Author Topic: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale  (Read 8359 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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This is what Kenya politics and power really is all about.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2020, 11:30:13 AM »
Of course Macharia is busy stealing while facilating the big theft by the big boys. Macharia is a total failure as CS. He left MAfya House in a total mess and was promoted to Transport ministry.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2020, 11:58:14 AM »
Of course Macharia is busy stealing while facilating the big theft by the big boys. Macharia is a total failure as CS. He left MAfya House in a total mess and was promoted to Transport ministry.

First the Govmt needs to tell us who are the owners of the offshore companies Tsavo and Samburu Limited which owns the 90% of KQs fleet.
From revenue generated in KQ its out there in the public that payment priorty is No 1 . Lessors No 2. Supliers (fuel cost)and No 3  . Employees. Debtors money was changed to equity . Its also common knowledge that  Tax Payers money is used to bail out KQ yearlly at an amount of 20 Billion since 2013 . That is about 160 Billion of  Taxpayers money cumulatively .
Thats a very complex business set up where by the money goes to pay  the lessor( Samburu & Tsavo) and Bakri (fuel company which RAO has interests in ) and now they want to make KQ a parastatal  so as to continue getting the taxpayers money even after they are out of power

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2020, 12:50:26 PM »
No need to go very far. That is Kenyatta family. The deals were pushed through at the time Uhuru was minister of Finance. Now KQ is being kept alive through public funds which are being paid to the Kenyatta family.

First the Govmt needs to tell us who are the owners of the offshore companies Tsavo and Samburu Limited which owns the 90% of KQs fleet.
From revenue generated in KQ its out there in the public that payment priorty is No 1 . Lessors No 2. Supliers (fuel cost)and No 3  . Employees. Debtors money was changed to equity . Its also common knowledge that  Tax Payers money is used to bail out KQ yearlly at an amount of 20 Billion since 2003 . That is about 160 Billion of  Taxpayers money cumulatively .
Thats a very complex business set up where by the money goes to pay of the lessor( Samburu & Tsavo) and Bakri (fuel company which RAO has ineterests in ) and now they want to make KQ a parastatal  so as to continue getting the taxpayers money even after they are out of power

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2020, 01:11:22 PM »
No need to go very far. That is Kenyatta family. The deals were pushed through at the time Uhuru was minister of Finance. Now KQ is being kept alive through public funds which are being paid to the Kenyatta family.

First the Govmt needs to tell us who are the owners of the offshore companies Tsavo and Samburu Limited which owns the 90% of KQs fleet.
From revenue generated in KQ its out there in the public that payment priorty is No 1 . Lessors No 2. Supliers (fuel cost)and No 3  . Employees. Debtors money was changed to equity . Its also common knowledge that  Tax Payers money is used to bail out KQ yearlly at an amount of 20 Billion since 2003 . That is about 160 Billion of  Taxpayers money cumulatively .
Thats a very complex business set up where by the money goes to pay of the lessor( Samburu & Tsavo) and Bakri (fuel company which RAO has ineterests in ) and now they want to make KQ a parastatal  so as to continue getting the taxpayers money even after they are out of power

