@Robina, this is nonsense, empty, juvenile talk.
Let me be very clear as i have seen Pundit in other handles talk about 1m (Kikuyu) hostages in Rift Valley! There will be
NO pev in Rift Valley (maybe small skirmishes here and there which will be quickly and easily extinguished).
I come from the "thick of things" and cosmopolitan north rift (the epicentre of PEV). A lot of the affected were sheltered in my folks compound and lived there for several weeks. Unlike 2007 when the Kikuyus were taken by surprise (including, I must say, other tribes) this time both the Government as well as the tribes living peacefully with the Kalenjins in North Rift are will be very well prepared for any fujo!
Now, Pundit is from Kericho/Bomet and only has juvenile excitement about the so-called Kalenjin Warriors. How will these Kalenjin Warriors engage and pit themselves against all other tribes who also live in the RV? Of course (and unfortunately) deep inside Kericho/Bomet/Elgeyo; those non-Kalenjin folk will be seating ducks for the marauding warriors but let us be clear no PEV of the extent and type witnessed in 2007 will happen in the epicentre of North Rift ever again! I tell you they will be totally totally annihilated if they were ever to try....
Ni hiyo tu!
They have no leverage against Uhuru and Raila... because PEV or ethnic cleansing is neutered. It is like fighting with your hands fastened in the back.