Author Topic: Do you think land is too risky to invest  (Read 3270 times)

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Do you think land is too risky to invest
« on: July 24, 2020, 09:03:46 AM »
In Kenya due to fraud, especially in and around Nairobi?

Never mind the unrealistic prices, how can anyone be 100% certain they will get clean title deeds when they part with their hard earned money?

Safaricom is selling some land, you can expect they've done their homework and its legit but its 1/8 of an acre, too tiny. 

Wadau mwasemaje?
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2020, 09:13:39 AM »
Those ones are them if you're interested in passive investment

Online KenyanPlato

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2020, 09:44:48 AM »
Why is Safaricon selling land? The best land to buy in kenya is from original owner that is locally vetted. In nairobi you can find an old mzee with plot that has the paperwork from back in the day. Anything else is a risk

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2020, 10:40:41 AM »
As a rule:
1) Dont buy land in rift Valley unless you are an original native there.
2)Also buy from original owners if you can after thorough due diligence.
3) Dont be in a rush to buy land especially by these 50 by 100 tuplot kikuyu companies. 99% are fraud or ticking time bomb
4). The further you buy land from town it should no longer be small but big i.e don't buy plots in remote areas buy shamba.

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2020, 03:20:32 PM »
If you never have not developed reliable networks in Nairobi within 10 years as you make/earn your money, you will be rippped to death. Even small electronic items you need reliable seller, otherwise you may end up going back each month - it is a crazy place. Even alcohol you may end consuming killer crazy shit!

A circle of reliable 1-3 guys will likely cover your ass as you seek bank breaking deals. And even for such it is people you know what they are up to say last month. People change in a few days and they will con your shit out. Cases on Buyer Beware are hilarious and depressing.

Poverty turns people into crazy scheming shit - parents, siblings, kids, classmates!

For diaspora, it is hell coz sio Urithi, Cytonn, nani?!!
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Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2020, 03:51:59 PM »
As a rule:
1) Dont buy land in rift Valley unless you are an original native there.
2)Also buy from original owners if you can after thorough due diligence.
3) Dont be in a rush to buy land especially by these 50 by 100 tuplot kikuyu companies. 99% are fraud or ticking time bomb
4). The further you buy land from town it should no longer be small but big i.e don't buy plots in remote areas buy shamba.

Good points, Njuri!

Anything being sold by a Kikuyu, I'm extra wary, don't think I will ever trust buying land bought them. I read too many stories about their shenanigans. One piece of land sold ten times in some instances. Crazy corrupt.

I need a shamba, no less than 10 acres. Is it going to be too expensive?

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Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2020, 06:42:10 PM »
As a rule:
1) Dont buy land in rift Valley unless you are an original native there.
2)Also buy from original owners if you can after thorough due diligence.
3) Dont be in a rush to buy land especially by these 50 by 100 tuplot kikuyu companies. 99% are fraud or ticking time bomb
4). The further you buy land from town it should no longer be small but big i.e don't buy plots in remote areas buy shamba.

Good points, Njuri!

Anything being sold by a Kikuyu, I'm extra wary, don't think I will ever trust buying land bought them. I read too many stories about their shenanigans. One piece of land sold ten times in some instances. Crazy corrupt.

I need a shamba, no less than 10 acres. Is it going to be too expensive?
Of course there are honest kikuyus selling land but the problem I place on kikuyu land wise is their insatiable greed for land is subdividing and destroying agricultural land by those dammed 50 by 100 plots. The land could be put to more productive use by letting it remain as agricultural, communal or commercial land. Kikuyus are destroying future of this country food wise . But we Merus and other pastoral communities are not that affected as NO okuyu can dare go there for land only tuplots in towns. So we are safe as of now.
If you want to buy 10 acres it depends on where you want to buy, HELL NO the cursed Rift Valley even for Free NEVER buy there.
Most promising places should be where you come from or cosmopolitan places like laikipia and to an extent narok, kajiado and nyandarua. Be careful that you don't get ripped of. Real estate in Kenya is over valued by 50% because thats where money laundering is cleaned.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2020, 11:33:28 PM »
Of course there are honest kikuyus selling land but the problem I place on kikuyu land wise is their insatiable greed for land is subdividing and destroying agricultural land by those dammed 50 by 100 plots. The land could be put to more productive use by letting it remain as agricultural, communal or commercial land. Kikuyus are destroying future of this country food wise . But we Merus and other pastoral communities are not that affected as NO okuyu can dare go there for land only tuplots in towns. So we are safe as of now.
If you want to buy 10 acres it depends on where you want to buy, HELL NO the cursed Rift Valley even for Free NEVER buy there.
Most promising places should be where you come from or cosmopolitan places like laikipia and to an extent narok, kajiado and nyandarua. Be careful that you don't get ripped of. Real estate in Kenya is over valued by 50% because thats where money laundering is cleaned.

I agree, it is very unwise to build real estate on such prime agricultural land. You won't be able to eat rent money if there is no food being grown. It will need to be imported at exorbitant prices out of reach of everyone. Do people lease land in Kenya? say a 50 year lease. I don't even need to buy it, I want to contribute to food security in Kenya. I have ideas about agriculture and livestock rearing that I'm excited about.
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Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2020, 06:44:36 AM »
Of course there are honest kikuyus selling land but the problem I place on kikuyu land wise is their insatiable greed for land is subdividing and destroying agricultural land by those dammed 50 by 100 plots. The land could be put to more productive use by letting it remain as agricultural, communal or commercial land. Kikuyus are destroying future of this country food wise . But we Merus and other pastoral communities are not that affected as NO okuyu can dare go there for land only tuplots in towns. So we are safe as of now.
If you want to buy 10 acres it depends on where you want to buy, HELL NO the cursed Rift Valley even for Free NEVER buy there.
Most promising places should be where you come from or cosmopolitan places like laikipia and to an extent narok, kajiado and nyandarua. Be careful that you don't get ripped of. Real estate in Kenya is over valued by 50% because thats where money laundering is cleaned.

I agree, it is very unwise to build real estate on such prime agricultural land. You won't be able to eat rent money if there is no food being grown. It will need to be imported at exorbitant prices out of reach of everyone. Do people lease land in Kenya? say a 50 year lease. I don't even need to buy it, I want to contribute to food security in Kenya. I have ideas about agriculture and livestock rearing that I'm excited about.
10 acres? What kind of livestock, unless dairy cows, poultry and pigs it will be very sufficient for that and i would think you will get maximum for intensive farming. personally I would want to rear poultry and pigs but its a little bit hectic and demanding as for proper profit you have to rear into the thousands. I would look at the international market Corona will leave a huge shortage of food products especially meats. Now is time to strike. Locally porkwise the dominance by farmers choice also needs to be broken. There is a huge market for pork in Kenya too. I think i will one day go into pig production from rearing to packaging abd distributing locally and internationally.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2020, 08:34:50 AM »
10 acres? What kind of livestock, unless dairy cows, poultry and pigs it will be very sufficient for that and i would think you will get maximum for intensive farming. personally I would want to rear poultry and pigs but its a little bit hectic and demanding as for proper profit you have to rear into the thousands. I would look at the international market Corona will leave a huge shortage of food products especially meats. Now is time to strike. Locally porkwise the dominance by farmers choice also needs to be broken. There is a huge market for pork in Kenya too. I think i will one day go into pig production from rearing to packaging abd distributing locally and internationally.

You think 10 acres is too big or too small? I'm looking at a mix of beef & dairy cows, some poultry and a few crops, no grains. I don't like intensive farming aka factory farming, zero grazing or conventional agriculture, it destroys the land and water. Western farms can only work with huge infusions of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, soils are mineral deficient, not to mention they are money drains, when I drive to the rural parts of my state I come across so many failing farms that are for sale. No buyers. I don't want to make the same mistake. I want as close to natural and organic agriculture as possible. Where soils are regenerated after every season not depleted.

Njuri, the money nowadays isn't in the huge scale operations ( quantity, intensive) you have in mind, those are old fashioned. Rather it is to be found in boutique high end, organic grass fed meat and dairy operations ( quality). Even in Kenya there are discerning informed consumers who will happily pay a premium for such high end ethically produced organic pasture raised products. I didn't use to eat eggs in Kenya for example because I heard medical waste from Pumwani maternity was ground up and used as feed for poultry. It put me off eggs. Ethics and morals are non existent in Kenya, you have sukuma wiki grown with sewage water and such, its horrible. I had no alternatives I could turn to.

In summer here where I live I buy organic pasture raised raw jersey cow milk from this mzungu lady and the milk is nothing like that sold in stores. It is night and day, it is full of cream, so sweet I can drink 2 gallons in one sitting. Say good bye to cavities and toothaches. I buy butter, kefir, eggs and some honey from her. Real wholesome food that will heal your body, not the factory produced shit we eat everyday that is empty calories. She doesn't want to grow in size, because she will not be able to maintain the quality she will tell you. It is perfect for her, she can go on vacations if she wants to. It inspired me to start something like this back home.

The next frontier in agriculture in Kenya is local grown, organic, regenerative, ethically produced, high animal welfare standards, small scale boutique farms serving the Kenyan market. I believe food should be local, growing avocados to service Chinese market is dumb to me. Cash crops  are exploitative and neo colonial. I'm rambling, I hope you get the gist.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2020, 10:42:40 AM »
"organic pasture raised raw jersey cow milk" how many people can afford that? I know you will say the few that can will compensate for masses but after corona has ravaged the wealth of masses and governments think again.
About the eggs yuck you made me lose appetite any love for them eti "fed by pumwani....."
In a country like kenya where labor is cheap and people poor intensive farming is still best option. 10 acres is very small for growing beef cattle the most you would put has to be 3 otherwise its over grazing. You can put dairy cattle though on zero grazing and max 5 on free range with additional commercial feed and fodder.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Do you think land is too risky to invest
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2020, 11:09:29 AM »
I hate animal farming :) - I just imagine the damn things dying and leaving with me with huge losses. I only do tree and few tea farming - it's almost disease free.
"organic pasture raised raw jersey cow milk" how many people can afford that? I know you will say the few that can will compensate for masses but after corona has ravaged the wealth of masses and governments think again.
About the eggs yuck you made me lose appetite any love for them eti "fed by pumwani....."
In a country like kenya where labor is cheap and people poor intensive farming is still best option. 10 acres is very small for growing beef cattle the most you would put has to be 3 otherwise its over grazing. You can put dairy cattle though on zero grazing and max 5 on free range with additional commercial feed and fodder.