Author Topic: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia  (Read 8827 times)

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2019, 04:44:17 PM »
You're are just heckling page to page without any substance. Take your meds.

And then come & pay attention to facts.

Kibicho-Nancy meeting with mt kenya civil servants in anti-Ruto prong is the topic here.

The meeting is not in dispute. What is in dispute is what transpired.

Now after you take you meds, and some few days off, we can proceed, otherwise, you're just heckling.

What famed skills - looting and PEV? just a Regular Joe running on empty spin.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2019, 04:45:54 PM »
Hilarious reactions from Raila gang here.Facts are stubborn.Nobody dispute tribal anti Ruto meetings happen.Nibody dispute the attendees were selected and invited by Navy Kibicho.What in dispute is what transpired.That redacted videos has lots of facts that are easy to cross check.Did Mucheru fly to Rwanda on 14th.Pole pole.Dont scream like in ICC but accept stubborn facts.I like how Ruto gang are playing with kibicho and his neophytes.First they tried bro say Ruto run to DCI based on fake letter.I ask again where did likes of PS Njoroge get mentioned in  fake letter.That video is a treasure trove.Listen keenly.Nacy Gitau redux of what he did to Ruto,Sang and Kosgey.Nobody dispute that pro Ruto CS Kiunjuri did not get invited.Nobody dispute that critical civil servants like Matiangi were also not invited in this tribal meeting held at the basement.

Actually all of us "Raila gang" dispute any assassinations have been planned against your hero Dr Moneybag. Why martyr the loser? Except maybe under URP policy,  meetings are not illegal in Kenya - tribal, basement, with or without phones, day or night, civil servants, bla bla bla. The tape of the actual planning of murder is imaginary of course. Instead you have a hooded anonymous nobody spinning a fresh yarn. Took you 2 weeks to cook this new joke of "evidence"  8)
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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2019, 04:52:17 PM »
You're just an idiot whose entire life revolves around hating Ruto.

Before we get even to assassinations. Civil servants are not supposed to meeting in the basement. They are not supposed to attend political meetings.

Civil servants are not supposed to engage in political activity that may compromise or be seen to compromise the neutrality of their office.

That is basic 101 from the 2010 constitution.

So these meetings ought not to have happened from getting go.

Actually all of us "Raila gang" dispute any assassinations have been planned against your hero Dr Moneybag. Why martyr the loser? Meetings are not illegal - tribal, basement, with or without phones, day or night, civil servants, bla bla bla. The tape of the actual planning of murder is imaginary of course. Instead you have a hooded anonymous nobody spinning a fresh yarn. Took you 2 weeks to cook this new joke of "evidence"  8)

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2019, 04:52:58 PM »
And where is the "evidence" Ruto gave Uhuru? The one under wraps cause of "confidence and respect"?  :)

Spin 101 - you must believe me cause these guys are anti-Ruto civil servants. Oh Kiunjuri was not invited.. Kibicho chair the meeting - which of these are crimes? Let alone assassination.

You're being incorrigible. What for your pass for evidence? You want him live video stream from NTV of Kibicho talking in secret meeting. Evidence is the balance of probability - and I think so far evidence adduced are enough to raise more than suspicion that at least these were political meetings by civil servants.
What is not in dispute is the meeting happened on 14 and 28th may...and it was based on attended anti-Ruto gema branch of civil service.

What is also not in dispute - is that Uhuru ordered investigation - after Ruto furnished him with evidence. Not the fake letter. The fake letter talks about 4 CS.
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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2019, 04:55:53 PM »
We are in court of public opinion here. What we know for a fact is civil servants from Mt kenya that are supposed to work for all Kenyans were meeting to plot development for their region, if taken at it very highest(Munya word), for their region (that is VERY ILLEGAL AND VERY BAD OPTICS), and at it worst (and Ruto is allowed to think the worse because Kibicho is powerful), they were meeting to plan to stop Ruto at all cost, to instigate referendum and rig it, and to ensure power never get out of mt Kenya.  Obviously, you prefer, Ruto was dead and we he was posthumously complaining.

I think you've lost you mind somewhere in btw cheering the purported Jubilee split...

This is not Jakoyo Midiwo or Raila 10 times - they want to kill me - without any evidence. The evidence adduced so far is enough to convict Kibicho & the tribal gang who should NOT be civil servants in a country called Kenya - any court.

