I have been seeing reports that the FBI has released a report. It appears they did this before interviewing Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford among others. DCI did a better job investigating Yebei, Jacob Juma, Msando murders.
Granted, this FBI background investigation is not the usual FBI investigation. The White House(Trump) in this case is a client of the FBI, and therefore has a say in what they can or cannot look at. They cannot really push back or ignore their client's constraints.
So we are back to square A. I don't believe a more thorough investigation would get us any information beyond the confirmation(for anyone still doubting) that Kavanaugh is a liar. And that could be one reason they were not asked to question him, because he would have been forced to lie to the FBI, a very serious offence.
It seems the ball is back in Jeff Flake's(and the Republican women senators) hands. Are they going to vote yes, because the FBI investigation, however flawed, now gives them cover?