Unlike you I do my own research - in whatever topic it is - over the last few years I have educated myself on matters SGR and I know Ndii is just lying. The maths are pretty simple.
The SGR is designed to haul 4,000 tonnes. There is a lot of consideration that goes into this - obviously the ability of 4,000 tonnes object moving at 80Kph to brake and all that matters.
In containers(TEUS) 4,000 tonnes is 216 TEUS. One SGR train hauls 2,000 tonnes (108) and when double-stack (4,000) -216. TEUS is 20 feet container.
So we know max train on our SGR (China CLASS A) can haul is 4,000 tonnes...we know max hours a day is 24hr....we know the max we are thinking is running a train every 45 minutes day and night - those about 32 trains - reserver 4 trains for passengers trains - 14 trains each making a round trip is the max we can ran in short term.
SGR can therefore carry in a day 4,000(if double stack)*28=112,000 or about 56,000 tonnes (single stack) or in containers about 6,000 (double) or 3,000 single TEUS.
Annually - You simply times 360 days - single stack (22M tonnes) or double stack (45M tonnes). Which comes to roughly what China told us that SGR is designed for 22M tonnes - with capacity going as high as 35M tonnes annually. In containers...we are talking capacity of 2.2M TEUS (double) or 1.1M (single).
Now let examine the last six months of SGR business operation - the whole of last year was trial ran & SGR incurred lots of usual start up expenses & made 10B lossJanuary - 1 train - average weekly 200 TEUS.-
This figure Dr Ndii uses to dismiss SGR - first month of businessFeb - 2 trains(1 more added) - end of Feb climbed to 1,000 TEUS weekly,
March - 3 trains - end of March 2,000 TEUS weekly,
April - 4 trains -end of April 3,000 EUS,
May - 5 trains - averaging 4,000 TEUS weekly
June - 6 trains - average 5,000 TEUS weekly
July - 7 trains - averging 6,000 TEUS weekly - already about 40% of weekly containers in Mombasa (15,000 or about).
Daily SGR is now 800 TEUS (7 trains * 108 containers) - against target of 3000 TEUS to hit 22M tonnes (which Ndii think is impossible
Now pause and remember we have ran the train for only six months on commercial basis. Before you're done pausing - the amount of cargo we are pulling is already past the 5yr projected cargo.In six months we are at 5 yrs projected cargo. By December - projected are we will be 8yrs of projected cargo.
Then come here and listen to a DAMN FOOL like Ndii.
By next year - we will be doing 14 trains (28 train trips per day) - about 1M containers annually or nearly 20M tonnes - And we will have to start thinking about double stacking some of the trains.
This thing is super-profitable. It beyond viable nonsense.EXIM BANK OF CHINA are going to be opening their cheque book for us to borrow more if we want toRobina, that's a low blow on bitmask. I wish SGR can succeed but I have a very bad feeling about it based on Dr. Ndii's 3rd grade math which makes a lot of sense to many people and is consistent with a lot of white elephant projects in Africa. Pundit is a brilliant fellow but is completely biased when it comes to Ouruto and since SGR was started under Ouruto, I would not defer to his math or analysis on this matter.