And where is the "evidence" Ruto gave Uhuru? The one under wraps cause of "confidence and respect"?  :)

Spin 101 - you must believe me cause these guys are anti-Ruto civil servants. Oh Kiunjuri was not invited.. Kibicho chair the meeting - which of these are crimes? Let alone assassination.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2019, 05:02:10 PM »
Thanks for the rant. When meetings become illegal in Kenya let us know. For now your tantrums here are no different from your hero's on the national podium. Miguna part 2.

Omollo says you're a heavy drinker - worse than Uhuru - maybe visit the bar?  :D Addiction is not good and must be fed.

You're are just heckling page to page without any substance. Take your meds.

And then come & pay attention to facts.

Kibicho-Nancy meeting with mt kenya civil servants in anti-Ruto prong is the topic here.

The meeting is not in dispute. What is in dispute is what transpired.

Now after you take you meds, and some few days off, we can proceed, otherwise, you're just heckling.
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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2019, 05:03:36 PM »
Chapter Six of Katiba is very clear. You cannot hold a tribal meeting of civil servants of one region to plot development for your regions. How about regions without CS? Why not invite CS from other regions and caucus? Why is it a secret? If the meetings happened - where are the agenda and proceedings?

(2) The guiding principles of leadership and integrity include--
(a) selection on the basis of personal integrity, competence and suitability, or election in free and fair elections;
(b) objectivity and impartiality in decision making, and in ensuring that decisions are not influenced by nepotism, favouritism, other improper motives or corrupt practices;

Online RV Pundit

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2019, 05:06:06 PM »
Good, you're now at the meeting - la mada meetings - on 14th and 28th may - that are not in DISPUTE.

If you stick around and pay attention you'll understand why the meeting are illegal ab initio.

We know the meeting happened - and we have about 51 attendees from one community...secretly meet with phone taken off.

I am pretty sure if you were not an idiot and the subject was NOT Ruto; you'd be more objective.

We have a tape here - that tell us in great details what happened. You cannot just dispute it. You need to do more.

For example - Did Mucheru fly out on 14th may to Rwanda. Can we check the time of meeting and his flight time. If that is corroborated...then we are some steps forward.

As for Weston political meetings - Knock yourself off - Nobody is complaining about politician meetings. We are complaining about civil servants who are supposed to be impartial and non-political (Munya resigned as party Chair of PNU didn't he?) - meeting to take "development" to their home regions.

What kind of nonsense is that? Who hired them to represent their regions - they've MPs/Senators/Governors. Civil servants are hired to represent KENYA KENYA. Not their village. No their mother.

Thanks for the rant. When meetings become illegal in Kenya let us know. For now your tantrums here are no different from your hero's on the national podium. Miguna part 2.
Omollo says you're a heavy drinker - worse than Uhuru - maybe visit the bar?  :D Addiction is not good and must be fed.

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2019, 05:13:06 PM »
Yes we can talk ethics - what part of chapter whatever say their meeting is murder? The civil servants horse was flogged in the courts 2013-17 - as Kiunjuri, Wamalwa, Balala, etc - drummed support for Uhuruto. Of course they are all still in office.

As for hating Ruto - I could be like Kichwa - reduce your worldview to hating Luo or senile Babu - who has sent your boy back to scratch. Or Kibicho and Jezebel. These are PUBLIC FIGURES - playing for PORK no less - they signed up for praise and criticism. Not like there is a great Pundit code for us to copy

You're just an idiot whose entire life revolves around hating Ruto.

Before we get even to assassinations. Civil servants are not supposed to meeting in the basement. They are not supposed to attend political meetings.

Civil servants are not supposed to engage in political activity that may compromise or be seen to compromise the neutrality of their office.

That is basic 101 from the 2010 constitution.

So these meetings ought not to have happened from getting go.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2019, 05:14:04 PM »
Mucheru doesn't dispute he was in that meeting.
Quick google check - say he was in Rwanda with Uhuru on 15th may - 1 day after 14th may meeting

The President is accompanied by ICTs Cabinet Secretary Joseph Mucheru among other senior government officials.

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2019, 05:19:12 PM »
If you argue like a kondele thug - then we are wasting time here - because for you anything goes.  Try be objective. Otherwise, we are wasting time here if all we are doing is cheering and heckling. My interest here is to find the truth. I admitted that letter was probably an Itumbi fake long before he was nailed. That is part of truth-finding. I easily admit Ruto is corrupt. I also easily admit that Uhuru funded Mungiki - not once but for many years since 01. That is part of fact-finding. I still voted for them - and jailbird song.

Yes we can talk ethics - what part of chapter whatever say their meeting is murder? The civil servants horse was flogged in the courts 2013-17 - as Kiunjuri, Wamalwa, Balala, etc - drummed support for Uhuruto. Of course they are all still in office.

