It's also a fallacy that gema nation cannot front one of their own or cobble a coalition with other players apart from must be high on farmented listen,gema will always be on top in any political arrangement courtesy of their tyranny of numbers.Its the small rivers that join big rivers,that's the political reality whether you like or hate it.Now how do you convince a kikuyu whose voting population is thrice that of kalenjin to play second fiddle to kalenjin,please sober up.gema have options beyond Mobutu,give us a break,start sharpening your arrows if that is what will make Mobutu president.
So according to you,it's only Mobutu who can cobble a winning formulae,chieth.How do you even think about winning yet you are party less,radarless,clueless,careless.
What makes you think luos or luhyas or even kambas cannot support another kikuyu for presidency same way you supported Uhuru or you think it's only kalenjins who have political patents and rights to support kikuyus,shut up.