Author Topic: Where did the money go?  (Read 2623 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Where did the money go?
« on: November 14, 2019, 04:34:59 AM »

Interesting discussion here on devolution versus national govt.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Where did the money go?
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2019, 06:55:20 PM »
A rare talkshow in Kenya. Sober minds and well thought of conversations. Waiting for part 2.

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Re: Where did the money go?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 01:45:45 PM »
The looting is hitting closer and closer home- getting personal.
Past two weeks have observed Tribeka and Red Robin have closed down despite as heading to a festive season.

The dots nobody is connecting is that once these bite the dust - rent income lost =taxes lost; Employees source of livelihood lost = desperation, lost taxes; suppliers kaput - alcohol, foods= lost livelihoods & taxes.

The figure Ndii is quoting of 300 billion will get even higher as business continue to bite the dust and those struggling adopt more creative accounting.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Where did the money go?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2019, 02:25:37 PM »
The looting is hitting closer and closer home- getting personal.
Past two weeks have observed Tribeka and Red Robin have closed down despite as heading to a festive season.

The dots nobody is connecting is that once these bite the dust - rent income lost =taxes lost; Employees source of livelihood lost = desperation, lost taxes; suppliers kaput - alcohol, foods= lost livelihoods & taxes.

The figure Ndii is quoting of 300 billion will get even higher as business continue to bite the dust and those struggling adopt more creative accounting.

It is desth spiral. I wonder why no one at Treasury stood up against crony capitalist Uhuru and told he to go fly a kite and stop attempting fate. In 2000 young bro muhoho realized Uhuru was going to politics full time. He demanded that he gets his share of inheritance and permanent divorce or his interests from kenyatta. Muhoho is the brain behind brookside. He built it on his own strength as an enterprenuer. Two brothers one with kenyatta genes the other with chief muhoho genes. His brother may have forced Uhuru to go into handshake and separate from ruto.

The tragic thing is that in central your have two forces the economic growers and the govt leeches like Uhuru

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Where did the money go?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2019, 02:39:34 PM »

Offline gout

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Re: Where did the money go?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2019, 03:48:44 PM »
You can't stand against Uhuru and Ruto. You get going with the gravy train or get thrown under the bus to cleanse the looting - not forgetting they hire people who can bend as they say. The best treasury mandarins would do is to adjust the reports and books to what Uhuruto wanted to hear.

The looting is hitting closer and closer home- getting personal.
Past two weeks have observed Tribeka and Red Robin have closed down despite as heading to a festive season.

The dots nobody is connecting is that once these bite the dust - rent income lost =taxes lost; Employees source of livelihood lost = desperation, lost taxes; suppliers kaput - alcohol, foods= lost livelihoods & taxes.

The figure Ndii is quoting of 300 billion will get even higher as business continue to bite the dust and those struggling adopt more creative accounting.

It is desth spiral. I wonder why no one at Treasury stood up against crony capitalist Uhuru and told he to go fly a kite and stop attempting fate. In 2000 young bro muhoho realized Uhuru was going to politics full time. He demanded that he gets his share of inheritance and permanent divorce or his interests from kenyatta. Muhoho is the brain behind brookside. He built it on his own strength as an enterprenuer. Two brothers one with kenyatta genes the other with chief muhoho genes. His brother may have forced Uhuru to go into handshake and separate from ruto.

The tragic thing is that in central your have two forces the economic growers and the govt leeches like Uhuru
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

Offline gout

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I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution