Author Topic: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil  (Read 12217 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #20 on: April 26, 2020, 08:33:24 PM »
Where in plan international from? They used to do a lot of work for food programs in mbeere. Nevef seen poverty like the one i saw in mbeere and matuu. Some places need a marshal plan. Most of the guys i knew from there are already dead in their 40s ..i guess years of drinking dirty water will kill you
I don't know exactly where Plan is from but that NGO has done wonderful things in the remote and marginalized places in the world where even government never set foot, i schooled with a kid whos father worked for them and was posted in Tharaka back then NGO workers used to be very wealthy, if you go to mbeere you can't recognize because muguka has brought alot of income transforming lifes they are now well to do. I think life expectancy will rise if muguka money wouldn't kill them

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2020, 10:34:51 PM »
Where in plan international from? They used to do a lot of work for food programs in mbeere. Nevef seen poverty like the one i saw in mbeere and matuu. Some places need a marshal plan. Most of the guys i knew from there are already dead in their 40s ..i guess years of drinking dirty water will kill you
I don't know exactly where Plan is from but that NGO has done wonderful things in the remote and marginalized places in the world where even government never set foot, i schooled with a kid whos father worked for them and was posted in Tharaka back then NGO workers used to be very wealthy, if you go to mbeere you can't recognize because muguka has brought alot of income transforming lifes they are now well to do. I think life expectancy will rise if muguka money wouldn't kill them

Muguka grew well around Siakago. Siakago was high up so the elevation favored them. it also grew in Upper mbeere Gachoka. The guy in Gachoka were well up and Siakago too due to school and availability of water were well to do. Eastlands was full of Mbeere guys who had come there as colonial casual workers. My girlfriend was in Siakago Girls. She lived in Jericho. I went to her house and found her mum and Mukurino reading the bible. That is the last time I saw the girl as I was to relocate out of Kenya a few years later.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2020, 06:36:11 AM »

Muguka grew well around Siakago. Siakago was high up so the elevation favored them. it also grew in Upper mbeere Gachoka. The guy in Gachoka were well up and Siakago too due to school and availability of water were well to do. Eastlands was full of Mbeere guys who had come there as colonial casual workers. My girlfriend was in Siakago Girls. She lived in Jericho. I went to her house and found her mum and Mukurino reading the bible. That is the last time I saw the girl as I was to relocate out of Kenya a few years later.
It appears you are very conversant with that area. I just know the area from just transiting. The tarmack road was built by Kibaki from ena to kanyuambora siakago ishiara cutting through tharaka and ending at meru town has also transformed that area very much you would be shocked if you came back. Kibaki uplifted all neglected GEMA area tharaka tigania/igembe mbeere soo much, the infrastructure was laid during his reign(we need tribute thread for Kibaki) Wanjohi has done nothing Kibaki legacy is super strong he is almost a deity  were it not him the areas would still be remote, Moi the chief goat herder had forgotten they exist.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2020, 01:15:54 PM »
Pundit despite your spin and hubris i don;'t think Ruto controls Jubilee - NEC or NMC. NEC is 37 members 22 from former parties that merged 2016. All Kiraitus, Nyaundis and Dzuyas back Uhuru.

The only doubtful part is parliament - where I suspect Ruto is in minority. 150 MPs out of 416 - mere 1/3 of parliament.

These Tuju-Murathe shenanigans are meant to bait Ruto to expose his spin on Uhurutopia. Ruto is all over twirra taking on Uhuru.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2020, 02:35:20 PM »
Tuju-Marathe are out-numbered in Jubilee. They know it. You know it. NEC has lot more members than those 22. If Uhuru wants to fight Ruto - then get you popcorns because that will be one long MAD move.
Pundit despite your spin and hubris i don;'t think Ruto controls Jubilee - NEC or NMC. NEC is 37 members 22 from former parties that merged 2016. All Kiraitus, Nyaundis and Dzuyas back Uhuru.

The only doubtful part is parliament - where I suspect Ruto is in minority. 150 MPs out of 416 - mere 1/3 of parliament.

These Tuju-Murathe shenanigans are meant to bait Ruto to expose his spin on Uhurutopia. Ruto is all over twirra taking on Uhuru.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2020, 02:45:51 PM »
Read the article - NEC has 37 members but 22 of them are some "National Advisory Council" of Kiraitus and former party chiefs.

