Omollo wrote:
"But I accept. African countries have just one major problem: They acquire the latest technology and then expect it to work without maintenance or repairs."
Yes, maintenance and repairs are things we don't appear to believe in. We will make big deal about the "fantastic, brand-new" thing we've just acquired and then quickly let it go to the dogs, at which point we will (instead of repair) borrow money to get another "fantastic, brand-new" thing. Even something like just a road: instead of running maintenance, e.g. to fix small potholes, we will wait until the tarmac road has potholes large enough to swallow cars or has returned to its murram state. And then there's hospitals and their critical equipment etc.
In cases such as the voting fiasco, it is even worse: I still can't believe that folks expected that such a large and complex computerized system would, without extensive testing, work perfectly on the day---that all one had to do was turn it on.