Author Topic: Kenya Airways= Loses Because Of Aircraft Lease Charges-Who Owns The Aircraft?  (Read 13489 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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I have never been convinced.. those companies are owned by KQ, AfriExim Bank and US EximBank who financed the purchase of the jets.

Amboseli Ltd and Samburu Ltd, both registered in the Cayman islands. They will own the aircraft for the period of the finance lease.

Kenya Airways acquired two planes at a cost of Sh5.3 billion through the two offshore companies in September this year. The airline has just posted a half year loss of Sh4.8 billion.

The two companies are subsidiaries of Kenya Airways Ltd, but according to CMA, the directors are two lawyers based in Cayman Islands.

The two companies are intended to give the suppliers security by allowing them to own a share of the company that controls the aircraft, the CMA report states.

Kenya Airways told the CMA that the CMA that the arrangement was normal. They used a similar arrangement with the official US Eximbank in the 1990s to purchase four Boeing aircraft.

The report states that the companies are owned by a charitable trust controlled neither by Kenya Airways nor the financing company.

Offline RV Pundit

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Nobody has ever shown evidence that Kenyattas own KQ jets. KQ and the financiers of the plane ( I think AfriExim bank and Exim Bank US) - registered companies in tax haven.

What I know Kenyattas - own the ground handling facility company - one of those - and Muhoho/s owns the shops.

The same with Mois - owning auxillary services.

And so was Biwotts - with his Kenya Air that at some point had got British Airways deal.

Then the Ndegwas.

Those 4 families - Kenyatta, Mois, Biwotts and Ndegwas - run auxillary airport services.

Offline RV Pundit

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KQ if I recall doesnt lease any planes - they actually out-lease those planes to likes of Turkish Airline.

The planes they bought under the Mawingu - were financed by AfriExim and US EximBank - because these are expensive assets - and international - like Ships - they are registered in the Panamas/Cayman - it very complicated business.

That is actually the real business of Panamas and these Islands - that corrupt Kenyattas take advantage of to launder their money.

Panamas and such - are suppose to provide complicated arrangement for ships and such complicated assets - that fly or sail across jurisdictions.

Offline RV Pundit

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Dont do politics based on lies and propaganda. Let us avoid cheap shots on the kenyatta because if they respond and say they dont own it - with evidence - then you lose the fight. Credibility is everything.

Kenyattas do not own KQ jets.

Offline RV Pundit

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If you register those planes to kenya - they will be seized by AngoLeasing debt vultures like Tanzania one was seized by farmer in South Africa.

Most ships and planes are registered in Panama and such island for such reasons - those islands will never enter any treaty or anything - that makes them operate above international law almost. The Swiss started this - staying above fray - and become haven for everyone.

Most ships will therefore panama flag...even if owned by China or South Korea or US.

Offline Nowayhaha

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RV , now you become an expert in aviation. Yes Kenyata family has interests in Kenya Aerotech, They had interests in NAS. Forget about those.
Reread the posts again.

Offline RV Pundit

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Which posts? If you're talking about tsavo,samburu  and simba please get out of here. Kenyattas do not won any KQ jet. Kenyattas lent KQ money through CBA - and they've been trying to nationalize that debt.

That is their main interest in KQ - CBA bank made a mess.

Kenyatta interest in KQ is simple - CBA bank foolish gave KQ 4B shs to pay salaries - which will drink water unless KQ is rescued - and only way is to nationalize KQ.

All the attempts to give KQ - JKIA - and make it part of KAA - are attempt by many stupid Kenya banks to nationalize the KQ DEBT. Many banks gave KQ and its staff loans when it was BLUE CHIP :) :) - and then they were told to convert the loan into shareholding :) when suddenly the bluechip nosedived and crashed.

But KQ without those Cayman islands - their planes will be seized by Kenyatta CBA the same day : ) :) - Infact KQ are briliant for having that.

KQ survives because of Cayman island. You cannot seize anything. They own nothing in their name. All held in trust by lawyers in Cayman island.

RV , now you become an expert in aviation. Yes Kenyata family has interests in Kenya Aerotech, They had interests in NAS. Forget about those.
Reread the posts again.

Offline Nowayhaha

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You have high IQ you said. Reread the posts. CBA like the other banks used to loan KQ to offset monthly wage bill and operational costs including fuel charges.
You simply dont understand the complex business of aircraft ownership. I tell you again reread the posts again and with an open mind.

Which posts? If you're talking about tsavo,samburu  and simba please get out of here. Kenyattas do not won any KQ jet. Kenyattas lent KQ money through CBA - and they've been trying to nationalize that debt.

That is their main interest in KQ - CBA bank made a mess.

Kenyatta interest in KQ is simple - CBA bank foolish gave KQ 4B shs - which will drink water unless KQ is rescued - and only way is to nationalize KQ.

RV , now you become an expert in aviation. Yes Kenyata family has interests in Kenya Aerotech, They had interests in NAS. Forget about those.
Reread the posts again.

Offline RV Pundit

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I have always known I have high IQ from the time I was in class 2.
My high IQ tell me - CBA of Kenyatta foolish lent money to KQ.
KQ financiers brilliantly registered all their planes in fake companies.
KQ own nothing. Maybe the land in Embakasi - I think KCB bank went for that - and sold it :) Mugoya and MOi had grabbed most of it.
Of course they own the planes...but under shadowy cayman fronts.

It time for Kenyattas to simply write off 4B kshs - many Kenya banks - are going to see red.

I think combined they lent KQ billions - but KQ should be brought to it's death. Treasury will never recover its money.Kenya banks will never recover theirs. And KLM have already given up on it.

The Jets will be sold by AfriExim and Standard Chartered Intl in cayman islands.

And we end this sad story - like Mumias that fester for 30yrs.

You have high IQ you said. Reread the posts. CBA like the other banks used to loan KQ to offset monthly wage bill and operational costs including fuel charges.
You simply dont understand the complex business of aircraft ownership. I tell you again reread the posts again and with an open mind.

Offline Nowayhaha

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So Uhurus bank lends KQ billions , then Kenyan Govt bails out KQ at
20 Billion annually since 2013 -2020 and convinces other banks to convert the debt into shares.
You really think Uhuru is that stupid ?

I have always known I have high IQ from class 2.
My high IQ tell me - CBA of Kenyatta foolish lent money to KQ.
KQ brilliantly registered all their planes in fake companies.
KQ own nothing. Maybe the land in Embakasi - I think KCB bank went for that - and sold it :) Mugoya and MOi had grabbed most of it.
Of course they own the planes...but under shadowy cayman fronts.

It time for Kenyattas to simply write off 4B kshs - many Kenya banks - are going to see red.

I think combined they lent KQ billions - but KQ should be brought to it's dead.

You have high IQ you said. Reread the posts. CBA like the other banks used to loan KQ to offset monthly wage bill and operational costs including fuel charges.
You simply dont understand the complex business of aircraft ownership. I tell you again reread the posts again and with an open mind.

Offline RV Pundit

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11 Kenyan banks foolishly lent 23B to KQ. That is 10yrs ago. Lots of money.
They lent KQ because well it's blue chip and the tall lanky Maasai is talking a storm.
This unsecured money - lent as mostly overdraft - or whatever - blue chip - that was paying before - no problem.
They actually bribe Naikuni with yellow yellow women :)

3 International Banks BRILLIANTLY lent KQ almost 70B.
The 3 international banks lent money for purchase of Boeing and Embarer jets
The 3 brilliant banks - insist that planes be jointly owned in Cayman island btw them and KQ - and the Treasury also put a 70B kshs gurantee.
These planes are then "leased" back to KQ.

Kenya treasury is .fuc.ked.
Kenya banks are fu.cked.
KQ basically OWN NOTHING.

Kenya banks have 23B hole. Treasury has potential 70B hole in public gurantee

So in their misery - they agree - to convert 23B to equity - and for Kenya treasury to annually pumb 20B into a hole.

KQ meanwhile continue to dig a big hole every year.

Flying half empty.

They own nothing.

KLM the strategic partner - quietly write it off - and have refused to inject any capital - pulled their staff - even kicked KQ out of their code sharing.

KLM equity keep reducing - until it now nearly zero.

KLM are brilliant. EximBank are brilliant.

Kenyattas are trying to get paid - by sustaining a beast that is busy digging a bigger hole.

Kenyattas will lose. Kenya public will lose more.

Kenyatts attempt to give KQ JKIA/KAA - nationalize the debt - parliament and Ruto say NOPE>

So Uhurus bank lends KQ billions , then Kenyan Govt bails out KQ at
20 Billion annually since 2013 -2020 and convinces other banks to convert the debt into shares.
You really think Uhuru is that stupid ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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RV, Kenyan banks didnt lend KQ money 10 years ago. 10 years ago KQ was a profitable airline and had made so much money from SA worldcup that they had surplus.
The banks lent money when turbulence hit KQ from Circa 2015 actually under Mbuvi .The money was used to pay wage bill and operational expenses including Fuel costs.
As to the reason they lent the money one KQ as an airline was making revenue of around 100Billion , secondly the man at the helm had a brother heading CBA and with close ties to the President.

You are mixing airline business and aircraft aquisation business. These are distinct. KQ for your information leases half of its fleet from various lessors.
KQ has 2 different owners ERJ 190 the Y  series and the F series
B737-300(KQA/B/C was only transferred the other day from Simba SPV to KQ , I believe KQD is yet to finish paying the loan.
B737-700 They were already returned to the lessors , B737-800 are under Geicas and 3777-300 with Turkish airlines and  B787 6 are under (Samburu/Tsavo) two were sold to a lessor out there.

In the previous posts I have posted how Aircraft acquisayion are made . Banks can never enter into ownership of Aircrafts. SPVs do.
KLM and KQ are still partners furthermore they are still under SKY Team Alliance so kicking out of code share is not factual.
KQ brings to Kenya around 5%  of the GDP hence apart from self interests reason it keeps being bailed out.

Nationalization bill was shelved because Uhuru decided BBI was the priority. He will bail out KQ this year and next year and most probably the bill will be brought back as soon as temperatures calm down.

Will you ask yourself a simple question , How come during Kibakis wra utill circa 2013 KQ used to be profitable but come 2013 every year its being bailed out to atune 20 Billion KShs avery year?

And FYI 70Billion KShs you say AfroExim bank lent KQ is cheap change in Aircraft aquisation. e.g one 787 costs around 250 Million USD.

11 Kenyan banks foolishly lent 23B to KQ. That is 10yrs ago. Lots of money.
They lent KQ because well it's blue chip and the tall lanky Maasai is talking a storm.
This unsecured money - lent as mostly overdraft - or whatever - blue chip - that was paying before - no problem.
They actually bribe Naikuni with yellow yellow women :)

3 International Banks BRILLIANTLY lent KQ almost 70B.
The 3 international banks lent money for purchase of Boeing and Embarer jets
The 3 brilliant banks - insist that planes be jointly owned in Cayman island btw them and KQ - and the Treasury also put a 70B kshs gurantee.
These planes are then "leased" back to KQ.

Kenya treasury is .fuc.ked.
Kenya banks are fu.cked.
KQ basically OWN NOTHING.

Kenya banks have 23B hole. Treasury has potential 70B hole in public gurantee

So in their misery - they agree - to convert 23B to equity - and for Kenya treasury to annually pumb 20B into a hole.

KQ meanwhile continue to dig a big hole every year.

Flying half empty.

They own nothing.

KLM the strategic partner - quietly write it off - and have refused to inject any capital - pulled their staff - even kicked KQ out of their code sharing.

KLM equity keep reducing - until it now nearly zero.

KLM are brilliant. EximBank are brilliant.

Kenyattas are trying to get paid - by sustaining a beast that is busy digging a bigger hole.

Kenyattas will lose. Kenya public will lose more.

Kenyatts attempt to give KQ JKIA/KAA - nationalize the debt - parliament and Ruto say NOPE>

So Uhurus bank lends KQ billions , then Kenyan Govt bails out KQ at
20 Billion annually since 2013 -2020 and convinces other banks to convert the debt into shares.
You really think Uhuru is that stupid ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Umeamka sasa.

Now you're factual.

KQ biggest blunder was FUEL FUTURES;

One wrong bet - and I cannot blame Naikuni - every AGM - people were saying buy oil futures.

That time oil had risen to almost 140 dollars a barrel.

You know airline is jet fuel. Jet fule. Jet fuel. Everything is second.

Eventually KQ made one big blunder.

Then it was a no brainer - oil was expected to rise for forever - then 2014 happened - Oil crashed - KQ crashed.

RV, Kenyan banks didnt lend KQ money 10 years ago. 10 years ago KQ was a profitable airline and had made so much money from SA worldcup that they had surplus.
The banks lent money when turbulence hit KQ from Circa 2015 actually under Mbuvi .The money was used to pay wage bill and operational expenses including Fuel costs.
As to the reason they lent the money one KQ as an airline was making revenue of around 100Billion , secondly the man at the helm had a brother heading CBA and with close ties to the President.

You are mixing airline business and aircraft aquisation business. These are distinct. KQ for your information leases half of its fleet from various lessors.
KQ has 2 different owners ERJ 190 the Y  series and the P series
B737-300(KQA/B/C was only transferred the other day from Simba SPV to KQ , I believe KQD is yet to finish paying the loan.
B737-700 They were already returned to the lessors , B737-800 are under Geicas and 3777-300 with Turkish airlines and  B787 6 are under (Samburu/Tsavo) two were sold to a lessor out there.

In the previous posts I have posted how Aircraft acquisayion are made . Banks can never enter into ownership of Aircrafts. SPVs do.
KLM and KQ are still partners furthermore they are still under SKY Team Alliance so kicking out of code share is not factual.
KQ brings to Kenya around 5%  of the GDP hence apart from self interests reason it keeps being bailed out.

Nationalization bill was shelved because Uhuru decided BBI was the priority. He will bail out KQ this year and next year and most probably the bill will be brought back as soon as temperatures calm down.

Will you ask yourself a simple question , How come during Kibakis wra utill circa 2013 KQ used to be profitable but come 2013 every year its being bailed out to atune 20 Billion KShs avery year?

11 Kenyan banks foolishly lent 23B to KQ. That is 10yrs ago. Lots of money.
They lent KQ because well it's blue chip and the tall lanky Maasai is talking a storm.
This unsecured money - lent as mostly overdraft - or whatever - blue chip - that was paying before - no problem.
They actually bribe Naikuni with yellow yellow women :)

3 International Banks BRILLIANTLY lent KQ almost 70B.
The 3 international banks lent money for purchase of Boeing and Embarer jets
The 3 brilliant banks - insist that planes be jointly owned in Cayman island btw them and KQ - and the Treasury also put a 70B kshs gurantee.
These planes are then "leased" back to KQ.

Kenya treasury is .fuc.ked.
Kenya banks are fu.cked.
KQ basically OWN NOTHING.

Kenya banks have 23B hole. Treasury has potential 70B hole in public gurantee

So in their misery - they agree - to convert 23B to equity - and for Kenya treasury to annually pumb 20B into a hole.

KQ meanwhile continue to dig a big hole every year.

Flying half empty.

They own nothing.

KLM the strategic partner - quietly write it off - and have refused to inject any capital - pulled their staff - even kicked KQ out of their code sharing.

KLM equity keep reducing - until it now nearly zero.

KLM are brilliant. EximBank are brilliant.

Kenyattas are trying to get paid - by sustaining a beast that is busy digging a bigger hole.

Kenyattas will lose. Kenya public will lose more.

Kenyatts attempt to give KQ JKIA/KAA - nationalize the debt - parliament and Ruto say NOPE>

So Uhurus bank lends KQ billions , then Kenyan Govt bails out KQ at
20 Billion annually since 2013 -2020 and convinces other banks to convert the debt into shares.
You really think Uhuru is that stupid ?

Offline Nowayhaha

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In as much as fuel hedging contributed to KQ losses in 2014 it was partially 28% . Since 2013 KQ became a loss making company and they would look for excuses , 2013 was fire at JKIA , 2014 Fuel hedging , 2015 Ebola and it would go on and on.
However the elephant in the room was the total fixed costs with highlight being Aircraft assets cost.

Umeamka sasa.

Now you're factual.

KQ biggest blunder was FUEL FUTURES;

One wrong bet - and I cannot blame Naikuni - every AGM - people were saying buy oil futures.

That time oil had risen to almost 140 dollars a barrel.

You know airline is jet fuel. Jet fule. Jet fuel. Everything is second.

Eventually KQ made one big blunder.

Then it was a no brainer - oil was expected to rise for forever - then 2014 happened - Oil crashed - KQ crashed.

RV, Kenyan banks didnt lend KQ money 10 years ago. 10 years ago KQ was a profitable airline and had made so much money from SA worldcup that they had surplus.
The banks lent money when turbulence hit KQ from Circa 2015 actually under Mbuvi .The money was used to pay wage bill and operational expenses including Fuel costs.
As to the reason they lent the money one KQ as an airline was making revenue of around 100Billion , secondly the man at the helm had a brother heading CBA and with close ties to the President.

You are mixing airline business and aircraft aquisation business. These are distinct. KQ for your information leases half of its fleet from various lessors.
KQ has 2 different owners ERJ 190 the Y  series and the P series
B737-300(KQA/B/C was only transferred the other day from Simba SPV to KQ , I believe KQD is yet to finish paying the loan.
B737-700 They were already returned to the lessors , B737-800 are under Geicas and 3777-300 with Turkish airlines and  B787 6 are under (Samburu/Tsavo) two were sold to a lessor out there.

In the previous posts I have posted how Aircraft acquisayion are made . Banks can never enter into ownership of Aircrafts. SPVs do.
KLM and KQ are still partners furthermore they are still under SKY Team Alliance so kicking out of code share is not factual.
KQ brings to Kenya around 5%  of the GDP hence apart from self interests reason it keeps being bailed out.

Nationalization bill was shelved because Uhuru decided BBI was the priority. He will bail out KQ this year and next year and most probably the bill will be brought back as soon as temperatures calm down.

Will you ask yourself a simple question , How come during Kibakis wra utill circa 2013 KQ used to be profitable but come 2013 every year its being bailed out to atune 20 Billion KShs avery year?

11 Kenyan banks foolishly lent 23B to KQ. That is 10yrs ago. Lots of money.
They lent KQ because well it's blue chip and the tall lanky Maasai is talking a storm.
This unsecured money - lent as mostly overdraft - or whatever - blue chip - that was paying before - no problem.
They actually bribe Naikuni with yellow yellow women :)

3 International Banks BRILLIANTLY lent KQ almost 70B.
The 3 international banks lent money for purchase of Boeing and Embarer jets
The 3 brilliant banks - insist that planes be jointly owned in Cayman island btw them and KQ - and the Treasury also put a 70B kshs gurantee.
These planes are then "leased" back to KQ.

Kenya treasury is .fuc.ked.
Kenya banks are fu.cked.
KQ basically OWN NOTHING.

Kenya banks have 23B hole. Treasury has potential 70B hole in public gurantee

So in their misery - they agree - to convert 23B to equity - and for Kenya treasury to annually pumb 20B into a hole.

KQ meanwhile continue to dig a big hole every year.

Flying half empty.

They own nothing.

KLM the strategic partner - quietly write it off - and have refused to inject any capital - pulled their staff - even kicked KQ out of their code sharing.

KLM equity keep reducing - until it now nearly zero.

KLM are brilliant. EximBank are brilliant.

Kenyattas are trying to get paid - by sustaining a beast that is busy digging a bigger hole.

Kenyattas will lose. Kenya public will lose more.

Kenyatts attempt to give KQ JKIA/KAA - nationalize the debt - parliament and Ruto say NOPE>

So Uhurus bank lends KQ billions , then Kenyan Govt bails out KQ at
20 Billion annually since 2013 -2020 and convinces other banks to convert the debt into shares.
You really think Uhuru is that stupid ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Learn to be factual.
This is not a cheap propaganda site.
Fuel hedging or future lasted how many years?
Kenyatta do not own any jets leased to KQ.
It's KQ and the airline financiers.

Kenyatta interest is to secure 4B lent to KQ from his family bank

Please learn to be factual.

This is not a propaganda site where we echo each other low IQ posts.

