Author Topic: Veri and Bitmask - S Korea announces they have deffector from Kim Jung Un  (Read 1898 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Personal secret bodyguard. They are not disclosing how he defected. According to this Youtuber he is being held in a Military debriefing Camp.

It seems something is going on in North Korea. The conspirancy theory is that Kim was eliminated or died. The sister has taken over but this is yet to be made public.

According to this youtuber this release of the info by South Korea that they have a security defector is a warning to North Korea to let them know that SK knows what is up

My own speculation is that US knows that China is the one holding North Korea together after Kim's elimination.

US has gone gang busters with CCP in the last 3 months. It seems Trump Regime is presurring China to give up North Korea.

I believe Trump may want to have a diplomatic coup by announcing Kim's death and helping North Korea and South Korea reunite

This may be USA october suprise for Trump. The way Pompeo is going After CCP tells me that there is something US wants from China. The thing they want is BIG. This reminds when US got all aggressive with Musharaf in Pakistan. They wanted to let the bugger know they knew he had Osama hiding there.