It is easy to keep on labeling everything you don't agree with as Conspiracy Theory. It is an easy route for those who have no facts to prove their claims. I don't mind but facts are facts.
Even our very own Kagwe CS recently announced that someone had died in Mombasa and death attributed to Covid-19. What was interesting was that Kagwe story is that the patient had been admitted with several serious medical issues and it was only AFTER DEATH that he was tested for Covid-19 and turned out positive. Therefore the death was recorded as caused by Covid-19. If it's being conspiratorial to ask why such a death is attributable to Covid-19 and not other causes which were known to exist, then am proud to be conspiratorial. Again, according to the CS the first casualty was a 66yrs old male suffering from diabetes. No other details were released on how serious his diabetic condition was nor any other info. But at the age of 66yrs with diabetes even a "normal flu" or even a wound can be lead to a lot of health complications. The other youngster was aged 6yrs? but had been admitted to hospital cause of pneumonia and underlying conditions (which i understood were from birth). Again Covid-19 was said to be the cause. While such deaths are regrettable, it doesn't justify the measures taken. This is why i agree with your assertion that "African governments are burning the house to rid of Mosquito.." And I go further and say the whole damn world (or at least majority parts ) have gone mad. The fear mongering and the hold it has on several parts of the world is simply incredible.
In Italy even their own scientist advisor on health to the PM (I think it may be equivalent of our Director General Dr. Amoth) stated that only 12% of reported deaths were directly attributable to Covid-19. In that it was only in those 12% cases where the patient did not have other underlying conditions (comorbidity). But then that has not stopped media hype to keep on harping about Italy. And yet further research shows this is not the first time Italy had been overwhelmed by "flu/pneumonia" during Europe's Flu/winter season.
You try to defend Dr. Birx while words were very clear. And any other clarification she made ended up being a distinction without a difference. Yea, and that if it "causes ACUTE Death...." then it's covid-19. Very clear as hell.
Here's a State Senator who's also a duly qualified Doctor in Minnesota. He received directions on how to fill death certificates (He says this is the first time he has ever been coached how to fill death certificates) that laboratory tests are not necessary for Covid-19 to be stated as cause of death. Is he also like me a Conspiracy Theorist? was also on Fox News like 2 days ago dismissing CDC guidelines on Covid-19 death Counts. If you dismiss anyone who questions such guidelines as Conspiracy Theorists (which Fauci did), The Senator/Doctor said
"I would remind him that anytime health care intersects with dollars it gets awkward," Jensen said.
"Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000; three times as much. Nobody can tell me, after 35 years in the world of medicine, that sometimes those kinds of things [have] impact on what we do.
"Some physicians really have a bent towards public health and they will put down influenza or whatever because that’s their preference," Jensen added. "I try to stay very specific, very precise. If I know I’ve got pneumonia, that’s what’s going on the death certificate. I’m not going to add stuff just because it’s convenient."My point is which have been all along is that nothing is as clear cut in this Covid-19 Pandemic. That we have to scour through deaths data or manipulate how deaths are usually recorded to "confirm" deaths from COVID-19 pandemic clearly shows THIS IS NOT A PANDEMIC. In the sense it has led to closure of economies and suspension of people lives and ushered in dictatorial rule where even how to breathe has to be dictated by the government. And enforced.
The elderly and those with serious underlying health issues ARE NORMALLY VULNERABLE TO ANY OTHER DISEASE/VIRUS/BACTERIA and Covid-19 is not SPECIAL in that regard. then all of these are conspiracies and believe in wild stuffs.
Fox groupies et all have been pushing the narrative that the deaths are overstated. Garliv picked this up from there. They quoted her and focussed on that specific part. He shared the link from Realpolitik believing it supports his claims while it doesn’t.
Data on tests is right here:
I repeat again. You are either a moron or just plain stupid. When someone is on a deathbed suffering, the disease that attacks last is the killer. In plain language if some robber came to your house and shot and killed you, the robber is the killer not the disease that kept you homebound for years. I hope you get it.