Author Topic: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST  (Read 5114 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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The effect of good-intentioned but not well thought out populism..."Magulification" of Tanzania.

Tanzania cooking economic figures....WB put them at 5.2% growth (lowest in East Africa bar Burundi) while they TZ claim to 7%.

Everything grinding to halt. FDIs have halved. Private-sector lending dropped from 20% to 4%. Exports dropped.

Sound eerily like we got another Nyerere situation. He never stole a bob....died a pauper owning a house and a bicyle....but made everyone in TZ equally poor.

That is why I supports folks like Ruto/Kenyattas/Kibaki - they can skim the cream - but get lots of shit done. Moi made a mistake in 90s by allowing free for all looting in 92 and 96 at the prospect of losing power to GEMA.

Offline vooke

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If there was corruption in TZ development would drop to 3%.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Kadudu

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Why are you equating Ruto to Kenyattas and Kibaki although he has never ruled Kenya for a day? Wait till after 2022 and then we can see if he lands at the helm.

At least you should have put Raila on that list. He has nusu mkate as PM. :D :D :D

That is why I supports folks like Ruto/Kenyattas/Kibaki - they can skim the cream - but get lots of shit done. Moi made a mistake in 90s by allowing free for all looting in 92 and 96 at the prospect of losing power to GEMA.

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One can say the same to UhuRuto regime only instead of GEMA you can replace it with Raila. The free looting under the two zoombies has made Moi's error like like a kindergarten.

That is why I supports folks like Ruto/Kenyattas/Kibaki - they can skim the cream - but get lots of shit done. Moi made a mistake in 90s by allowing free for all looting in 92 and 96 at the prospect of losing power to GEMA.

Offline RV Pundit

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Not true. Moi kind of looting you only see when a military or dictatorship regime is about to fall - and they raid central banks coffees - chart dollars, gold and such. Moi was that scared in 92 and 96 - and by 2002 - he was used to the drill.
One can say the same to UhuRuto regime only instead of GEMA you can replace it with Raila. The free looting under the two zoombies has made Moi's error like like a kindergarten.

Offline Nefertiti

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Pundit has long tales about Ruto - he confuses dreams with reality. From Ruto is visionary - cos SGR and the borrow-&-build "China model" - which we summarily debunked right here. Ruto is like Jomo or Kibaki - zero evidence - nope, he has never borne ultimate authority & responsibility for GoK. Ruto is trustworthy - this is the most laughable "fact" tossed here and about persistently. Dude has a looong trail of dirty tricks and cons he played on Reuben Chesire for Eldoret MP, Mutula Kilonzo for Kanu sec gen, Jubilee mlolongo, bla bla - a mile-long rapsheet of graft and all sins in the book. Once in a while we are gleefully told how he slices poor penniless "friends" who made the mistake to trust him - most recently some chap took KCB loan 500M at 300M "commission" :D If William Ruto is trustworthy even Lucifer deserves a chance.

Blinkers 101

Why are you equating Ruto to Kenyattas and Kibaki although he has never ruled Kenya for a day? Wait till after 2022 and then we can see if he lands at the helm.

At least you should have put Raila on that list. He has nusu mkate as PM. :D :D :D

That is why I supports folks like Ruto/Kenyattas/Kibaki - they can skim the cream - but get lots of shit done. Moi made a mistake in 90s by allowing free for all looting in 92 and 96 at the prospect of losing power to GEMA.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Amazing we are back to basics. Corruption or integrity is not a metric of economic development - but a big cancer that decimates everything. It is well known infrastructure and the rule of law - particularly a stable judiciary - are the key ingredients in the development recipe. Right before capital, manpower and other resources. Unless you are ignorant you can see how corruption interferes with these inputs of development. I mean substandard infra all over, counterfeits and piracy, inefficient enforcement of contracts, fake degrees, titles and other docs.. The graft "tax" so obviously makes Pundit's assertions here bizarre.

Magufulication or minimizing corruption does not make the economic inputs wishable away in TZ. It just one important thing that must be dealt with. Even if you got sizable growth with lots of corruption - you still need to address the vice - same as other crimes - drugs, murder, etc. Does growth make us ignore HIV or cancer? Being rich or prosperous does not make me want to die from corrupt cops who let thru worn-out tanker. Or corrupt bordermen let in Al Shaabab. Or corrupt taxmen let in mercury sugar. Or corrupt IEBC officials cause PEV. Or corrupt foresters cause drought. Corruption is a bottomless abyss.

This is my main beef with Ruto - not just his fake genius - which just make him even with the rest of the Regular Joes. Like Moi made corruption free-for-all - stashing cash in the boot to give school kids  - Ruto suffers from this same Kalenjin syndrome - of wantonly displaying his affluence and "blessings". Like Moi - Ruto is spreading the Gospel of Corruption to the masses - and this is very dangerous far beyond any miracles he has to offer. Not a Kibaki nor Jomo - more akin to corrupt, inept Moi on steroids.

Ruto is the Snake in the Garden of Kenya - poor Wanjiku is gullible Eve - corruption is the forbidden fruit. The way you see the Judases in parliament today - bribed in the loos, night allowance, anything for 30 pieces of silver - these are Moi's and Kibaki's generation that learnt from Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing, Triton, etc. Imagine a Ruto presidency - from what we see now as a mere VP. Kenya would be Sodom & Gomorrah under President William Ruto.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Robina, that is some convoluted long diatribe. Magufuli is achieving the opposite...of what he intended.

Offline Nefertiti

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Robina, that is some convoluted long diatribe. Magufuli is achieving the opposite...of what he intended.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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We don't just reject Ruto for his moneybag syndrome - his is a more insidious variety - more like ebola or anthrax. He is a very poor example of a leader. Cause you pointed out Kibaki or Jomo - or even Uhuru or Babu - they kept it elite. Catch them dead claiming their bloodmoney is "blessings from God" right at the pulpit. Ruto does harambees and spill money fwaa exactly as Moi. Yet he is only VP.

So my dear Pundit, you can give your hero the holy sacrament - it would take the Pope to cleanse him. It too deeply ingrained in him to hope for anything different. As PORK no miracle would happen - he would be a worse version of Moi.
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Offline Kichwa

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2019, 05:37:48 AM »
Ruto is nothing without Ouru?
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2019, 06:01:51 AM »
Robina that some fear mongering.Ruto has been leading opinion polls of the next pork.His achievement right from his time as no, ass min, minister, party leadership and DPORK clearly demonstrates his leadership and management skills.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2019, 05:05:25 PM »
Robina that some fear mongering.Ruto has been leading opinion polls of the next pork.His achievement right from his time as no, ass min, minister, party leadership and DPORK clearly demonstrates his leadership and management skills.

Right. And graft has caused countless atrocities in that same period. It is not merely an economic problem so that Ruto's imaginary thrift can absolve him. He could multiply the economy 10X and we'd still reject his sleazy pungent nature. The man is shamelessly building churches with bloodmoney - it baffles me you see no dark symbolism in this. I mean what are the youth picking from that?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2019, 05:17:29 PM »
Blinkers kweli. If corruption was only an economic problem - they would not fight it in the west or rich countries. Instead they treat it like murder - cause it a deadly vice that spawn all kinds of problems. Very many crimes and problems are facilitated by corruption - terrorism, narcotics, prostitution, deforestation, name it. Corruption is the principal enabler of impunity - and we know injustice causes strife and instability - downward spiral from there.

Bwana Pundit yours is willful ignorance - else you would need help. As you can sense it's a mountain task to persuade us that graft is harmless. :D
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2019, 06:43:29 PM »
Robina, I focus on output, not input.I leave God to judge inner souls but I judge their achievements.All those ills you talk about can be measured and objectively debated.Corruption fear mongering will fall flat on its stomach like ICC in 2013.Kindly focus on what political leadership can Kenya basic infastructure, poverty fight and etc.Ruto is an excellent political leader.He ain't a saint.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2019, 07:43:36 PM »
We also debated "outputs" before - where you attempted to box them as GDP or economy - which of course is only one metric of a nation's health. Stop conflating economics and graft. Why don't you equally conflate growth with AIDS or malaria? In TZ they are also busy fighting malaria yet the economy still plummet - how does that sound? Should they also stop fighting malaria?

Noone's asking Ruto to be a saint - despite his actual pretence to be one - we however say a firm No to his abetting and promoting graft. That is what the impressionable youth are getting from his "generosity". Only a retard doesn't know it's campaign using loot. While corruption is already insidious in Kenya and getting worse - am yet to see any miracle workers inspired by Ruto.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2019, 09:18:45 PM »
Aids, malaria are down donge

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2019, 12:49:21 AM »
Robina, that is some convoluted long diatribe. Magufuli is achieving the opposite...of what he intended.

Yes - because he neglects the other inputs of growth. You obfuscate and conflate corruption with growth to sanctify Ruto. Magufuli should address the other economic factors simultaneously with corruption. You could point to many other countries that have prospered big from slaying graft - say China or South Korea - which of course would be narrow minded. Cause it just a single item.

Yup.  TZ is not poor courtesy of less corruption.  That is just ridiculous deification of the vice.
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Harriet Tubman

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2019, 09:00:49 AM »
GDP measures all sort of indicators from all sorts of sectors and for me it's the single most important measure of progress.It not possible to grow economically when graft is so rampant. Magufuli has failed...growth when he got PORT was around down to 5%...and it's projected to get to 3% this year....that is classic definiton of a CATASTROPHE.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Evidence that anti-graft war is not "everything" - TZ going DOWN FAST
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2019, 11:23:45 AM »
GDP measures all sort of indicators from all sorts of sectors and for me it's the single most important measure of progress.It not possible to grow economically when graft is so rampant. Magufuli has failed...growth when he got PORT was around down to 5%...and it's projected to get to 3% this year....that is classic definiton of a CATASTROPHE.

True GDP is a key metric. Magufuli needs to get his priorities right. Fight graft strategically by tightening laws and processes, etc. Not roadside declarations. However, the slaying graft now while haphazard and poorly tactical will still pay off in future. Manageable graft still leaves room for growth. Insidious graft - at some level - becomes catastrophic where either the economy stalls - or there is growth with big inequality. Our contention is that Average Joe Ruto cannot redeem his zero ethics and poor role-modeling with imaginary genius. Our analysis shows there are a thousand and one problems caused by graft even when not as insidious as he is working so hard to make it. Let us have clean growth and a happy society free from all those self-inflicted maladies.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels