Uhuru is actually doing worse than "risking 1m Kikuyu" which to be honest he doesn't care that much about. Indeed right now he and his team would be very happy if RV tribal clashes erupt. They would blame Ruto and use that to portray him as violent. And believe you me, a helicopter would land at Sugoi to take Ruto to Hague. By that they would have gotten rid of him with claims he had to face ICC.
In short am even telling you these people can even set false flags from Njoro, Timboroa, Ravine, all the way to Burnt Forest. It will not be first time violence is used to advance some agenda..
That aside, the worst Uhuru is doing is long term damage of Parliamentary System and even Federal System (Majimbo). Kikuyus wherever they are would be rendered minorities. Then they have no enough MPs to negotiate anything of substance. This is the worst ever he can do.
Then he brings Raila with him. A man Kikuyu elite plus Uhuru have been demonizing for decades. A man whom they judged impossible to work with during Kibaki's time. A man who is blamed for taking Ruto/Uhuru to the Hague. A man who at the height of PEV 2007/08 was known as Arap Mibei. A man who was not even apologetic about it. A man who tried to excuse Kiambaa burning on BBC. Somehow Uhuru now decide Raila is the Man.
Even more infuriating to people is that All these Uhuru is doing for HIMSELF. HIM. ALONE. TO BE EXECUTIVE PM. It's his own self interests. There is no national interests to amend constitution and install regions or PM. None whatsoever. His own base (people) get shafted for generations to come for him to be PM..
This guy Uhuru better get more security as @KenyanPlato said. People are fed up with him.
Indeed ata sometimes i personally think am in some kind of alternative universe. Because i cannot figure out rationale for Uhuru behaviour.
Opinion pollsters seem to support our truck driver. The thing is Robina. Uhuru is asking Kikuys an untenable proposition to choose btw LOVING HIM and loving 1M of their relatives who inevitably will come in harm ways if the UhuRuto deal comes apart. Kikuyus I believe would have dropped Ruto if there were no such real consequences. It would have been the usual - done and dusted. Ruto is not making things easy because he is being sly - not giving Uhuru a reason - to says " I had to do it".
In short Uhuru is going to face a rebellion - like NIS have told him severally - and he better listen. You cannot build a bridge by destroying another. To his credit, Uhuru seem busy in Central - looking for love there.
If he wants to continue - he can only continue under ONE CONDITION - he doesn't destroy the 10yrs bridges that GEMA and RV have built.
That basically mean he has to work with Ruto to find accommodation post-2022 (although our strong recommendation is he retires)...something he clearly isn't prepared having been led astray by Kibicho and Jezebel.
If BABA MOI retired - who is Uhuru not to retire??????????????????????????
You are a charlatan who knows and meets everyone at the drop of a hat How do you meet "people from the ground" in between truck trips in Delaware? A few days ago you were all over about the end of Ruto. Don't torture the fence like Pastor vooke. At least Garliv and Pundit can pretend to have ears on the ground even when it is clearly hot air.