As for hating Ruto - I could be like Kichwa - reduce your worldview to hating Luo or senile Babu - who has sent your boy back to scratch. Or Kibicho and Jezebel. These are PUBLIC FIGURES - playing for PORK no less - they signed up for praise and criticism. Not like there is a great Pundit code for us to copy

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #31 on: July 05, 2019, 05:21:53 PM »
You're just an idiot whose entire life revolves around hating Ruto.

Before we get even to assassinations. Civil servants are not supposed to meeting in the basement. They are not supposed to attend political meetings.

Civil servants are not supposed to engage in political activity that may compromise or be seen to compromise the neutrality of their office.

That is basic 101 from the 2010 constitution.

So these meetings ought not to have happened from getting go.

Actually all of us "Raila gang" dispute any assassinations have been planned against your hero Dr Moneybag. Why martyr the loser? Meetings are not illegal - tribal, basement, with or without phones, day or night, civil servants, bla bla bla. The tape of the actual planning of murder is imaginary of course. Instead you have a hooded anonymous nobody spinning a fresh yarn. Took you 2 weeks to cook this new joke of "evidence"  8)

We wouldn't be here if it was all about a meeting. We are here because Ruto barked/shouted fire and there was nothing.

Why do you shift goals?

To sleep better?

Initially you swore by the letter and even attempted to prove how it tied to the CSs summoned. The letter is debunked and like other Ruto boys you claim it is inconsequential. Itumbi claims to have a video and audio yet all we have so far is garbage

We all know CSs shouldn't politic but they do politic. CSs are annoying you because Uhuru is weilding them against Ruto and it is working
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2019, 05:24:14 PM »
In the ACTUAL court - wacha hii ya public opinion - Ruto boy Itumbi is charged for faking a CS letter to Uhuru alleging assassination. Let us see what happens there.

Gema are free to meet about their region's development. This is great optics for Uhuru as he takes back Gema. Obviously Uhuru or Kibicho are least bothered what Kalenjin or Ruto think. Tanga Tanga defector Kuria confirmed Gema meetings are regular and will continue regardless of Ruto tantrums.

Maybe he can just hire more bodyguards? - there would be too many orphans if Ruto poofed.

We are in court of public opinion here. What we know for a fact is civil servants from Mt kenya that are supposed to work for all Kenyans were meeting to plot development for their region, if taken at it very highest(Munya word), for their region (that is VERY ILLEGAL AND VERY BAD OPTICS), and at it worst (and Ruto is allowed to think the worse because Kibicho is powerful), they were meeting to plan to stop Ruto at all cost, to instigate referendum and rig it, and to ensure power never get out of mt Kenya.  Obviously, you prefer, Ruto was dead and we he was posthumously complaining.

I think you've lost you mind somewhere in btw cheering the purported Jubilee split...

This is not Jakoyo Midiwo or Raila 10 times - they want to kill me - without any evidence. The evidence adduced so far is enough to convict Kibicho & the tribal gang who should NOT be civil servants in a country called Kenya - any court.
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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #33 on: July 05, 2019, 05:27:17 PM »
Holy cow - Look at this other idiot.

Projection is bad thing. I am very open minded. This thread is still live. As far as I know, I have flown with facts as ALWAYS. It's you who has stuck to the same story even when it was debunked.

You story is simple. It what Kibich sold you. Ruto called DCI Sang after receiving the fake letter.

We read from the newspapers (nearly all) that Ruto reported this to Uhuru, who summoned the security council and asked DCI to investigate. Ruto never intended this made public.

You insisted on your storyline - despite the fact that 10 people appeared before DCI - not the 4. You said Ruto people were pushing that storyline in newspapers:)

 I have asked you severally who called PS Njoroge to DCI if all was based on itumbi fake letter.

Is Ps NJoroge named in the fake letter? NO. Are other Ps and CEOs of gov agencies mentioned in the letter HELL NO.

I admitted and pasted the letter - with words written FAKE - was probably "fake" but the content could be TRUTHFUL. They are not MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE.

Now we have tape....with great details of what happened....and you've not addressed that.


We wouldn't be here if it was all about a meeting. We are here because Ruto barked/shouted fire and there was nothing.

Why do you shift goals?

To sleep better?

