This article has captured aptly the reasons why corruption and development cannot walk hand in hand.
Consider corruption. Corruption isn't just a "values" issue: corrupt societies have corrupt economies, and these economies are severely limited by that corruption. A deeply, pervasively corrupt economy cannot get from here to there.
Corruption acts as a "tax" on the economy, siphoning money from the productive to the parasitic unproductive Elites skimming the bribes, payoffs, protection money, unofficial "fees," etc. By definition, the money skimmed by corruption reduces the disposable income of households and enterprises, reducing their consumption and investment.
"Income" derived from corruption is the classic example of "unearned" feudal rights being imposed on serfs, a broad-based "tax" that keeps them impoverished.
There is no way for a deeply corrupt society to get from here (their current level of development) to there (a higher level of development) because corruption limits two essential components of sustainable growth and widespread prosperity: social mobility and innovation.
In corrupt societies, potentially profitable innovations are quickly stolen, copied, pirated or appropriated by corrupt officials and/or criminal cartels. The innovator cannot reap the fruits of his innovation. His only choice is to move to a nation that offers him the freedom to develop his ideas and drive and keep the yield for himself and his family.
at a micro level the unproductive scum from kanju officers, police at roadblocks, hospital/school clerks, up to Ruto/Uhuru steal from hawkers, touts, barmaids and other micro enterprise owners who would use the money to increase stock, open new branches, buy better machines, diversify into other sectors.... only for the scum to build houses, line offshore accounts......
At macro level the damage though indirect is more ravaging - high infrastructure cost/ no infrastructure/ no dams/ no hospitals(adding to the bills of barmaids)/ no schools (more bills to touts)/ high power costs....sickening ...
You are right about corruption - look at the west, the Asian Tigers, China, etc - they all dealt a death blow to corruption. Corrupt economies like Indonesia or Russia always stall way beneath their potential. Russia has stability, massive natural resources, many geniuses and nobels, etc - but very dismal economic performance.
Now, the worst bit about Kenya. Corruption used to be an elite indulgence but has gradually been devolved. Jomo seeded elite graft especially land - Moi swiftly introduced PKK - carrying stashes of cash around like an idiot. Kibaki was an elite thief - mean as hell - couldn't help his own brother out of a mud grass-thatched hut. Uhuru is another Jomo - just like Raila - you won't catch these men dead contributing 5M at harambee - or such display of affluence.
Enter Arap Singh the genius. This unwashed pig walks around with a gunia of dosh literally. Raila puts it so well - 2M at the funeral, 5M at church, 10M at goat auction, 50M for Kogalo. Imagine the KPLC, NYS, thieving cops and other signs of the ubiquity of rot in Kenya today. MPs are even bribed in the toilets
- no effort to even be discrete - these shameless thugs even ask DCI to focus on pickpockets in Nairobi and leave them to loot in peace. What happens when the generation the ungroomed Dr Graft is nurturing takes over? Mnasemaga Naija sijui Afghanistan - Kenya mtalia!