Author Topic: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer  (Read 4934 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2018, 05:10:47 AM »
No, there isn't a difference. People who believe in Nazi ideologies are called racists.
Can you be both? ]

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2018, 07:33:11 AM »
The Nazi party no longer exists so no-one can be a nazi unless they were historically a member of the nazi party which was compulsory for white germans back then. Similar outfits today fringe or illegal use names like nationalism eg TNA - Uhuru. Alt-right, skin heads. People pretending to be nazis today are just racists.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2018, 08:39:51 AM »
Veritas, I disagree. There's a difference between a mere racist and a fascist. Neonazis have a specific ideology and political intentions that are very much aligned with Hitler's party, including borrowing his symbols. Racists are just tribalist jerks who like people who they think are like them. They have no necessary intention of reforming law and government in a way that is oppressive to "others". I'm happy to call bigots bigots and neonazis neonazis because the latter combine their bigotry with something even more nefarious. One is unpleasant, perhaps a nuisance, but the other is actually potentially dangerous and needs to be seen that way. There's no reason to act as if Neonazis are regular, bland, backward racists. They are people who want to get rid of Jews and create a 'special' law for Black people and segregate everyone.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2018, 10:11:00 AM »
Fascist is a social slur for rich people who don't care about poor people. Antisemitism is the term for Jew haters, xenophobics extend this to culture. There's no such thing as neonazis. Those who draw swastikas (symbol of Buddha) and preach Hitler BS are mere racist criminals who end up in jail. They may as well be labelled cunts.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2018, 12:34:51 PM »
On the subject of swastika. In Korea it's called manja and you see them everywhere on Buddhist temples. Article below summarises:

Who in their right frame of mind in this day and age promotes nationalism ie racism? For instance Uhuru's TNA party. Uhuru, Kibaki et al belong in a network. Call it a secret society or what have you. His sole point is to protect land owned by whites. Recall at one point the Zionists were gonna call the RV their Israel. There was a reason for that but I wouldn't keep digging or asking.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2018, 04:25:00 PM »
Fascist is a social slur for rich people who don't care about poor people. Antisemitism is the term for Jew haters, xenophobics extend this to culture. There's no such thing as neonazis. Those who draw swastikas (symbol of Buddha) and preach Hitler BS are mere racist criminals who end up in jail. They may as well be labelled cunts.

Wikipedia quotes a book on it with this definition:

Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II militant social or political movements seeking to revive and implement the ideology of Nazism. Neo-Nazis seek to employ their ideology to promote hatred and attack minorities, or in some cases to create a fascist political state.

And the Southern Poverty Law Centre says:

Neo-Nazi groups share a hatred for Jews and a love for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. While they also hate other minorities, gays and lesbians and even sometimes Christians, they perceive "the Jew" as their cardinal enemy.

I'm glad to see my basic understanding was actually correct. Veritas, language evolves and words have meaning. This^^ is what Neo-Nazi refers to. I'm frankly at a loss to understand why you find this objectionable or insist it's not a real phenomenon and the term a real name for it.

None of the things you describe: racism, antisemitism, xenophobia etc adequately describe this species of animal we call Neo-Nazism! It is not just a negative attitude towards a group, it is a political ideology, a supremely fascist one, which follows Hitler's so-called 'philosophy', world-view, policy or at least is working to effect them should they gain power. The term Neo-Nazi fits, is adequate and correct.

Yes, the Nazi Party of Hitler's era does not exist, but that's why no one calls them 'Nazis' but rather Neo-Nazis. Again, I'm confused what the issue is here to be honest. What is problematic about identifying people who embrace Nazi beliefs and ideology and even policy (intending to effect them should they gain power) by the term Nazi but adding Neo to differentiate them from the members of Hitler's party? That seems to me like denying there's a group of people who are fundamentally about actual Nazism. And no, they're not all in jail. Most are not, in fact! Look at that long list of Neo-Nazi groups in that SLRC report:

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2018, 10:04:21 AM »
Nazi ideologies gave birth to modern politics. Most of how a nation-state functions today emulates from Nazi policies. More than 50% of policies and strategies I learnt in my studies were from Nazi ideologies. The same goes for medical research, we know 75%? knowledge of the limits of human body from Nazi torture. It's pretty dark. So when you scream neo nazi - it's frankly stupid. The term neo nazis are used by conspiracy theorists and activists even though it isn't recognised legally and politically. i noticed of late it's been milked by the UN and media because of Trump and racism building across Europe. you might want to stick with white supremacy.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2018, 06:04:13 PM »
Neo-Nazism is a variance of White supremacy, it's not identical to it. Not all White Supremacy connects itself to Adolf Hitler and his party. I'm guessing the Boer type might not need to, they have their own special brand of historical hate and most probably don't care two cents about the Jew or at least not nearly as much as the African. These terms exist for a reason.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2018, 08:50:50 PM »
Neo-Nazism is a variance of White supremacy, it's not identical to it. Not all White Supremacy connects itself to Adolf Hitler and his party. I'm guessing the Boer type might not need to, they have their own special brand of historical hate and most probably don't care two cents about the Jew or at least not nearly as much as the African. These terms exist for a reason.

I think ALL white supremacists have a hatred of the Jew.  Including the Boer.  What's the reason for someone like a Boer hating a Jew.  The theory is that the Jew is responsible for encouraging mongrelization and hence dilution of their race, through monopoly of mass media.  Yes, it's pretty stupid.  But you have to be stupid to be a white supremacist.  You'll be hard pressed to find a white supremacist that does not like Hitler for any reason, except perhaps that he did not go far enough.  To them, Hitler is like Mohammed to Muslims.
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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2018, 11:07:47 PM »
So semantics apart. What would be the ideal third way or the only way...i think we are in a throes of a major change. Capitalism and it corportracy for lack of better terms has run its course. I belief what we need to do is prepared the the new way ..i have searched high and low and I have seen anyone aith clarity on how the new re

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2018, 06:28:18 AM »
Oh gosh so true! He's like Mohammed to Muslims.

KP, prepare for what? Take a chill pill and focus on your personal life. Make lots of money, donate to charities, be kind and then die.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #31 on: November 20, 2018, 10:25:48 AM »
Neo-Nazism is a variance of White supremacy, it's not identical to it. Not all White Supremacy connects itself to Adolf Hitler and his party. I'm guessing the Boer type might not need to, they have their own special brand of historical hate and most probably don't care two cents about the Jew or at least not nearly as much as the African. These terms exist for a reason.

I think ALL white supremacists have a hatred of the Jew.  Including the Boer.  What's the reason for someone like a Boer hating a Jew.  The theory is that the Jew is responsible for encouraging mongrelization and hence dilution of their race, through monopoly of mass media.  Yes, it's pretty stupid.  But you have to be stupid to be a white supremacist.  You'll be hard pressed to find a white supremacist that does not like Hitler for any reason, except perhaps that he did not go far enough.  To them, Hitler is like Mohammed to Muslims.
This is interesting. Indeed it makes little sense for the Boer type of WS to have an issue with the Jew. I'm guessing mongrelization means race-mixing? Lol. If other people are mongrels, how can the non-mongrel mate with them and produce healthy mongrelized babies? And why did the mongrel take over their economy and media? Silly pple.

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Re: Communists were right that capitalism is a cancer
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2018, 04:26:03 PM »
Neo-Nazism is a variance of White supremacy, it's not identical to it. Not all White Supremacy connects itself to Adolf Hitler and his party. I'm guessing the Boer type might not need to, they have their own special brand of historical hate and most probably don't care two cents about the Jew or at least not nearly as much as the African. These terms exist for a reason.

I think ALL white supremacists have a hatred of the Jew.  Including the Boer.  What's the reason for someone like a Boer hating a Jew.  The theory is that the Jew is responsible for encouraging mongrelization and hence dilution of their race, through monopoly of mass media.  Yes, it's pretty stupid.  But you have to be stupid to be a white supremacist.  You'll be hard pressed to find a white supremacist that does not like Hitler for any reason, except perhaps that he did not go far enough.  To them, Hitler is like Mohammed to Muslims.
This is interesting. Indeed it makes little sense for the Boer type of WS to have an issue with the Jew. I'm guessing mongrelization means race-mixing? Lol. If other people are mongrels, how can the non-mongrel mate with them and produce healthy mongrelized babies? And why did the mongrel take over their economy and media? Silly pple.

Yeah, it's race mixing.  The Jew is not part of the deal, just the driver.  So they believe there is a pure race somewhere whose destruction the Jew is facilitating.  They have to accept that the Jew is smart in order to sustain this world view. 
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman