A research institution has no money. I've done my research. I peg this institution going bankrupt like many research institutions for a number of reasons, just from looking at their wikipedia profile. That's why I ask how much.
I bet someone could easily buy it for 20 million tops. Dwindling funds, polluted research on neuroscience. Is it medicine, psychology, what is neuroscience? My guess is they have too many pop psychology members and not enough integrity in their backbone. I don't smell the passion. In that case there's a shelf life.
Neuroscience doesn't qualify as medical research. It's one of those grey areas riding on the fringe of pop craze, brain stuff, luminosity etc. their research doesn't appeal to govts, private sectors and the likes. What relevance is luminosity to public health and govts? That's why they put policy etc. on their web profile. Which medical field doesn't advise govt policy?
Neuroscience is a dwindling fad. If one could buy it they could transform it into something that generates income, like buy and sell fmri, perishable neuro-related consumables for public consumption. Focus on selling neuroscience as opposed to pretending to promoting shatty research and get togethers they can't even manage. It's unsustainable. I bet my money they're going bankrupt. I can smell bankruptcy like a hawk from many miles away.