He is a human scientist. I only mentioned KenyanPlato as he once brought in a topic here with the title "Kikuyu engineer ......".
Very pathetic of KenyanPlato and he did not even bother to answer my provocation here.
I bet such a scientist had he remained in Kenya he would still be hanging out near a university and begging some politicians for connections in order to be promoted.
Ideally, it should be a top *human* scientist. Nationalities being irrelevant to individual abilities. But humans being humans, we are still cavemen underneath the suits
Where is this Maragoli from? May be he was born in the settlements. My dear uncle life was ended prematurely by marauding Kalenjin cattle raiders. He was coming from a bar and on his way home he saw Kales raiders driving stolen cattle. he confronted them, they clubbed him on the head and that caused a stroke. He lived 4 more years bed ridden.
When he died my brother went to the funeral and he was surprised at the whole day marathon speeches about Malaamu. The day before the funeral my aunt had to sit on the front of the house with the coffin and locals paid respect.
One thing I have to say is that Maragolis have abundance of chicken. When I attended my cousin's wedding back in 1985 we ate chicken and rice everyday. Every neighbor that visited dropped a rooster. Since my aunt was the local cereals broker she had a lot of visitors.
I am not sure but I think my cousin married a Bukusu. So they had two weddings. One was traditional wedding done a week before the real wedding. We went to webuye for the wedding. It was a colorful traditional ceremony. However, the was a local madman that scared me to death. The idiot had a club with spikes on it and was leading all dancing processions. I avoided that guy at all costs, Anyway the highlight of the trip to Webuye was me seeing a bridge that was in our Geography book. It was just those things that you see on a textbook and then when you see them in real life it is a big deal
The only thing is that my cousins would drink a tree top bottle of Nubian Gin every night. I bet you they smoked too but I never got to see them smoking.
The place was flat with no roads and somehow had areas that appeared to be semi-arid. Water was fetched from a seasonal river and stored in a Pot in the kitchen.
Good childhood memories.