Author Topic: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto  (Read 42457 times)

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #120 on: June 27, 2019, 01:26:29 AM »
Pundit and your echo chamber - that Gema will go with Ruto without Uhuru... when you come up for air - like are struggling to over the demise of Uhurutopia - utalia sana.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #121 on: June 27, 2019, 05:45:45 AM »
Pundit and your echo chamber - that Gema will go with Ruto without Uhuru... when you come up for air - like are struggling to over the demise of Uhurutopia - utalia sana.
It all depends.Moi and Kibaki were once tribal leaders.As Uhuru become lame duck nobody will really care about what he say.So he needs to talk about referendum to extend his term to regain some lost ground.Selling Raila in GEMA won't be easy.At some point likes of Kiunjuri or Wa Iria or mt Kenya east will take the war to him.Martha and PK are buried.What Ruto's leverage over GEMA...he has DPORK to give out and of course the ever present threat of war if gema don't repay the political debt. Referendum is only thing btw Ruto and PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #122 on: June 27, 2019, 05:51:27 AM »
And kibicho is making his stay in power untenable by equating himself with Ruto.He is playing ajua yet he is just a mere pawn.Eti Ruto harassed in airport because he want to be furnished Ruto itinerary when he is openly contemplating assisination of the same person. Something is cooking at statehouse.Such neophytes when power get into their heads needs to be demoted to Kenya ambassador to East or West Timor.

Offline patel

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #123 on: June 27, 2019, 06:49:37 AM »
If uhuru does not fire these people then it's clear the whole plot was hatched and sanctioned by state house.  Hiyo tuu

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #124 on: June 27, 2019, 08:07:57 AM »
The main headline in Kenya for now is Ruto's war with Gema - Kibicho, Munya, Waiguru, name it. Kuria swiftly came to the CS's defense... iko chida. Your corrupt boy is going nowhere. He needs to focus on Luhya or Mijikenda.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #125 on: June 27, 2019, 08:34:40 AM »
First, we need to see Kibicho gone - I think by now you also realize his stay is no longer tenable. Unless Uhuru wants to play his aces this early in the game. Uhuru seems to have directed the whole lot of them to go to DCI - I am not sure what thinking here is?

Gema are btw a rock and hard place - Ruto or Raila - or well they may go for it again (uhuru 3.0) or someone else new (certainly Gusii with Matiangi seem ready to play and so could some luhyas if persuade for another PNU like arrangement) - in the meantime Kiunjuri is slowly and surely positioning himself to be your future president

Whatever the case - Ruto cannot move to Plan B - before Plan A unravels. He is obviously working on PLAN B, C and D - including even working with Raila :). He just about 53 yrs if I am not wrong. He technically can run for pork in 2042 or even 2047:)...and intends to ran when he is approaching 80.

The main headline in Kenya for now is Ruto's war with Gema - Kibicho, Munya, Waiguru, name it. Kuria swiftly came to the CS's defense... iko chida. Your corrupt boy is going nowhere. He needs to focus on Luhya or Mijikenda.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #126 on: June 27, 2019, 09:24:42 AM »
First, we need to see Kibicho gone - I think by now you also realize his stay is no longer tenable. Unless Uhuru wants to play his aces this early in the game. Uhuru seems to have directed the whole lot of them to go to DCI - I am not sure what thinking here is?

Gema are btw a rock and hard place - Ruto or Raila - or well they may go for it again (uhuru 3.0) or someone else new (certainly Gusii with Matiangi seem ready to play and so could some luhyas if persuade for another PNU like arrangement) - in the meantime Kiunjuri is slowly and surely positioning himself to be your future president

Whatever the case - Ruto cannot move to Plan B - before Plan A unravels. He is obviously working on PLAN B, C and D - including even working with Raila :). He just about 53 yrs if I am not wrong. He technically can run for pork in 2042 or even 2047:)...and intends to ran when he is approaching 80.

The main headline in Kenya for now is Ruto's war with Gema - Kibicho, Munya, Waiguru, name it. Kuria swiftly came to the CS's defense... iko chida. Your corrupt boy is going nowhere. He needs to focus on Luhya or Mijikenda.

Funny you compare Ruto's infinite future chances to Uhuru who already had his ten. Uhuru has accomplished what Ruto can only fantasize and what he is busy chasing.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #127 on: June 27, 2019, 10:14:14 AM »
vooke bring Pundit back to earth. Ako huko juu Utopia. Ruto has all these magical plans but others don't. This cheap narrative about death threats - anonymous Ruto supporter is spewing - complete with 'confidential' surveillance tapes. :D The reality is Gema are deserting him one after the other. I don't get what makes Pundit think Ruto is more sellable to Gema than Babu or any other skunk? Most Gema and Kenyans know he is a demon. His ugly fangs are already showing - cause deep down Ruto is entitled and will resort to violence if outmanoeuvred - which will be a walk in the park for Babu. Even outside Gema, Luo, Kalenjin - Ruto cannot beat Babu. His polarizing persona only ever got anywhere on Uhuru or Babu banner. There is a reason he clutches so fiercely to Uhuru - cause without him bilaz. No traction past his natural pastoralist constituency.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #128 on: June 27, 2019, 10:22:44 AM »
Funny you compare Ruto's infinite future chances to Uhuru who already had his ten. Uhuru has accomplished what Ruto can only fantasize and what he is busy chasing.