Uhuru and Tujus would be beaten in mashinani elections or NDC - but the ground noise would be bad for Ruto. Ruto interest is to cut united Jubilee facade which is becoming very difficult.

Tuju-Marathe are out-numbered in Jubilee. They know it. You know it. NEC has lot more members than those 22. If Uhuru wants to fight Ruto - then get you popcorns because that will be one long MAD move.
Pundit despite your spin and hubris i don;'t think Ruto controls Jubilee - NEC or NMC. NEC is 37 members 22 from former parties that merged 2016. All Kiraitus, Nyaundis and Dzuyas back Uhuru.

The only doubtful part is parliament - where I suspect Ruto is in minority. 150 MPs out of 416 - mere 1/3 of parliament.

These Tuju-Murathe shenanigans are meant to bait Ruto to expose his spin on Uhurutopia. Ruto is all over twirra taking on Uhuru.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2020, 02:53:40 PM »
As long as constitution remains NOT -amended and Uhuru is barred from running for PORK again - these are just smokescreen. We are now exactly 1 month to June - and there is no BBI in sight - and with COVID-19 - pretty much-messing everything - I think Ruto is still sitting pretty. The more we move towards 2020 - the more it becomes difficult to amend the katiba...remember there are constitutional timelines - for drafting the bill - collecting signatures - verifying signatures - sending the bills to MCAS - and then sending the bill to both houses of parliament - then budgetting for a referendum - and actually holding one. If you give each of those processes - 3 months - and best-case scenarios - no judicial injunctions - you're talking 21 months.

This really depends on Uhuru...if he wants to fight Ruto...he will have to emerge from the shadows and declare war. And that war he has to fight within GEMA - because GEMA are not boarding anything with Raila in it - and Ruto can take them to any new party now.

Read the article - NEC has 37 members but 22 of them are some "National Advisory Council" of Kiraitus and former party chiefs.

Uhuru and Tujus would be beaten in mashinani elections or NDC - but the ground noise would be bad for Ruto. Ruto interest is to cut united Jubilee facade which is becoming very difficult.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2020, 05:23:53 PM »
I think the war has been going on for 2 years - and Ruto is being pushed into MAD corner. Which benefit Raila.

About BBI - yes covid19 has messed it big. I expect if reform become impossible - to have a 2002 NARC-like coaltion - where Uhuru run for PM under Raila. The whole point is to scuttle Ruto in Gema which is going well so far.

It laughable of course that Ruto can dare ship to new canoe - half the sheep would drown or get swallowed by crocodiles. He continue to "respect" Uhuru and shadow-box despite body blows for a very good reason. For example Uhuru fire his crew and he still approve new names in parliament. Ruto will only go to new party if Uhuru kick him out openly - as it approach 2022 it become dangerous to cling to Uhuru - who would simply deny him the PORK ticket. Jubilee is not UDM or URP pastoralist that could just tag along Ruto path. It is a COALITION - as you can see the diversity of NEC already cause big headache.

In short Ruto has a party headache - while Raila has a BBI headache. Uhuru is not giving Ruto Jubilee so he must brave the murky waters.

As long as constitution remains NOT -amended and Uhuru is barred from running for PORK again - these are just smokescreen. We are now exactly 1 month to June - and there is no BBI in sight - and with COVID-19 - pretty much-messing everything - I think Ruto is still sitting pretty. The more we move towards 2020 - the more it becomes difficult to amend the katiba...remember there are constitutional timelines - for drafting the bill - collecting signatures - verifying signatures - sending the bills to MCAS - and then sending the bill to both houses of parliament - then budgetting for a referendum - and actually holding one. If you give each of those processes - 3 months - and best-case scenarios - no judicial injunctions - you're talking 21 months.

This really depends on Uhuru...if he wants to fight Ruto...he will have to emerge from the shadows and declare war. And that war he has to fight within GEMA - because GEMA are not boarding anything with Raila in it - and Ruto can take them to any new party now.

Read the article - NEC has 37 members but 22 of them are some "National Advisory Council" of Kiraitus and former party chiefs.

Uhuru and Tujus would be beaten in mashinani elections or NDC - but the ground noise would be bad for Ruto. Ruto interest is to cut united Jubilee facade which is becoming very difficult.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2020, 05:24:07 PM »
Yes, prof ochieng think hemmed amonst hostile nilotes - maasai, luos and kipsigis - gusii became pretty hostile - like the northern merus sorrounded by samburus, boranas and somalis.

Growing up - Kalenjin that I remember were pretty scary sight. We had to scar our skins - all our limbs basically - with fire tatoos!! to proof  we were ready to go for circumscion. Kalenjin men were just full of self-inflicted scars and scars from enviroments - thorns, wars.

I was luckly my skin doesn't have those many scars - my cousin if you look at him naked - :) all you see are round scars on all feets and hand. It was like a weekly routine - you get some tree that had a cigarette like a stump, light it - and waited to burn it out on your skin - no flinching - if you're tough 3 scars per day - until there was nowhere to scar or tattoo. You waited for a week for the wounds to heal into round permanent scars. There would be rows and rows of scars....until there was nowhere to practically scar and you'd be ready to face the knife.

That might also explain Merus indeed.  It's a bluff you hope the hostile neighbors don't call.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2020, 06:19:12 PM »
I agree with punda unless wanjohi tries to amend the constitution all currently is hubris, but i see everything is against them, where do they even start, no way BBI can be restarted this year and Kenya simply cant afford a referendum in the next 2 years any attempt to force this on the masses would be met with almost violent reactions, most people affected by the lockdowns are GEMA and then you tell them sijui tubadilishe katiba. Uhuru has to really very difficult options because if he promised anyone he is not in a position to guarantee, GEMA is tired they just want good prices for milk tea miraa etc and their businesses to operate normally, uhuru is considered a total failureand a useless addict he let dog eaters run riot taking all business which our people rely on ,Hustler has veen smart associating all mess with Uhuru, no one blames him for the economic fallout, Raira would be wise to have plan B which i Know he has, Ruto will literally win thisthing 2022 but of course they wont make it easy for him having all data from huduma etc, option for Ruto is to stay put till 2022 and ran hard against them create an environment of fear for the elite should they try any dirty games, he has nothing to loose and come worse he should make sure him uhuru and raila finally get jailed in hague. 

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2020, 06:31:31 PM »
I agree with punda unless wanjohi tries to amend the constitution all currently is hubris, but i see everything is against them, where do they even start, no way BBI can be restarted this year and Kenya simply cant afford a referendum in the next 2 years any attempt to force this on the masses would be met with almost violent reactions, most people affected by the lockdowns are GEMA and then you tell them sijui tubadilishe katiba. Uhuru has to really very difficult options because if he promised anyone he is not in a position to guarantee, GEMA is tired they just want good prices for milk tea miraa etc and their businesses to operate normally, uhuru is considered a total failureand a useless addict he let dog eaters run riot taking all business which our people rely on ,Hustler has veen smart associating all mess with Uhuru, no one blames him for the economic fallout, Raira would be wise to have plan B which i Know he has, Ruto will literally win thisthing 2022 but of course they wont make it easy for him having all data from huduma etc, option for Ruto is to stay put till 2022 and ran hard against them create an environment of fear for the elite should they try any dirty games, he has nothing to loose and come worse he should make sure him uhuru and raila finally get jailed in hague.

Ruto has EVERYTHING to lose if he goes MAD - PEV 2, etc. It is Uhuru who has nothing to lose - basically wants to scuttle Ruto. Uhuru has denied Ruto Jubilee control - which will force Ruto to ship out - a dangerous move akin to tempting fate. Ruto's best odds is the status quo - katiba, Jubilee Party, Jubilee GoK. C19 has helped him with the first but the other two he is powerless.

And how exactly would he "threaten the elite"? Threats work on the hoi polloi - the elites are aligned against him as it is. Ruto has the old Raila problem of being enemy of the state  :) - worse he has no Raila reform profile.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2020, 06:41:52 PM »
@Robina,the person with the Most to lose is Raila, Uhuru then Ruto in that order. Simply raira has no more time left, uhuru wants a continuation of the status quo, Ruto has time he can be jailed together with the other 2 and come back to run as a 60 something still young Uhuru will come back to see all his land  taken up by squatters and developed his companies in ruin, Raira won't make it out of prison you know with his health issue he can only clock 1 year, Ruto doesn't need to call for violence he just needs to call mass action iyo tu,

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2020, 07:02:54 PM »
Raila is the only one who can just call for mass action and the economy grinds to a halt. Uhuru does not need to call for any mass action just ask Kibicho and Kameru to prep for the warriors. Ruto cannot successfully hold GoK at ransom without landing back into ICC fangs. His warriors have only one leverage - genocide. Now of course any threats or actual PEV on Kiluyu is political suicide - cause that’s the only card he has on Raila.

