Lol humans as a collective act like pigs. They are the ultimate creature driven by greed and self interest. You will find a man with a belly with cellulite and busted veins due to obesity but take one meal away from the glutton and it will be ready to kill. You cannot save humans from themselves. I wonder how it felt in the last days of Roman Empire or Egyptians ..did they look back and know how bad they had screwed a good thing did the last king in rome end up..did he or she die in a culvert or sewer ala saddam or ghadhafi..why would a scientist with a big brain and understanding of a chemicals allow a capitalist to use his knowledge to poison the ecosystem?
I read a case of pfas poison in by a leading chemical company it just amazing how scientists knew how dangerous the chemicals were but allowed them to be dumped in the open and even wrote memos to the effect. Capitalism at it's finest can be the most destructive force ever ..i think because greed is the key ingredient of it really help a lot of madmen to thrive in it
How do you sleep knowing you started the demise of humanity? Anyway I believe human mind and pyschology is black hole that we really need to understand properly..obama said that after he would get a brief on climate change aka global warming he would realize how fucked we are. Since 1975 there has been consensus that we need to stop burning fossil fuels fuaaah like idiots but no one listened. What did USA do? They convince China to industrialized in hope they could exploit Mao madness has pulled the trigger on co2 nuclear bomb and unleashed destruction that will really have us in a pickle for decades...
Now morons are being told reduce the co2 emissions but everyone is waiting for someone else to make the are so fucked i wish you knew how fucked you are. I just read that Kenya Mitumba cars remove catalytic coverters wonder everyone in nairobi eyes are red from lead fumes..
If you walk to any department of motor vehicle in USA without a catalytic converter you will be heavily fined and your car impounded