Here’s why,
They imagine what is unfolding in EU and North America will hit them soon.
But it’s not happening.
African won’t have an explosion of new cases and deaths overwhelming morgues.
It could be temperate climate that fries the virus millimeters from the nose of the nose upon ejection, genes, immunity, or healthy eating but I just can’t see it happening.
I went to John Hopkins Covid-19 site and checked out the worst hit EU countries of Germany,Italy and Spain. hit four digits and from that time their curves took off.
South Africa was at 1300 last Sunday and I was expecting this week,ending today, April 5,2020 to read of thousands of new cases. South Africa added a mere 300 or less.
Spain hit 1,200 and in a week they registered 9,900.
You could blame the lower figures on undertesting but if that’s the case we would be having one too many deaths out of the many untested but positive cases. We don’t have that so the disease is simply not spreading in Africa as EU.
I’m not even thinking about Kenya which only turned triple digits 72 hours ago.
These EU measures are just killing us. We are literally razing down a building to kill mosquitoes