Looks like Kenyans are still chopping off girls' clitorises. How bad can it be that in 2019 there are still tribes practicing this barbarity?
I would also add that the Bukusu practice of chopping boy's prepuces in public unsanitary conditions is a tad backward and I thought by now they would have stopped doing it. Perhaps just have the procedure done in hospital and not tied to manhood.
FGM is a disgusting, filthy, backward, and barbaric practice. And that's not even the half of it. But given some of its defenders, I am not surprised that it continues.
I once brought it up and on Kenyan internet forum and was astonished by some of the responses I got: A handful of educated and seemingly intelligent men put forth a vigorous defense in the name of "culture" and "history" ... that it was "important to understand it" and "instead of condemning it, let it die on its own" ....
The issue also came up a couple of times on Jukwaa some years ago, and here are the views of some of the stalwarts during one of the "sessions":
You obviously did not see my bit about ensuring no one is forced! I still disagree with those that want to see it only as mutilation but will not raise a finger when a white woman mutilates her own genitalia getting rings and studs hanging down there after piercing! No one complains when women mutilate their tongues through piercing! The reason it is okay is because there is consent to do all that.
So let the african girl that wants to be circumcised through the cut to get it as long they consent, and then have the process sanitised through a proper medical process. They did it for boys, no reason it should no happen to those girls that want to!
My daughter went through the rite of passage if you wish to know.
Read more:
http://jukwaa.proboards.com/thread/6246/fgm-got-last-word#ixzz5ehEFWxMw(The response pointed out that the wazungus tinkering with their own things are adults, making free choices, not kids being abused in the name of "culture". The message did not get through. The idea seems to be that the kids put through this actually give their consent ... the law all over the world takes a different view on the notion of consent when applied to kids, but why let that stop anyone. "
They wanted it! Begged for it!" Sigh.)
And back home I have noticed that some of those who are really keen on this abomination are women who themselves had to go through it! Somewhat understandable, in the sense of "I suffered, so why not you"---the spirit in which "monos" are abused in boarding schools---but still!
As for Bukusu practices, "avant garde" doesn't usually come to mind ...