Being Sunday, something spiritual for the day.
1. The pope is promoting climate change laws (hoax) globally. Numerous scientific documents show the climate change hysteria to be just that. That did not stop almost 200 countries/members signing up in 2016. Calling climate change/global warning the hoax it is will almost certainly get you driven out of any meeting today. So much for science and liberty. Climate change laws will most certainly be challenged in court.
2. The pope is promoting Sunday as a day of rest globally. I recall Pastor Vooke was in a heated debate here arguing that Sunday is the new Sabbath. Protestant evangelicals who are the daughters of the pope no longer argue that they have inherited Sunday from the Catholic church which claims to have changed God's 4th commandment from Saturday to Sunday. Evangelicals now have their own reasons for worshiping on Sunday in spite of themselves. See Evangelicals are carrying out the pope's orders expertly without even realizing it. The ultimate prize is for the so-called Blue Laws to be implemented across America. This battle will most certainly go to the courts.
Protestant evangelicals in America, following the pope's nyayo, are now calling for a Sabbath rest. Except that instead of Saturday, they are calling Sunday a "Sabbath rest". What is the Lord's day? For them, it's not Saturday as the Bible says. No more arguments about Col 2:16 or that the law was nailed to the cross. Now they want that law back but on a day of their own choosing. Joined by trade unions, they chose Sunday and they want it more than Francis. This is a religious liberty issue and will end up in court.
3. Protestants were highly instrumental in the establishment of the liberties in the US constitution. Particularly, they were instrumental in the establishment of the separation of church and state having witnessed the horrors of the Catholic church-state in Europe. History tells us the protestants who escaped to America were categorical that the church must not interfere with the state and vice versa. This is the spirit of the first amendment and the Johnson amendment barring church organizations from politics. In return, churches receive donations without being taxed. Today, protestant evangelicals are pushing very strongly for the repeal of the Johnson amendment, and Trump is in but has failed so far. Not for lack of trying though. This will go to the courts. The pope is facing one of his toughest challenges with the priest sex scandals and the Penn revelation is just a tip of the iceberg. If followed through, the compensation is enough to bankrupt Vatican not to mention loss of reputation. Francis will have to smile and kiss the earth better than John Paul to heal this wound. Already, there are cases in court. comes Kavanaugh. Evangelicals are one of Trump's strongest bases. Forget about the women vote punishing Trump. Evangelicals are it. Most evangelicals are in the red camp but even blue evangelicals will have a hard time voting down a president who has so openly supported the church. Kavanaugh will go through not so much because Dr Ford had gaping holes in her testimony but because evangelicals cannot afford to turn down Trump. Not at this time. The composition of the SCOTUS will be crucial.
Pastor Vooke, Kadame do you now see why Kavanaugh must be nominated to SCOTUS and why riots, smear campaigns, FBI investigations andeven the kitchen sink cannot stop him from becoming Hon Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court of the United States?