As long as you choose to be a zombie and a blockhead voting machine you won't see any logic in what I wrote. In you own words you just posted "KNBS A FEW YEARS AGO quietly recalculated GDP raising agriculture to 30% plus from usual 25%"... meaning you picked up this chicannery not weeks, not months but years ago, possibility on the "2nd day". When you vote an administration in and it fails to deliver, what do you as the voter do?
You vote it out the next time around. This is how Trump will be a one-term president. Voters will do one better than just criticizing Trump, they will vote him out. That is their noble duty, those who understand it. But knowing all that what did you do? You went on to vote Uhuruto
twice more in 2017. And you continue posting without flinching an eyelid as a wanjiku eti you are playing your part. Eti you are disembarking from Uhuruto to Ruto?? Shameless ethnocentric politics. We stopped buying it on this forum and told you to your screen...
What kind of nonsense and logic is that. So if you vote somebody in - you lose the license to criticize them. We vote people based on promises they make. If they don't deliver - we are free to disembark at any point - including the 2nd day after voting them.
You helped this administration win by either encouraging or voting for it in person 3 times between 2013 and 2017, who are you complaining to?