Author Topic: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free  (Read 5042 times)

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2018, 10:25:17 PM »
Where were you when Kenyans tried to end their economic misery and were introduced to Msandoism, Baby Moraaism, Supreme Court intimidation and betrayal by Western powers, and the whole time cheered by tribesmembers of the Jubilee leadership? Where were you when huge swathes of the population were getting ready to secede? Kenyans are tired. Their fighters are tired. At this point, a course correction will be gladly welcomed even if the person correcting created the mess to begin with. We saw Ruto supporters salivating over the prospect not just of looting, which we are used to, but much worse: the ruthless crushing of dissent and the hope to return Kenya to the pre-90s Nyayo chambers era. To a person like me, an incompetent kamwana trying at last to do something for selfish purposes is better than a Ruto+friends who just can't wait to star in the role of a 1900s era 'African dictator'.
Does that absolve uhuru?. Economic misery started kicking in when private sector growth and credit started decelerating around late 2016 and early 2017.  Corruption in kenya starts with budget allocation. The budget and management office is under office of the president. Uhuru is more culpable than Ruto in the mismanagement of Kenya finances. So if government is fighting corruption it should start with office of president, roads and infrastructure and finally Health.
It does not. And no one will ever absolve him or his family, especially us NASA folk. But, do you, HK, believe Ruto will do better as president? With the looting or political space and cohesion? If indications from his supporters last year are mildly credible, Ruto intends to rule with an iron fist like the 90s never happened. This was proudly announced here and I don't think those sentiments are from nowhere. I already know incompetent kamwana isn't trying to become a 70s era dictator. I actually don't care abt Ruto's looting (personally) so much as these things that were hinted at abt scaling back the expanded political space.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2018, 11:33:10 PM »
Of course the man to beat remains Ruto, who is now being hammered big time. No, there's no genuine war on corruption, just a hammer to knock Ruto to size. One to mess his finances. Two to steal the thunder from his campaign.

Ruto's no longer guaranteed PORK and Raila's become a more serious threat than before.

You're given to imagination and creativity - there is really no real war against the graft. The purge against graft is good - but don't get carried away - Moi use to do this in 90s and looting would resume. The failure to arrest Matiangi for me is enough signal Uhuru is not going to whole hog.

That settles...Uhuru may entertain the ideas by PUTIN - of extending his rule - but I doubt he has the stomach for long drawn political war. He really has no fire in the belly and will take Ruto offer of him lazying around while still being respected as elder stateman or Jubilee Supreme Leader  - that whack ideas where Uhuru takes Duale role and deals with MPIGS.

Some of the crazy ideas you guys here entertain are just laughable. The man to beat remain WILLIAM RUTO. He is running alone.

Ruto's too clever to be caught nor is that the intent. The loot will be confiscated and his tumbocrats will abandon him. He will be denied the Jubilee ticket and form another Kalenjin party. In the very slim chance he becomes president it will be a coalition with Raila or GEMA not the Kanu 2.0 looting machine he attempted to create with himself as Nyayo.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #42 on: August 15, 2018, 06:22:26 AM »
How is Raila a threat when thanks to the habdshake he has lost all but Luo nyanza.Some jokes.Raila has been neutured and now depend on Uhuru goodwill.And when time comes Uhuru will do the necessary and endorse Ruto leaving Raila high and dry.He wont be able to ran to NASA.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #43 on: August 15, 2018, 10:05:15 AM »
You're in denial about the Ruto situation as usual. He's openly shown madharao and you tell us they are big friends :) Uhuru is undermining Ruto and propping Raila - contra to what we expected - a smooth sailing for Ruto. Uhuru may well endorse Ruto in the end but in the meantime he is cutting him down to size to get leverage. Ruto could not be allowed to expand his base and make Uhuru/GEMA disposable - that's the whole point.

How is Raila a threat when thanks to the habdshake he has lost all but Luo nyanza.Some jokes.Raila has been neutured and now depend on Uhuru goodwill.And when time comes Uhuru will do the necessary and endorse Ruto leaving Raila high and dry.He wont be able to ran to NASA.
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Offline GeeMail

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2018, 10:07:31 AM »
When you see Sonko pushing the corruption cause (Subaru, Lavington), you know the deputy the assistant emperor has been left naked and friends have been lost.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2018, 10:09:49 AM »
Pundit -

Uhuru is clearly looking after Uhuru. I'm cheering because corruption is being fought, and Ruto should not have unchecked powers because he is a greedy vulture with dictator potential. It's not like I thought he was an angel before, no, I blow hot and cold on him for the uncensored greed and blood thirst. Due to Kidero's incompetence we had to hold our noses and vote Sonko the ex-con drug dealer. To vote Ruto one would need a gas mask  :D due to the extreme pungency.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2018, 10:13:34 AM »
Catch RV Pundit dead conceding a loss for Ruto... the more he is exposed as corrupt the more rats will flee the leaking ship.

When you see Sonko pushing the corruption cause (Subaru, Lavington), you know the deputy the assistant emperor has been left naked and friends have been lost.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2018, 10:22:31 AM »
Pundit could you run a quick MOAS - how's Ruto faring in GEMA, Maa and Gusii? Is he trending towards 45% yet :)

Thanks to Handshake Kenyans are now focused on corruption - a weak point for your boy.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2018, 10:52:19 AM »
When you start dealing with facts like I do you'll realize that 1) PUTIN ideas of Uhuru extending his term are still-born 2) Raila intend to ran in 2022 however weakened 3) It will be in Uhuru & GEMA best interest to back Ruto - and finally Ruto will win by around 60% - all factors considered. Raila position has weaken so much I don't see him bridging 20% in 2022...he'll be luckly to have any support outside Luo-Nyanza by then.
Pundit could you run a quick MOAS - how's Ruto faring in GEMA, Maa and Gusii? Is he trending towards 45% yet :)

Thanks to Handshake Kenyans are now focused on corruption - a weak point for your boy.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2018, 01:07:07 PM »
I almost agree on all 3 points but

1) Yes PUTIN is stillborn. Handshake & corruption purge is just a strategy to increase Uhuru leverage over Ruto and not back him blindly like you wish.
2) Yes Raila intends to run  - no surprise - he is being propped up by Uhuru to undercut Ruto in non-GEMA and give GEMA an option if Ruto doesn't play ball.
3) No, you deliberately conflate Ruto and GEMA's interests, they are totally distinct and misaligned at present. It will be in Uhuru & GEMA's best interest to settle for the best deal available.

Jubilee is more divided than NASA - it has split into two camps. Ruto has lost his biggest ally Uhuru - I don't see how that gives him 60% - those are just your wishes.

When you start dealing with facts like I do you'll realize that 1) PUTIN ideas of Uhuru extending his term are still-born 2) Raila intend to ran in 2022 however weakened 3) It will be in Uhuru & GEMA best interest to back Ruto - and finally Ruto will win by around 60% - all factors considered. Raila position has weaken so much I don't see him bridging 20% in 2022...he'll be luckly to have any support outside Luo-Nyanza by then.
Pundit could you run a quick MOAS - how's Ruto faring in GEMA, Maa and Gusii? Is he trending towards 45% yet :)

Thanks to Handshake Kenyans are now focused on corruption - a weak point for your boy.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2018, 01:32:38 PM »
Ruto is gentleman who doesn't need arm-twisting to do the right thing. Uhuru and GEMA are assured of DPORK & 50-50.What option does Uhuru & GEMA have in in 2022. Uhuru won't be allowed to continue as PORK. PM (of any nature) will be demeaning to his stature and even that won't be shoe-in. A Jubilee fallout will only mean both Uhuru and Ruto are the ultimate losers...and Raila will gain. I don't see that happening. Raila is trying ideas that worked in 2002 :) and obviously his game is so transparent it watching Kalonzo Musyoka.

I think Uhuru is just flexing his muscle so he doesn't become lame-duck early. He want to enjoy his 5yrs of PORK, hand over to Ruto (least path of resistance), pick a surrogate DPORK and continue as influential Jubilee party leader who will be consulted once in a while in party matters.

Raila obviously will never rest until he his pork, his chance are getting worse by day, Ruto is running circles around him many areas and Uhuru is obviously playing him for a fool - and will leave him high-dry once the mission is accomplished. Kalonzo as always is patiently waiting for Raila to drop dead so he can pick him. Delusional MaDVD is like Gideon Moi waiting for some miracles that will thrust them to the front.

All in all - I don't see Jubilee breaking up .

I almost agree on all 3 points but

1) Yes PUTIN is stillborn. Handshake & corruption purge is just a strategy to increase Uhuru leverage over Ruto and not back him blindly like you wish.
2) Yes Raila intends to run  - no surprise - he is being propped up by Uhuru to undercut Ruto in non-GEMA and give GEMA an option if Ruto doesn't play ball.
3) No, you deliberately conflate Ruto and GEMA's interests, they are totally distinct and misaligned at present. It will be in Uhuru & GEMA's best interest to settle for the best deal available.

Jubilee is more divided than NASA - it has split into two camps. Ruto has lost his biggest ally Uhuru - I don't see how that gives him 60% - those are just your wishes.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2018, 01:39:56 PM »
  Its okay to express your political opinions without trying to make them superior by claiming they are based on facts. What facts? Look up the definition of facts. A fact is a statement that is consistent with reality or can be proven with evidence. What you are expressing is your long held discredited biased tribal fanatical support for WSR and to somehow try to pass it as a "fact" is the height silliness.

When you start dealing with facts like I do you'll realize that 1) PUTIN ideas of Uhuru extending his term are still-born 2) Raila intend to ran in 2022 however weakened 3) It will be in Uhuru & GEMA best interest to back Ruto - and finally Ruto will win by around 60% - all factors considered. Raila position has weaken so much I don't see him bridging 20% in 2022...he'll be luckly to have any support outside Luo-Nyanza by then.
Pundit could you run a quick MOAS - how's Ruto faring in GEMA, Maa and Gusii? Is he trending towards 45% yet :)

Thanks to Handshake Kenyans are now focused on corruption - a weak point for your boy.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2018, 01:50:11 PM »
"Ruto is a trustworthy gentleman" - this is laughable coming from you. How do you know that - has he ever been PORK? If Uhuru and Ruto trust each other so much why are they fighting? Unless you mean Uhurutopia is kosher which it is evidently not. This is not about flexing muscle. Ruto would like to be the only option which is bad for Uhuru, Raila and Kenya. That is the source of the fight.

Ruto is gentleman who doesn't need arm-twisting to do the right thing. Uhuru and GEMA are assured of DPORK & 50-50.What option does Uhuru & GEMA have in in 2022. Uhuru won't be allowed to continue as PORK. PM (of any nature) will be demeaning to his stature and even that won't be shoe-in. A Jubilee fallout will only mean both Uhuru and Ruto are the ultimate losers...and Raila will gain. I don't see that happening. Raila is trying ideas that worked in 2002 :) and obviously his game is so transparent it watching Kalonzo Musyoka.

I think Uhuru is just flexing his muscle so he doesn't become lame-duck early. He want to enjoy his 5yrs of PORK, hand over to Ruto (least path of resistance), pick a surrogate DPORK and continue as influential Jubilee party leader who will be consulted once in a while in party matters.

Raila obviously will never rest until he his pork, his chance are getting worse by day, Ruto is running circles around him many areas and Uhuru is obviously playing him for a fool - and will leave him high-dry once the mission is accomplished. Kalonzo as always is patiently waiting for Raila to drop dead so he can pick him. Delusional MaDVD is like Gideon Moi waiting for some miracles that will thrust them to the front.

All in all - I don't see Jubilee breaking up .

I almost agree on all 3 points but

1) Yes PUTIN is stillborn. Handshake & corruption purge is just a strategy to increase Uhuru leverage over Ruto and not back him blindly like you wish.
2) Yes Raila intends to run  - no surprise - he is being propped up by Uhuru to undercut Ruto in non-GEMA and give GEMA an option if Ruto doesn't play ball.
3) No, you deliberately conflate Ruto and GEMA's interests, they are totally distinct and misaligned at present. It will be in Uhuru & GEMA's best interest to settle for the best deal available.

Jubilee is more divided than NASA - it has split into two camps. Ruto has lost his biggest ally Uhuru - I don't see how that gives him 60% - those are just your wishes.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #53 on: August 15, 2018, 02:10:44 PM »
Ruto's "word" on 50-50 is worth as much as a greedy hyena's promise to spare the chicken. He'll be hammered until he needs GEMA or Raila to win.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #54 on: August 15, 2018, 02:38:22 PM »
Nobody can win or govern without support of others. That reality. Ruto will need GEMA to win and even more to govern. I think only big business remaining for Ruto to seal the deal is for Uhuru to pick a DPORK to take care of his interest.
"Ruto is a trustworthy gentleman" - this is laughable coming from you. How do you know that - has he ever been PORK? If Uhuru and Ruto trust each other so much why are they fighting? Unless you mean Uhurutopia is kosher which it is evidently not. This is not about flexing muscle. Ruto would like to be the only option which is bad for Uhuru, Raila and Kenya. That is the source of the fight.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #55 on: August 15, 2018, 03:55:06 PM »
Of course Ruto needs Gema and so does Raila or Ouru or anybody else who intends to run for the president for 2020. DPORK does not have any independent powers and cannot take care of anybody's interest.  Ruto is the last powerful DPORK and Ouru learnt a bitter lesson. No other Kenyan president will go to sleep  like Ouru did and let Ruto steal and amass political power and wealth like a kid in a candy store. If Ruto were to somehow miraculously become president, he will never let his Deputy have any power and Gema knows this. Gema is therefore not that stupid to believe that Ruto would take care of their interest by merely letting Ouru pick a Deputy for Ruto and then mambo kwisha.

Nobody can win or govern without support of others. That reality. Ruto will need GEMA to win and even more to govern. I think only big business remaining for Ruto to seal the deal is for Uhuru to pick a DPORK to take care of his interest.
"Ruto is a trustworthy gentleman" - this is laughable coming from you. How do you know that - has he ever been PORK? If Uhuru and Ruto trust each other so much why are they fighting? Unless you mean Uhurutopia is kosher which it is evidently not. This is not about flexing muscle. Ruto would like to be the only option which is bad for Uhuru, Raila and Kenya. That is the source of the fight.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #56 on: August 15, 2018, 06:01:49 PM »
Kichwa someone has to be pork..its either gema groom another candidate or trust Ruto.I dont any sane person can trust Raila.Ruto keep his word.He is the kusema na kutenda.He has kept his word with Uhuru, working digilently, loyally and delivered not once but severally .Ruto records speak of itself.Raila even with current bending over has long way to be entrusted with leadeeship.My man ruto is home and dry.He just to avoid any pitfalls but he has worked his way meticulously for nearly 30yrs and will romp home with resounding victory.He will make a great president..he has the leadership, the energy and the brains to transform kenya.I couldnt be more excited about kenya future prospect.Ruto is a moi with brains. Ruto has had Uhuru back since 1999..that is something..their friendship and rapport will not be easy to break...Uhuru has worked with Ruto save for 1 yr of 2007.They gell, uhuru is the big vision guy and Ruto is the get it done.Uhuru will be left as Jubilee Party leader and will be Gov Chief Advisor.

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #57 on: August 15, 2018, 06:08:36 PM »
Should we assume the laser-focus on Ruto is also on "orders from above?"

"Sonko further alleges that the directive is from above, implying that President Uhuru Kenyatta is controlling the ongoing crackdown on illegal buildings."
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #58 on: August 15, 2018, 06:11:43 PM »
The only laser on Ruto is from the moribund Odm and Raila
Should we assume the laser-focus on Ruto is also on "orders from above?"

"Sonko further alleges that the directive is from above, implying that President Uhuru Kenyatta is controlling the ongoing crackdown on illegal buildings."

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Re: Breaking: Kidero arrested, Matiangi and co roam free
« Reply #59 on: August 15, 2018, 07:21:03 PM »
Nobody can win or govern without support of others. That reality. Ruto will need GEMA to win and even more to govern. I think only big business remaining for Ruto to seal the deal is for Uhuru to pick a DPORK to take care of his interest.
"Ruto is a trustworthy gentleman" - this is laughable coming from you. How do you know that - has he ever been PORK? If Uhuru and Ruto trust each other so much why are they fighting? Unless you mean Uhurutopia is kosher which it is evidently not. This is not about flexing muscle. Ruto would like to be the only option which is bad for Uhuru, Raila and Kenya. That is the source of the fight.

What is WSR plan B if Uhuru will not play ball?