Who loses what? The status quo benefits Ruto - Raila and Uhuru want to change katiba, kill Jubilee, rig Ruto out  - ergo Ruto has the most to lose. So long as Raila has Uhuru Ruto remains disadvantaged. Body blows with hands tied in the back. The person with no other chance is Raila - who thus has the least to lose.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2020, 07:24:43 PM »
Yes, prof ochieng think hemmed amonst hostile nilotes - maasai, luos and kipsigis - gusii became pretty hostile - like the northern merus sorrounded by samburus, boranas and somalis.

Growing up - Kalenjin that I remember were pretty scary sight. We had to scar our skins - all our limbs basically - with fire tatoos!! to proof  we were ready to go for circumscion. Kalenjin men were just full of self-inflicted scars and scars from enviroments - thorns, wars.

I was luckly my skin doesn't have those many scars - my cousin if you look at him naked - :) all you see are round scars on all feets and hand. It was like a weekly routine - you get some tree that had a cigarette like a stump, light it - and waited to burn it out on your skin - no flinching - if you're tough 3 scars per day - until there was nowhere to scar or tattoo. You waited for a week for the wounds to heal into round permanent scars. There would be rows and rows of scars....until there was nowhere to practically scar and you'd be ready to face the knife.

That is some bizzare stuff. meanwhile in okuyu all you needed is to ask to be take to the clinic for circumcision. My friend dad was a super rich. So one day he decided he was going to take any boy in his household that wanted to get cut to the clinic. my friend who was just 9 years asked to go with his elder brothers. the oldest was 12 years. They go into the clinic and his brother goes in. He sees peeps into the window and see what they deal was and took off and hid. his dad just go him a ride home and he waited for 3 more years.

Being cut in primary was a big thing. You joined the big boys toilets and smoking ring.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2020, 07:29:01 PM »
Raila is the only one who can just call for mass action and the economy grinds to a halt. Uhuru does not need to call for any mass action just ask Kibicho and Kameru to prep for the warriors. Ruto cannot successfully hold GoK at ransom without landing back into ICC fangs. His warriors have only one leverage - genocide. Now of course any threats or actual PEV on Kiluyu is political suicide - cause that’s the only card he has on Raila.

Who loses what? The status quo benefits Ruto - Raila and Uhuru want to change katiba, kill Jubilee, rig Ruto out  - ergo Ruto has the most to lose. So long as Raila has Uhuru Ruto remains disadvantaged. Body blows with hands tied in the back. The person with no other chance is Raila - who thus has the least to lose.
You are getting me into those "is the glass half full or half empty kind of debates that i dont use energy on i will leave those arguments to you and punda, am just straight forward, if you honestly think uhuru has that fanatic support that he can order mt. Kenya just in any direction then i feel sad for you if for putting cards in one basket pole, you must know GEMA are not like luo to be bundled just like that, mass action is not the reserve of Raila, i don't know where you live but i can tell you for free  uku mashinani mt. Kenya people aren't buying any crap going on, Uhuru has spent last years developing nyanza then he comes and tell us gibberish, he will have to do more maybe increases price of milk to around 100kes per litre, or make miraa the national plant inorder to start being heard :D :D

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2020, 07:30:12 PM »
John Manners thinks he can explain. He's a retired journalist who for a long time had a specialty in covering the exploits of African runners. Now he runs a nonprofit, KenSAP, that helps place academically gifted Kalenjin kids into Ivy League schools.

When Manners was 12 years old, he lived for a while in Kalenjin country, where his dad was an anthropologist. And as a boy, Manners noticed his friends had scars on their arms and legs where they'd burned themselves with hot coals.

The Initiation Ceremony

Manners soon learned that they were practicing for an initiation ceremony, a rite of passage that is all about enduring pain.

Elly Kipgogei, 19, remembers going through the ceremony at age 15.

First, he says, he had to crawl mostly naked through a tunnel of African stinging nettles. Then he was beaten on the bony part of the ankle, then his knuckles were squeezed together, and then the formic acid from the stinging nettle was wiped onto his genitals.

But all that was just warm-up; early one morning he was circumcised, with a sharp stick.

That is some bizzare stuff. meanwhile in okuyu all you needed is to ask to be take to the clinic for circumcision. My friend dad was a super rich. So one day he decided he was going to take any boy in his household that wanted to get cut to the clinic. my friend who was just 9 years asked to go with his elder brothers. the oldest was 12 years. They go into the clinic and his brother goes in. He sees peeps into the window and see what they deal was and took off and hid. his dad just go him a ride home and he waited for 3 more years.

Being cut in primary was a big thing. You joined the big boys toilets and smoking ring.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2020, 07:36:37 PM »
Robina, If you think GEMA will board MV Raila then something is clearly wrong with you. It ain't happening. Uhuru is courting a rebellion and he will be like MOi. Just a big name without any support. Even in Baringo. The rest is details.

If Uhuru attempt - GEMA will adopt Ruto as their own - and donate Uhuru to Luo Nyanza.

I think Uhuru just interested in stealing alone - and slicing Ruto knowing Ruto has 10yrs coming. So he is trying basically to run the show solo - make hay while the sun is up - and then quietly retire. Ruto has no problem with letting Uhuru run the show....but the moment he moves the 2022 cheese..then hell will break loose.

So I still insist Uhuru is playing games - with Raila - so he can help him steal now. He is just throwing funny ideas to him via Murathes. Knowing very well that GEMA are never going to board MV Raila and ODM.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2020, 07:41:22 PM »
So Ruto calls for mass action :) - how do you see that going say in Nairobi? Mombasa? Kiambu? Eldoret or Kericho maybe - way outside the nervous system - which cannot force GoK to do anything. Only genocide or serious economic disruption can force GoK to the table - ala PEV 1. Ruto has no "peaceful" leverage unlike Raila. If he is rigged out or squarely beaten he is done.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2020, 07:44:59 PM »
If you think Uhuruto or Jubilee is intact you are the delusional one. Ruto needs a new party - and attempt to herd massive Jubilee coalition there - very tough luck. Uhuru does not need all the big conspiracies and rungus to manage Ruto. The war is real.

Robina, If you think GEMA will board MV Raila then something is clearly wrong with you. It ain't happening. Uhuru is courting a rebellion and he will be like MOi. Just a big name without any support. Even in Baringo. The rest is details.

If Uhuru attempt - GEMA will adopt Ruto as their own - and donate Uhuru to Luo Nyanza.

I think Uhuru just interested in stealing alone - and slicing Ruto knowing Ruto has 10yrs coming. So he is trying basically to run the show solo - make hay while the sun is up - and then quietly retire. Ruto has no problem with letting Uhuru run the show....but the moment he moves the 2022 cheese..then hell will break loose.

So I still insist Uhuru is playing games - with Raila - so he can help him steal now. He is just throwing funny ideas to him via Murathes. Knowing very well that GEMA are never going to board MV Raila and ODM.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundit by the time Wanjohi is done with your boy he wil
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2020, 07:47:31 PM »
Raila has no mass action leverage - that is why he Uhuru won 2013 bila wasiwasi - and 2017 twice - despite the election boycott. Raila was only brought to checkmate Ruto. Not because he was mass action threat.

Ruto wields a bigger stick - 1M kikuyu diaspora - is huge prize - for GEMA nation. It's like having a nuclear - you really don't have to unleash it. It's a deterrent.

As for Raila - the only time he has amounted to anything was 2007 - when Kalenjin nation did the heavy pushing. Now he is not even in gov and is just getting entertained by drunkard Murather and Atwoli with tall stories on how they will stop Ruto.

So Ruto calls for mass action :) - how do you see that going say in Nairobi? Mombasa? Kiambu? Eldoret or Kericho maybe - way outside the nervous system - which cannot force GoK to do anything. Only genocide or serious economic disruption can force GoK to the table - ala PEV 1. Ruto has no "peaceful" leverage unlike Raila. If he is rigged out or squarely beaten he is done.