The Jury is out there. Suffice to say KQ would be making profits if it was not for dispossing 737 and 767 for Embaraers and 787 and NexGen owned by Samburu and Tsavo who are charging KQ exuberant lease charges and also for the fuel contracts by Bakri et all. This 160 B should one day be traced and reimbursed .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2020, 01:31:24 PM »
Tackling shell companies: Limiting the  opportunities to hide proceeds of corruption
Shell companies that cannot be traced back to their owners are one of the most important mechanisms by which corrupt officials transfer illicit wealth from developing countries.
This process damages these countries’ development prospects. Clear international standards mandate that the real owners of all companies should be traceable, but this is often not enforced. Development agencies and developing country governments should work to  prioritise more effective regulation of shell companies
Tackling shell companies: Limiting the  opportunities to hide proceeds of corruption Shell companies that cannot be traced back to their owners are one of the most important  mechanisms by which corrupt officials transfer illicit wealth from developing countries. This process damages these countries’ development prospects. Clear international standards
mandate that the real owners of all companies should be traceable, but this is often not enforced. Development agencies and developing country governments should work to prioritise more effective regulation of shell companies.
Large-scale corruption by senior political officials is a serious obstacle to development. Much of the money stolen is transferred overseas. Recent research strongly indicates that untraceable shell companies are the most common means of facilitating grand corruption, also known as kleptocracy.
Thus it is important to be able to link shell companies with their real owners, because companies that cannot be traced back to their real owners act as a “corporate veil” that conceals the process and proceeds of corruption. Although no single reform by itself can stop major corruption, ensuring corporate transparency would greatly aid the fight against the looting of developing countries.
This brief has four aims: first, to explain what shell companies
are and how they are used to transfer wealth from developing countries; second, to summarise the state of play in the global regulation of shell companies; third, to do the same for key jurisdictions; and lastly, to set forth recommendations on how development agencies and their partners can help prioritise this policy issue.

What are shell companies?
All companies have a legal personality, meaning that like actual individual persons, they can own property, hold bank accounts, engage in transactions, sue and be sued. Most of the companies we interact with on a day-to-day basis engage in the production of goods or the provision of services; they have employees, equipment, and a physical location. Shell companies, however, are just legal personalities; they do not produce any goods or services. They are identities that canbe created or annulled by legal fiat within days, at a cost of between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars.

The majority of shell companies are used for legitimate purposes. For example, imagine that a Chinese business wants to raise capital by being listed on a US or British stock exchange. Firms from China and most other developing countries, however, are barred from listing on the New
York and London exchanges. The business may form a foreign shell company that is allowed to list, and then pass the capital raised from the foreign shell company through to the operating business in China (Sharman 2012). In this way, investment flows from the developed to the developing world. More generally, allowing the formation of companies efficiently and cheaply helps individuals access the formal economy, while the limited liability that companies provide can protect small entrepreneurs from personal bankruptcy should their business fail.

Yet the combination of legal personality, intangibility, and
disposability means that the shell company becomes a very useful mechanism for those seeking to conceal criminal funds, including the proceeds of corruption. In particular, where transactions are booked or assets held in the name of a shell company, rather than in the criminal’s own name, this obscures the trail from a given crime to the funds that result.

Such a situation presents regulators and law enforcement agencies with the challenge of “looking through” the shell company to find the real person in control. For example, if suspicious funds were passed through a corporate bank account opened in the name of a shell company, investigators need to find out the real individual or individuals who control the company, referred to as the “beneficial owners.” If the shell company cannot be linked back to its beneficial owners, the investigation often fails.

Although there are other means by which to launder corruption funds, shell companies are the most frequently used. The nongovernmental organisation Global Witness points out, “‘Shell’ companies . . . are key to the outflow of corrupt money that keeps poor countries poor. Those who

loot state funds through corruption or deprive their state

of revenues through tax evasion need more than a bank



they need to hide their identity behind a corporate front”

(2012, 4). Research conducted under the Stolen Asset

Recovery (StAR) Initiative, a joint effort of the World

Bank and the United Nations Office

on Drugs and Crime, confirms this

conclusion. It notes that of the 150

cases of grand corruption analysed,

the vast majority involved the use

of a shell company to hide the illicit

wealth (Does de Willebois et al. 2011,

2). Shell companies featured much

more often in this role than any other

sort of legal entity or arrangement,

such as trusts, partnerships, or foundations (for this

reason, this brief focuses only on companies and not on

these other forms).

The shell companies in question were rarely set up by the

corrupt officials themselves. Rather, they were purchased

through professional intermediaries and businesses that

specialise in setting up and then selling shell companies,

collectively referred to as corporate service providers

(CSPs). A CSP can provide shell companies registered in

many different jurisdictions, not just the one in which the

CSP happens to be located.

How shell companies are used to

transfer wealth from the developing


Along with international interbank wire transfers, shell

companies are the most common means by which looted

wealth and corruption proceeds are transferred from

the developing to the developed world. The example

of Equatorial Guinea is particularly egregious, but it is

indicative of mechanisms used in many other cases as well.

Equatorial Guinea, a small, oil-rich nation in West

Africa, is perhaps the most blatant single example of the

development consequences of grand corruption. Per

capita, Equatorial Guinea is one of the richest countries in

the world, considerably richer than the United States (de

la Baume 2012). Yet according to the most recent figures

available, 76.8 per cent of the population lives under the

United Nations poverty line (Holmes 2009), and a majority

lack access to clean water. The country ranks 136 of 186

on the UN Human Development Index, and it has the

largest gap of any country in the world between its score

on that index and its per capita gross domestic product.

In terms of human rights, Freedom House regularly places

Equatorial Guinea in the “worst of the worst” category.

Teodorin Obiang is a government minister and vice

president of Equatorial Guinea. He is also the son and

heir apparent of Teodoro Obiang, the country’s president.

Obiang Junior’s official annual salary is $60,000 (US

Senate 2010, 21), but between 2004 and 2008 he used

shell companies formed by American lawyers to transfer

more than $100 million from Equatorial Guinea to the

United States. These funds were spent on assets including

a $30 million mansion in Malibu, California, a $38

million private jet, and $1.1 million of Michael Jackson

memorabilia. He also purchased an $80 million mansion

in Paris with furnishings valued at $50 million (Silverstein

2011, 1; US Senate 2010, 7; de la Baume 2012). In addition to

misappropriated oil wealth, most of this money

came from bribes extracted from foreign timber firms

by Obiang in his capacity as minister of forestry. A US

Department of Justice memo noted,

“The prosecutors suspect that most,

if not all, of (. . .) Obiang’s assets are

derived from extortion, bribery or

the misappropriation of public funds”

(cited in Global Witness 2009, 13).

To avoid US prohibitions on the receipt

of corruption proceeds, Obiang did

not hold these assets in his own name.

Instead he used shell companies: Sweetwater Malibu LLC

(registered in California) to hold the mansion, and Ebony

Shine International Ltd. (British Virgin Islands) for the

private jet. After US banks closed Obiang’s accounts on

suspicion that his funds were the proceeds of corruption,

Obiang and his lawyer relied more heavily on a set of

other shell companies to try to hide the true origins of the

money (Global Witness 2009; US Senate 2010). Money was

remitted to the United States from Obiang’s companies in

Equatorial Guinea via France, further obscuring the trail.

This case illustrates both the severe development

consequences of grand corruption and the key role that

shell companies play. It also fits the general pattern in

which shell companies are used as channels to receive

bribes from foreign firms (in this case, oil and logging

interests), as well as to directly embezzle state funds, and

then to move the proceeds out of the developing country

in question to developed countries. Although Obiang is

currently facing actions by the US and French governments

to seize the proceeds of his corruption, it is far from certain

that these efforts will be successful.

Shell company regulation in multilateral


The most important international standard setter for the

regulation of shell companies is the Financial Action Task

Force (FATF) on money laundering. In the last few years the

FATF has been explicitly directed by the G20 to prioritise

the interlinked issues of the beneficial ownership of shell

companies and the laundering of corruption proceeds.

The international standards that govern shell companies

in relation to the question of beneficial ownership are

clear. FATF Recommendation 24 states: “Countries should

take measures to prevent the misuse of legal persons [i.e.,

companies] for money laundering or terrorist financing.

Countries should ensure that there is adequate, accurate

and timely information on the beneficial ownership and

control of legal persons that can be obtained or accessed

in a timely fashion by competent authorities” (FATF 2012).

This standard has been endorsed by a wide variety of

international organisations, including the United Nations,

and by over 180 countries.

In principle, there are two ways to obtain access to

information on beneficial ownership. The first is to require

the government offices that receive and issue formal

company documents, called company registries, to collect

and hold on file proof of identity for the relevant beneficial

owners (e.g., certified or notarised copies of passports).