In as much as fuel hedging contributed to KQ losses in 2014 it was partially 28% . Since 2013 KQ became a loss making company and they would look for excuses , 2013 was fire at JKIA , 2014 Fuel hedging , 2015 Ebola and it would go on and on.
However the elephant in the room was the total fixed costs with highlight being Aircraft assets cost.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Boss In 2014 Fuel hedging accounted for 7.5 Billion loss out of 26 Billion. This is a fact.
The next fact is the anology KQ bought a "ferrari to do Taxi business"
But wewe what you see is Propaganda.

Lastly Ive been on this internet for more that 20 years now .You wont push me to say what you want to hear, or set me up. My message is loud and clear .

Learn to be factual.
This is not a cheap propaganda site.
Fuel hedging or future lasted how many years?
Kenyatta do not own any jets leased to KQ.
It's KQ and the airline financiers.

Kenyatta interest is to secure 4B lent to KQ from his family bank

Please learn to be factual.

This is not a propaganda site where we echo each other low IQ posts.

In as much as fuel hedging contributed to KQ losses in 2014 it was partially 28% . Since 2013 KQ became a loss making company and they would look for excuses , 2013 was fire at JKIA , 2014 Fuel hedging , 2015 Ebola and it would go on and on.
However the elephant in the room was the total fixed costs with highlight being Aircraft assets cost.

Offline RV Pundit

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When did Fuel Hedging end. Please stop the drama. Like I have told you if I wanted fame or propaganda - I would easily say Kenyatta is doing ABC.

Or to help Ruto... I would be saying lots of nonsense daily. I WAS NOT BROUGHT UP THAT WAY. I was brought up with very high morals.

Or say Ruto is not corrupt or Kalenjin are not savages.


Boss In 2014 Fuel hedging accounted for 7.5 Billion loss out of 26 Billion. This is a fact.
The next fact is the anology KQ bought a "ferrari to do Taxi business"
But wewe what you see is Propaganda.

Lastly Ive been on this internet for more that 20 years now .You wont push me to say what you want to hear, or set me up. My message is loud and clear .

Learn to be factual.
This is not a cheap propaganda site.
Fuel hedging or future lasted how many years?
Kenyatta do not own any jets leased to KQ.
It's KQ and the airline financiers.

Kenyatta interest is to secure 4B lent to KQ from his family bank

Please learn to be factual.

This is not a propaganda site where we echo each other low IQ posts.

In as much as fuel hedging contributed to KQ losses in 2014 it was partially 28% . Since 2013 KQ became a loss making company and they would look for excuses , 2013 was fire at JKIA , 2014 Fuel hedging , 2015 Ebola and it would go on and on.
However the elephant in the room was the total fixed costs with highlight being Aircraft assets cost.

Offline Nowayhaha

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They stopped it in 2016 and would embark on it in 2018.

When did Fuel Hedging end. Please stop the drama.

Boss In 2014 Fuel hedging accounted for 7.5 Billion loss out of 26 Billion. This is a fact.
The next fact is the anology KQ bought a "ferrari to do Taxi business"
But wewe what you see is Propaganda.

Lastly Ive been on this internet for more that 20 years now .You wont push me to say what you want to hear, or set me up. My message is loud and clear .

Learn to be factual.
This is not a cheap propaganda site.
Fuel hedging or future lasted how many years?
Kenyatta do not own any jets leased to KQ.
It's KQ and the airline financiers.

Kenyatta interest is to secure 4B lent to KQ from his family bank

Please learn to be factual.

This is not a propaganda site where we echo each other low IQ posts.

In as much as fuel hedging contributed to KQ losses in 2014 it was partially 28% . Since 2013 KQ became a loss making company and they would look for excuses , 2013 was fire at JKIA , 2014 Fuel hedging , 2015 Ebola and it would go on and on.
However the elephant in the room was the total fixed costs with highlight being Aircraft assets cost.

Offline RV Pundit

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That was genesis of KQ problems - obviously it now bigger problem. Kenyatta and Jets is propaganda. Good for Ruto. NOT FACTUAL.
They stopped it in 2016 and would embark on it in 2018.

Offline Nowayhaha

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If you really have a High IQ RV, you would bynow know there is much I can say but Im holding for very obvious reasons. Read between the lines.

That was genesis of KQ problems - obviously it now bigger problem. Kenyatta and Jets is propaganda. Good for Ruto. NOT FACTUAL.
They stopped it in 2016 and would embark on it in 2018.