Pundit will tell you about Ruto's infinite wisdom - Plan A, B.. Z. Plan B of course is PEV 2 - C is exile - D is ICC. He is welcome to be Babu's deputy if he can swallow the hubris :D - a more realistic option - and cry in the toilet again like now.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline vooke

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #129 on: June 27, 2019, 11:06:14 AM »
Funny you compare Ruto's infinite future chances to Uhuru who already had his ten. Uhuru has accomplished what Ruto can only fantasize and what he is busy chasing.

Pundit will tell you about Ruto's infinite wisdom - Plan A, B.. Z. Plan B of course is PEV 2 - C is exile - D is ICC. He is welcome to be Babu's deputy if he can swallow the hubris :D - a more realistic option - and cry in the toilet again like now.

I think Pundito is crossing his fingers that Uhuru will be another Kibaki, completely lame duck. He must be having perpetual nightmares trying to spin away the fact that the cabinet is intact and busy spiting Ruto who is the future of the universe.

He should be humble and concede that things are falling apart. That's more therapeutic instead of faux bravado
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #130 on: June 27, 2019, 11:23:43 AM »
Fantasize.Ruto has been mostly PORK when Uhuru has been mostly drunk.Uhuru men just woke up because their man is going home and they've been trying to wrestle the control back from Ruto. He has been DPORK  for 6yrs- not just a mere DPORK - but a guy who control 50% of the gov and majority of Mps. I am not sure what else he needs - except the title of PORK.

And he was acting PORK for 3 days :) :). If anything happen to Uhuru - he becomes PORK.

Funny you compare Ruto's infinite future chances to Uhuru who already had his ten. Uhuru has accomplished what Ruto can only fantasize and what he is busy chasing.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #131 on: June 27, 2019, 11:36:38 AM »
You keep ranting - and ranting - but facts are stubborn. Ruto who is now leading all opinion polls is clear favourite to nick it. Ruto has control now of about 25 counties - according to my rough MOAS. Ruto has earned his stripes. He took on MOi and won. He has taken all kalenjin pretenders and prevailed severally. Then he took on Raila and his ODM joggernaut - and URP came few mps short of ODM (78 versus 96). Ruto's URP got 10 mps - 1 more than TNA - etc etc. Power was shared 50-50.

Then Ruto didn't stop but kept campaigning. Jubilee improved it's 50% tally to 55% (round off) - and also improved it's MP tally - by beating baba in Gusii, part of western and even coat.

And Ruto got DPORK - power shared 50-50 - everything shared --- and Raila left with crumbs. The crumbs that Kibicho is dishing is exciting you while the cream was long shared.

And Ruto has not stopped. He has made 300 campaign trips since 2017!!! - Turkana, West Pokot, Kitale, part of Bungoma & Kakamega are already in place - and the coast is also clear :).Definitely, GEMA diaspora in Rv this time around will not want to hear anything apart from Ruto. They've fiercely pro-RUto esp Nakuru/Lakipia - because of peace and governorship.

Ruto is probably having small problems in Gusii with Matiangi now - but I would say he doing well. Ukambani is in such shamble - it's definitely out as a factor in 2012 unless they unite. I could go on and on.

And you think he is waiting for Uhuru to make him PORK :) :)

Ruto is not just dreaming about PORK like Kalonzo or MaDVD - he is making it happen.

Central was already long planned. The rout you saw in 2017 of a troublesome senior politician was part of that planning.  The Ndindi Nyoros are the majority and they don't care about Uhuru so called reputation. They know the lame duck is going home and they are also ambitious.

Uhuru will either accept to endorse Ruto or Ruto will split GEMA. He doesn't not the whole of GEMA to win - he has expanded Jubilee past 60%!

vooke bring Pundit back to earth. Ako huko juu Utopia. Ruto has all these magical plans but others don't. This cheap narrative about death threats - anonymous Ruto supporter is spewing - complete with 'confidential' surveillance tapes. :D The reality is Gema are deserting him one after the other. I don't get what makes Pundit think Ruto is more sellable to Gema than Babu or any other skunk? Most Gema and Kenyans know he is a demon. His ugly fangs are already showing - cause deep down Ruto is entitled and will resort to violence if outmanoeuvred - which will be a walk in the park for Babu. Even outside Gema, Luo, Kalenjin - Ruto cannot beat Babu. His polarizing persona only ever got anywhere on Uhuru or Babu banner. There is a reason he clutches so fiercely to Uhuru - cause without him bilaz. No traction past his natural pastoralist constituency.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #132 on: June 27, 2019, 11:41:44 AM »
Uhuru has no energy for hard work required to face Ruto.Even Babu is now tired. And secondly, time is not his best friend. The more we head to 2022- the more he becomes irrelevant. Uhuru has to get the referendum - but that like leaving the bird in hand - to chase two in the bush.If Uhuru crank up the pressure against Ruto - his gov become dysfunctional - the country becomes unstable - and the usual shenanigans. He also risks an open rebellion in central.

And nobody can agree for term extension - NOT RAILA. So basically unless he was persuaded to take the executive prefect of Raila then we may have a referendum - and he will have mount to climb in Mt Kenya to sell it.

I think Pundito is crossing his fingers that Uhuru will be another Kibaki, completely lame duck. He must be having perpetual nightmares trying to spin away the fact that the cabinet is intact and busy spiting Ruto who is the future of the universe.

He should be humble and concede that things are falling apart. That's more therapeutic instead of faux bravado

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #133 on: June 27, 2019, 12:08:10 PM »
The meetings are still going on , expecting uhuru to fire kibicho is delusional. Ruto was given a rope to hang himself with. Central will defend their own. The overwhelming view of central is their people who are meeting to address their concerns are being falsely accused.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #134 on: June 27, 2019, 12:52:30 PM »
Unless Uhuru wants a dysfunctional gov - then he would do exactly that. Every action has a reaction.
The meetings are still going on , expecting uhuru to fire kibicho is delusional. Ruto was given a rope to hang himself with. Central will defend their own. The overwhelming view of central is their people who are meeting to address their concerns are being falsely accused.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #135 on: June 27, 2019, 01:25:56 PM »
Fantasize.Ruto has been mostly PORK when Uhuru has been mostly drunk.Uhuru men just woke up because their man is going home and they've been trying to wrestle the control back from Ruto. He has been DPORK  for 6yrs- not just a mere DPORK - but a guy who control 50% of the gov and majority of Mps. I am not sure what else he needs - except the title of PORK.

And he was acting PORK for 3 days :) :). If anything happen to Uhuru - he becomes PORK.

Funny you compare Ruto's infinite future chances to Uhuru who already had his ten. Uhuru has accomplished what Ruto can only fantasize and what he is busy chasing.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #136 on: June 27, 2019, 01:28:00 PM »
Unless Uhuru wants a dysfunctional gov - then he would do exactly that. Every action has a reaction.
The meetings are still going on , expecting uhuru to fire kibicho is delusional. Ruto was given a rope to hang himself with. Central will defend their own. The overwhelming view of central is their people who are meeting to address their concerns are being falsely accused.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #137 on: June 27, 2019, 01:50:47 PM »
What did I miss? Some breaking news or HK theory? My theory is Kibicho has put himself in a position he simply has to go if Uhuru is still interested in a semblance of functioning gov.

Waiguru also one made that mistake - she was untouchable - until she started go neck to neck with his boss - Ruto. I don't think Uhuru want to have two gov in one like we had in NARA - yes there will be camps - but some semblance of decorum and order is required.

Now tell us what unraveled the last few hours :) that makes you so excited apart from HK take that Kibicho is going nowhere.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #138 on: June 27, 2019, 02:22:19 PM »
What did I miss? Some breaking news or HK theory? My theory is Kibicho has put himself in a position he simply has to go if Uhuru is still interested in a semblance of functioning gov.

Waiguru also one made that mistake - she was untouchable - until she started go neck to neck with his boss - Ruto. I don't think Uhuru want to have two gov in one like we had in NARA - yes there will be camps - but some semblance of decorum and order is required.

Now tell us what unraveled the last few hours :) that makes you so excited apart from HK take that Kibicho is going nowhere.

Wake me up when Kibicho or anyone else leaves. As long as he remains then you are full of shiet
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #139 on: June 27, 2019, 02:45:08 PM »
What did I miss? Some breaking news or HK theory? My theory is Kibicho has put himself in a position he simply has to go if Uhuru is still interested in a semblance of functioning gov.

Waiguru also one made that mistake - she was untouchable - until she started go neck to neck with his boss - Ruto. I don't think Uhuru want to have two gov in one like we had in NARA - yes there will be camps - but some semblance of decorum and order is required.

Now tell us what unraveled the last few hours :) that makes you so excited apart from HK take that Kibicho is going nowhere.

Wake me up when Kibicho or anyone else leaves. As long as he remains then you are full of shiet
I see you'r reasoning capacity has hits it's natural limits.Now go read some Bible or get some gays & treat them and let's have some decorum.Some of us have twenty years online experience.Keep it clean son.We are just floating theories here..and the rationale behind them.