December 2012 No 10

Tackling shell companies: Limiting the opportunities to hide proceeds of corruption


At present, however, only one registry (Jersey, a British

Crown dependency) is known to perform this function,

and thus there are doubts as to how well this would work

in practice. Especially in developing countries, registries

struggle to fulfil their existing duties and are ill equipped to

undertake the demanding task of checking and recording

beneficial ownership.

This leaves the second option:

regulating the corporate service

providers. Some countries require

CSPs to collect proof of identity

from customers (again, notarised or

certified copies of government-issued

photo identity documents), hold this

information for five years, and provide

it to regulators and law enforcement

officials on request. The advantage of

this system is that it has been shown

to work in practice. When faced with

this requirement, CSPs really do

collect the information, which is then

available to the authorities (Does de

Willebois et al. 2011; Findley, Nielson, and Sharman 2012).

Furthermore, the cost of regulation in this case tends to be

passed on to the customers buying shell companies, rather

than to taxpayers at large.

Unfortunately, however, it seems that few countries

effectively comply with the rule on beneficial ownership,

and so shell companies that cannot be traced back to

the beneficial owners are in practice readily available

to corrupt officials (Does de Willebois et al. 2011).

This reflects the facts that, as noted, registries do not hold beneficial ownership information, and CSPs are completely unregulated in many countries, leaving them free to provide shell companies with no questions asked.

A study in which the authors impersonated fictitious consultants and then approached more than 4,000

CSPs found that over a quarter of them were willing to provide shell companies without the proper identification
documents, or in many cases without any documents at
all. Significantly, providers in developed countries were
less likely to meet international standards than those in
tax havens or developing countries (Findley, Nielson, and Sharman 2012).Shell company regulation in key jurisdictions

The United States has great influence on the content and enforcement of international standards on corporate
transparency. Approximately 2 million companies are
formed in the United States every year, although only
a minority of these are shell companies. Importantly,
company registration takes place at the state rather than
federal level, and few if any states require the collection
of beneficial ownership information. Senator Carl Levin of

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2020, 01:31:54 PM »
Michigan noted, “The problem with incorporating nearly

two million new U.S. companies each year without knowing

anything about who is behind them is that it becomes an

open invitation for criminal abuse” (2006).

In 2009 Senator Levin introduced the Incorporation

Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act had it

it passed, this legislation would have required state

company registries to obtain a declaration for each

company specifying the name and address of the beneficial

owner or owners, updated annually. Submitting a false

declaration would be a criminal offence. Foreign citizens

would have to have a US-based registered agent endorse

the beneficial ownership statement,

with the agent liable to prosecution

if the declaration were false. The bill

was defeated in 2009 due to lobbying

by the states, which feared losing

the revenue stream from company

incorporation and the cost of the new

regulation. The powerful American

Bar Association also opposed the bill,

although law enforcement agencies

strongly endorsed it. Senator Levin

reintroduced the bill in September


Within Europe, one of the most

important developments is the

EU Third Anti-Money Laundering

Directive, which came into force in 2006. This contains

provisions for the licensing of CSPs and for identifying the

beneficial owners of companies and related legal entities

(Deloitte 2009). Whether or not the system works in

practice, however, is open to question.

In Britain, for example, although financial firms are

required to establish beneficial ownership, there is an

exemption for those engaging in a one-off transaction. The

largest CSPs in Britain apparently argue that because they

sell shell companies as a product rather than as an ongoing

service, they are covered by this exemption and thus have

no duty to establish customers’ true identities by collecting

and verifying identification documents. In any case, the UK

Treasury has never conducted a single audit or inspection

to see whether the rule on verification of beneficial

ownership is being followed (Global Witness 2012). Global

Witness recounts how UK shell companies were used to

move hundreds of millions of pounds of suspicious funds

from Central Asia to Britain; in one case the ostensible

owner of the company had died several years before the

company was formed (Global Witness 2012).

Conclusions and recommendations

Given the importance of untraceable shell companies

for facilitating grand corruption and thereby retarding

development, what can be done? This concluding section

presents some brief suggestions for bilateral development

agencies and the governments of developing countries.

The first is simply to ensure that the issue of untraceable

shell companies is given due weight in development

policy deliberations and forums. For more than a decade

it has been a commonplace that controlling corruption

is vitally important in promoting development, yet many

of the implications of this conventional wisdom are still

not appreciated. The regulation of shell companies is not

some dry detail of corporate regulatory arcana, but a key

front in the struggle against the illicit financial flows that

impoverish dozens of countries (Reed and Fontana 2011;

Reuter 2012). A world without anonymous shell companies

would obviously not be a world without corruption, as there

are other means of transferring loot from the developing to

the developed world. Yet better enforcement of international

standards mandating access to beneficial ownership

information is likely to make a significant difference in the

incidence of major corruption, and thus to development


Development agencies should ensure that their counterparts

in other parts of government, and the international

organisations and NGOs they interact with, are aware of the

true significance of this issue. Here the UK Department for

International Development has been exceptionally effective

in its positive contribution (Fontana 2011). The point about

the importance of giving this topic adequate priority applies

even more strongly to developing country governments.

These governments were instrumental in ensuring that

the United Nations Convention Against Corruption gave

prominent place to the issue of stolen asset recovery. Properly

regulating shell companies is a key part of meeting this aim.

Further progress in making shell companies more transparent is

almost entirely a matter of better implementation. The

existing FATF standard is clear and straightforward. The

practical means of ensuring proper implementation is also

relatively straightforward: CSPs must be licensed; they must

be subject to a legal duty to collect, hold, and share customer

identification data; they must be audited by the authorities

to ensure they are doing so; and, finally, there must be

strong penalties for failure to carry out this duty. At present,

however, a large number of countries have simply chosen

not to implement the rules necessary to ensure access to

beneficial ownership information. It is developed countries

which are most at fault in this respect.

Both development agencies and developing country

governments can create momentum to make good on these

commitments by highlighting the current gap between

words and action. It is only by forcefully demonstrating the

connection between untraceable shell companies and the

looting of already impoverished countries that we can expect

progress in promoting transparency, accountability, and the

associated development benefits

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2022, 07:20:22 AM »
Before Pundits wetdreaming was already talking of state capture.......
No need to go very far. That is Kenyatta family. The deals were pushed through at the time Uhuru was minister of Finance. Now KQ is being kept alive through public funds which are being paid to the Kenyatta family.

First the Govmt needs to tell us who are the owners of the offshore companies Tsavo and Samburu Limited which owns the 90% of KQs fleet.
From revenue generated in KQ its out there in the public that payment priorty is No 1 . Lessors No 2. Supliers (fuel cost)and No 3  . Employees. Debtors money was changed to equity . Its also common knowledge that  Tax Payers money is used to bail out KQ yearlly at an amount of 20 Billion since 2003 . That is about 160 Billion of  Taxpayers money cumulatively .
Thats a very complex business set up where by the money goes to pay of the lessor( Samburu & Tsavo) and Bakri (fuel company which RAO has ineterests in ) and now they want to make KQ a parastatal  so as to continue getting the taxpayers money even after they are out of power

The Jury is out there. Suffice to say KQ would be making profits if it was not for dispossing 737 and 767 for Embaraers and 787 and NexGen owned by Samburu and Tsavo who are charging KQ exuberant lease charges and also for the fuel contracts by Bakri et all. This 160 B should one day be traced and reimbursed .

Offline Omollo

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2022, 01:36:12 PM »
I would be more surprised if Macharia is left off the hook than if he's arrested denied bail and charged with massive corruption.

If I were Ruto seeking to make an impression I'd charge Macharia immediately then add Mr. Ruaraka Land Scammer just so nobody says I'm targeting Kikuyus.

Which is why his Odpp after fucking Haji should be a no nonsense Crusader Kikuyu. I won't mind Kibe Mungai although he must cut cartel links.

I think Ruto shouldn't make the error of Kibaki who fired Bernard Chunga. He must keep Kinoti. He needs him to deflect any accusations of using DCI to fight enemies.

I'm going too far now.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Eng Kamau built radisson - Macharia is stealing at grandier scale
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2022, 02:02:25 PM »
Yes macharia has made tonnes of money..