was mere MP facing ICC and Uhuru was just DPM but no longer a minister.

Ruto really helped the drunkard Uhuru to forge a message - prayer meetings - and bla bla - and he won. Jubilee was smooth machine until the drunkard insisted on driving it alone...while he cannot stay sober for 1/4 of the time. Let's pray the drunkard doesn't crash kenya and wake up to find himself back at ICC.

Now Ruto has found a message - Hustler Nation - that is resonating - this one is pretty good because the poor now have someone to blame (the rich). Meanwhile Raila is still talking about corruption :) while he is busy stealing and BBI while everyone can see the country is now more divided than ever.

Now that you remind me Isaack Hassan actually was his nominee  and he is the reason why Miguna was fired as Railas advisor ( When the he decided to attack Isaack so that  Oswago could get a chance and become chairman ) . Eventually Oswago became C.E.O. but still could not influence the results .  Then you come here and cry system .

Even in 2017 elections Chebukati was their man , a close ally to Raila and still it could not stop the train , when the results start trickling in the best one can do is watch .


ODM lawmakers will support the nomination of Wafula Chebukati to head the electoral commission and six nominees for commissioner posts when the names are tabled in the House tomorrow.


A lawyer slated to succeed Issack Hassan as the chairman of the electoral body told MPs that he resigned as a member of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) a month ago

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2020, 07:08:44 AM »
Which influencers are underground waiting to re-emerge and back Ruto? All Kiraitus, Sambojas, Kingis are openly with Baba. Sema Duale or Nanok - those few Ruto crew with wishy-washy Mvurya. Influencers are well known and your popular Ruto has a handful of Kisii DG Joash Maang'i, Khalwale, Muthama, Omar - with long list of pawns. But even say NFD wholesome counties defected from Ruto to Raila - you can google it. Ruto has nothing to offer the influencers to match BBI - so your new up is down theory is that class will trump tribe. Big gamble based on zero precedent and motivated by Ruto naked lack of clout. So far no takers.

The influencers have gone underground to being bankrupted by Uhuru but when time comes you'll see them.You cannot use intimidation on the uhuru is just going to get buy himself time but as official campaigning start in mid 2021 then you'll be shocked. RUTO just need to keep the ground game on...and worry less about leaders...they will come hoping to ride the train or be part of the future hov
One - the damage Uhuru is doing to Ruto plan is irreversible. The game of attrition is very corrosive. Anyway you were stuck on Uhurutopia for whole 2 years - now you still hope Uhuru will tosha Ruto even as the bareknuckles are afoot. Murathe, Waiguru, PK, Waruguru, Sabina - Uhuru parrots are already selling Raila.

BBI mnofu is sellable to Wanjiku on ground - and not only 35% devolution. If say Joho is touted as DPM - Pwani will go with him as kingpin - regardless of what happens later. Equally Mdvd can easily sell PM in Luhya - and wind up as mere CS. It's politics. Right now imagine Mdvd or Kalonzo backing Ruto who vehemently oppose BBI - what do they get but VP? How do you picture Kalonzo running for Majority Leader - even Tseikuru villagers would spit in his face :) He just needs to be promised Foreign CS and touted as VP in NARC 2 - he wanted Treasury job the other day.

Unless hustler movement swings everyone like the holy ghost :) - none of these influencers will touch Ruto with a 10ft pole. Even Duale is MIA. All other "revolutions" - KANU 63, NARC, ODM - branded as dream cabinet or such power-sharing. Seem wishy-washy Mdvd is warming up to Handshake again.

Raila think he is smart while Uhuru is smarter using him - and paying him almost nothing - just empty promises. Jubilee machinery can turn anyday Uhuru decides. Ruto has shown he is not a small guy - to be pushed around.

We will see soon - first BBI if it not ammending constitution now - is not going to be sold to anybody. Nobody believe a president who just go imperial power will proceed to water it down. Not even Kibaki could do that.

Raila is getting played - but he thinks he is the player. This is what Moi did to him. He found himself Tosharing Kibaki. This time round - I don't know if he will run to lose again or he will tosha who? If GEMA pick their own stooge - he may even tosha ruto - although Ruto would run away from him - he is toxic in GEMA.

As long as Raila cannot and is not being sold in GEMA - except by CORONA dude stealing money Murathe - he is being played.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2020, 07:41:39 AM »
So governors are now influencers while we know majority of them never make re election.For example Kiraitu n munya are going player mwangaza winning.Tharaka..Prof kindiki wins.Embu..Cecil Mbarire wins.Kirinyaga Wangui wins.Muranga and Nyeri do not be surprised another Ruto man or woman wins.Kabogo wins.Sonko Nairobi.Kihika Nakuru. Kinyua laikipia.All these are new popular Ruto influencers you copy paste model cannot see.Your political analysis ni pedestrian.If your model cannot predict 70% churn rate then uko na shida. RAILA LOST WITH CABINET OF NEARLY 50 SUPPORTING him in 2013.Watch the ground game...Raila after formula is done...Malala left..Ole kina left..mijikenda left..Somalis left...turkana left..even someone like Sakaja is letting...Sakaja n Sonko may battle for Ruto in Nairobi as they know odm iko na kidero waiting to bribe Raila

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2020, 07:51:16 AM »
I see. Is Mariga also an influencer? Churn rate has nothing to do with Ruto or Raila it a universal phenomenon. There are many newbies everywhere and you cannot claim only Ruto disciples are popular.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Raila spent force
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2020, 08:13:39 AM »
I see. Is Mariga also an influencer? Churn rate has nothing to do with Ruto or Raila it a universal phenomenon. There are many newbies everywhere and you cannot claim only Ruto disciples are popular.
Ruto did well in kibera and Raila had to employ violence on election day..such model cannot be scaled in national elections.Watch ground game.For example Matiangi is new force in Gusii by virtue of his power.Dont just lazy around and think you can predict the future