Author Topic: The internet never forgets: Pauline Njoroge's views cost her a position on TRA  (Read 3540 times)

Offline audacityofhope

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Pauline Njoroge was in the same league as supremacist Njamlik of dot com posting in blind support of party. Some are still  here but let it serve as a warning that one day you will be held to account for any toxic posts you make that do not advance any agenda other than being tribal and be sure that tribe won't come to your rescue when KoT revisits...

Offline Kadudu

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Good for her. This lady argues just like Pundit on this forum. Ati chase the animals from Nairobi National Park and give out that land free for "development". Very shallow thinking people.
The problem of Nairobi is not a land problem but the failure to adhere to any city planning.

Offline RV Pundit

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We either open the corridor to Amboselli or accept NNP is a glorified zoo - and leave about 1,000 acres for the zoo - and use the land for other purposes.
Good for her. This lady argues just like Pundit on this forum. Ati chase the animals from Nairobi National Park and give out that land free for "development". Very shallow thinking people.
The problem of Nairobi is not a land problem but the failure to adhere to any city planning.

Offline Kadudu

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What purposes? Slums and concrete uplanned jungles?

We either open the corridor to Amboselli or accept NNP is a glorified zoo - and leave about 1,000 acres for the zoo - and use the land for other purposes.

Offline patel

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Who the fuck is Pauline Njoroge? Must be one of the Harem for the big man. Sometimes we are here worried about a country led by people who dont care about kenya and the best they can do is offer sexually transmitted position.
Btwn did Balala appoint his niece? Maajabu ya Musa

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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What purposes? Slums and concrete uplanned jungles?

We either open the corridor to Amboselli or accept NNP is a glorified zoo - and leave about 1,000 acres for the zoo - and use the land for other purposes.

That is the kind of mindset that nearly destroyed the country's water catchments, when Moi's regime encouraged RV's to settle in Mau forest it lead to several rivers drying up, Nairobi city's current water shortages can be directly traced to the deforestation of Mau. It amazes me how humans beings can be so flippant about something so crucial to their existence.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline gout

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There has never been serious investment into water infrastructure since Ndakaini. You should watch flooding videos of Tana River and Kilifi. More dams are the way to go. Current World Bank and AfDB projects in water and sewerage are just a scratch on the surface. 

What purposes? Slums and concrete uplanned jungles?

We either open the corridor to Amboselli or accept NNP is a glorified zoo - and leave about 1,000 acres for the zoo - and use the land for other purposes.

That is the kind of mindset that nearly destroyed the country's water catchments, when Moi's regime encouraged RV's to settle in Mau forest it lead to several rivers drying up, Nairobi city's current water shortages can be directly traced to the deforestation of Mau. It amazes me how humans beings can be so flippant about something so crucial to their existence.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline gout

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It is laughable that her appointment was revoked. Her leaders are the greatest land grabbers and thieves- she is just an cluseless excited pedddler in a mafia system.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline Kadudu

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Clueless and ignorant on top.

It is laughable that her appointment was revoked. Her leaders are the greatest land grabbers and thieves- she is just an cluseless excited pedddler in a mafia system.

Offline RV Pundit

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Nairobi city and Mau :) okay Mau is also responsible for global warming. Sustainable use of environment is possible. For example if KWS were allowed to sell Nairobi National Park - they will get billions - and they can use it to buy entire Northern Kenya - and have huge animal paradise. Turkanas would be relocated elsewhere from that money. Solving many problems.
That is the kind of mindset that nearly destroyed the country's water catchments, when Moi's regime encouraged RV's to settle in Mau forest it lead to several rivers drying up, Nairobi city's current water shortages can be directly traced to the deforestation of Mau. It amazes me how humans beings can be so flippant about something so crucial to their existence.

Offline RV Pundit

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Exactly Ndakaini was built by Moi. Solution is huge investment. Not enviroment. We have always had these "enviroment" and we are poor. It goes like this - you destroy the enviroment and develop - and then with riches - you invest back in enviroment. Look at Europe - they are now forests - from re-forestations.

Our biggest problem is poverty. Let rich nations shoulder the burden of global warming. Lets not stunt African countries by romanticing enviroment when our  people in Kibra are living like wild hogs.

There has never been serious investment into water infrastructure since Ndakaini. You should watch flooding videos of Tana River and Kilifi. More dams are the way to go. Current World Bank and AfDB projects in water and sewerage are just a scratch on the surface. 

Offline Kadudu

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How can KWS be allowed to manage several billions alone from the sale of NNP and the Kenya govt cannot even manage funds disbursed for Covid-19? That money will land in the hands of a few hungry hyeanas. So Kenyans will end up with no park, no money and a enviromental crisis.

Nairobi city and Mau :) okay Mau is also responsible for global warming. Sustainable use of environment is possible. For example if KWS were allowed to sell Nairobi National Park - they will get billions - and they can use it to buy entire Northern Kenya - and have huge animal paradise. Turkanas would be relocated elsewhere from that money. Solving many problems.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Nairobi city and Mau :) okay Mau is also responsible for global warming. Sustainable use of environment is possible. For example if KWS were allowed to sell Nairobi National Park - they will get billions - and they can use it to buy entire Northern Kenya - and have huge animal paradise. Turkanas would be relocated elsewhere from that money. Solving many problems.

Eti buy entire Northern Kenya, what a tool! Who are you? A 19th century British colonial officer plundering indigenous peoples' lands.

Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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May entire is an hyperbole - but I believe KWS if they sell Nairobi - and relocate animals - will be able to acquire a lot of land in places like Turkana - and even elsewhere.

Eti buy entire Northern Kenya, what a tool! Who are you? A 19th century British colonial officer plundering indigenous peoples' lands.

Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt

Offline RV Pundit

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That is different issues.The proceeds from sale can be invested in animal conservation. Maybe fencing the existing parks is more sensible than trying to save the zoo in Nairobi.
How can KWS be allowed to manage several billions alone from the sale of NNP and the Kenya govt cannot even manage funds disbursed for Covid-19? That money will land in the hands of a few hungry hyeanas. So Kenyans will end up with no park, no money and a enviromental crisis.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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May entire is an hyperbole - but I believe KWS if they sell Nairobi - and relocate animals - will be able to acquire a lot of land in places like Turkana - and even elsewhere.

Ok, there is time for jokes, good hearted ribbing and time for seriousness, pundit as a fellow Kamatusa at least have some decency to empathize with Turkanas. They have been neglected by the state forever, to add insult to injury you are casually condoning their dispossession/disenfranchisement further. They are expendable to you. I don't wish ill on any tribe in Kenya, even if were are not related by blood, that is my humanistic stance and conscience. I don't get how people can be so cavalier with other peoples lands and resources, it will come back to bite you, mistreat Ogieks and you will regret it.

Your proposal to relocate whole tribes setting aside its political-economy feasibility is not viable for several reasons, one you will set bad precedent, any time a corrupt or misguided government wants to siphon off land. NNP aside from being a sanctuary for animals also serves as a green lung for an increasingly congested, polluted, concrete mega metropolis. Second, the wildlife in NNP isn't adapted to the the arid North and will wither away.

You believe in outdated reductionist paradigm.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Online Nowayhaha

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Pauline has nothing exceptional, she has no aura no oratory skills, Machel Waikenda has been pushing for her from this appointment to state recognition , Machel is exemplary