It seems you have a problem accepting other Kenyans apart from Kikuyus can also be successful. You will die with your village mentality.
The info you have quoted is in his Linkiden,however its a fact he is an American and identifies himself as such.
Where is Kikuyu coming in here.
This is a guy who moved to U.S. in his late 80s.became an American and identifies himself as such and he is on record here in Kenya saying so, ask the Governors in waiting during UhuRutos first term.
Which American? The man is as Kenyan as I am! Shida yako ni kuwa mbishi .(People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do) ... I am not surprised that @Veritas has given you zero Reputation points even after making 167 posts

I started this thread in part because Ceda Gambo Ogada and I know each other personally. Our schools crossed paths for at least 6 years. In the past, I have let it be known to those who have blogged with me across forums that I attended Lenana among other schools & colleges...
So for once do this forum a favor ... know when to STFU.... please