Author Topic: Amazon tax breaks  (Read 1414 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Amazon tax breaks
« on: November 14, 2018, 08:33:24 PM »
This monopoly is now the new cult. I wonder it will survive I two decades to come. America economony is really sometimes a race to the bottom. Practical a race to nowhere. Boom and bust. So Amazon gets tax concessions. Displaces the poor workers in these town and just becomes a unnatural economic dependant.

I worked for this fucking monster. It threw a fit that it gonna leave a very poor city. The city is so poor that it's real estate is literally vacant. So the bums got a tax reprieve of millions. A year later the started moving all bqck work offshore. They are now just senior and fiance guys left ..they sold their head office and leased back one floor. In a span of 2 years the buggers had bled all jobs they got tax breaks for...

The tax payer in USA is getting ripped to shreds in the biggest barons heistls of this century

We had another pharma giant run at night and leave a campus empty