Initially you swore by the letter and even attempted to prove how it tied to the CSs summoned. The letter is debunked and like other Ruto boys you claim it is inconsequential. Itumbi claims to have a video and audio yet all we have so far is garbage

We all know CSs shouldn't politic but they do politic. CSs are annoying you because Uhuru is weilding them against Ruto and it is working

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #34 on: July 05, 2019, 05:31:33 PM »
Well, it's good you're onto ETHICS - all the way from treason and murder. That's a good debate to take up with National Cohesion - or parliament. It's definitely not a criminal matter.

Good luck getting Kibicho or Gema CS's to quit. Maybe try Kiunjuri - he did rounds on Kameme and Inooro campaigning for Uhuruto 2017. Huyo anaweza jiuzuru akitaka - to focus on campaigning for Ruto.

Chapter Six of Katiba is very clear. You cannot hold a tribal meeting of civil servants of one region to plot development for your regions. How about regions without CS? Why not invite CS from other regions and caucus? Why is it a secret? If the meetings happened - where are the agenda and proceedings?

(2) The guiding principles of leadership and integrity include--
(a) selection on the basis of personal integrity, competence and suitability, or election in free and fair elections;
(b) objectivity and impartiality in decision making, and in ensuring that decisions are not influenced by nepotism, favouritism, other improper motives or corrupt practices;
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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #35 on: July 05, 2019, 05:33:21 PM »
Wulliam Ruto is a convicted criminal - fined 5M for stealing Adrian Muteshi land. Chapter Six gani hii tena.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #36 on: July 05, 2019, 05:35:48 PM »
It not only ethnics - it bad OPTICS. If Uhuru wants sanity in gov - then he needs to discourage this -and he can only do that - by taking actions. It's good he took action by calling DCI on them -even for show and even if DCIs are focusing on the wrong targets.

In short in this kenya of now :) Uhuru doesn't have the monopoly to PLAY DIRTY. You play dirty. Ruto plays dirty.

Mt Kenya Civil Servants meet and it's Okay. Kalenjin Civil servants will also meet and plan to use their portfolio for nefarious activities.

If they plan to stop RUto at all cost - Ruto will also plan to stop them at all cost.

In short - if UHURU want kenya to go DOWN - it will GO DOWN. Every MOVE he makes - RUto will respond in kind

Well, it's good you're onto ETHICS - all the way from treason and murder. That's a good debate to take up with National Cohesion - or parliament. It's definitely not a criminal matter.

Good luck getting Kibicho or Gema CS's to quit. Maybe try Kiunjuri - he did rounds on Kameme and Inooro campaigning for Uhuruto 2017. Huyo anaweza jiuzuru akitaka - to focus on campaigning for Ruto.

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #37 on: July 05, 2019, 05:37:13 PM »
Here goes the heckling. Ruto is politician. He is ALLOWED AND EXPECTED to play politics..and so are all politicians. Ruto had a civil case...with many people have. Ruto has not been convincted of any crime that I am aware of . Not even a traffic ticket.
Wulliam Ruto is a convicted criminal - fined 5M for stealing Adrian Muteshi land. Chapter Six gani hii tena.

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #38 on: July 05, 2019, 05:43:51 PM »
DCI have no case against Itumbi - they've asked for more days and Itumbi has not taken plea. So relax.

Uhuru had gema but lost it by embracing and trying to sell Raila. Now he want to get GEMA back and but he may lose the country.

What kind of idiot does become a respected National Leader who just won 55% of kenya votes...and now you're ready to lose that..and become a tribal leader :)

In the ACTUAL court - wacha hii ya public opinion - Ruto boy Itumbi is charged for faking a CS letter to Uhuru alleging assassination. Let us see what happens there.

Gema are free to meet about their region's development. This is great optics for Uhuru as he takes back Gema. Obviously Uhuru or Kibicho are least bothered what Kalenjin or Ruto think. Tanga Tanga defector Kuria confirmed Gema meetings are regular and will continue regardless of Ruto tantrums.

Maybe he can just hire more bodyguards? - there would be too many orphans if Ruto poofed.

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Re: Itumbi Arrested - Peddlers are always dispensable in the mafia
« Reply #39 on: July 05, 2019, 05:51:33 PM »
He was found guilty of criminal trespass during PEV - hence the 5M fine and legal fees. Of course Chapter Six does not apply to Ruto.

Here goes the heckling. Ruto is politician. He is ALLOWED AND EXPECTED to play politics..and so are all politicians. Ruto had a civil case...with many people have. Ruto has not been convincted of any crime that I am aware of . Not even a traffic ticket.
Wulliam Ruto is a convicted criminal - fined 5M for stealing Adrian Muteshi land. Chapter Six gani hii tena.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels