Author Topic: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions  (Read 9312 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2018, 12:19:56 PM »
Haha we are not buying fear go sell that to another tribe not kikuyus

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2018, 12:22:00 PM »
Why did nearly 600K of fearless kikuyu ran from their homes in 2007. Kibaki was PORK wasn't he?
Haha we are not buying fear go sell that to another tribe not kikuyus

Offline Globalcitizen12

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2018, 12:33:21 PM »
Why did nearly 600K of fearless kikuyu ran from their homes in 2007. Kibaki was PORK wasn't he?
Haha we are not buying fear go sell that to another tribe not kikuyus

Wait you cannot win all wars.

Offline Globalcitizen12

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2018, 12:35:50 PM »
I knew mau was a coded word that you will create fear to get your way..not this time around ..your uncivilized tribe will be brought to 21st century. Those kalenjin marathoners will be first casualties. Remember how sang died like a dog.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2018, 01:20:02 PM »
My friend if Kalenjin warrior held Brits for more than 10yrs in 1900 - the Brits only won when they killed Koitaele in cold blood- what you're courting is huge disaster. Don't try it. Mau forest is not a code word. Mau forest settlement leave it for maasai & kipsigis & ogiek to square it out. Moi settled the Kipsigis there to compensate for loss of land to whites & kikuyu settlers. You touch Mau - you begin a chain reaction that will eventually cause lot of trouble.

Kimunya mishandled it - and it led to lots of trouble for kikuyus in RV - then Raila came and made a huge mess. Jubilee were on course to sort out Mau issue - they settled all the squattors who had crossed the forest - and as demarcated the cutline by planting tea zone around it - and nobody was really in the forest.

Don't lie to Uhuru that he can defend poor kikuyu peasant all over RV. He cannot.

I knew mau was a coded word that you will create fear to get your way..not this time around ..your uncivilized tribe will be brought to 21st century. Those kalenjin marathoners will be first casualties. Remember how sang died like a dog.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2018, 01:27:09 PM »
in 1850 - many knew better than you - in 21st century. In 2007 - you saw more than half million of your people kicked out in a week - despite Kibaki controlling all lever of power - and that was Raila war. Want to try a Ruto war - please don't.

The defeat of the Arabs created the "Nandi legend." The Nandi were undefeatable. Porters could not be hired and expeditions could not be launched into Nandi for nearly forty years. The Nandi warriors stood proudly aloof from the events that were swirling around them confident to defend their independence.

After considering several options, Major G. G. Cunningham decided to invade Nandi with a field force of 400 askari of the I, IV, V, IX URR, with a Maxim, 600 porters, and 800 followers from Kampala. The huge caravan attracted a lot of attention as it marched to Mumias. The local natives were awed by the spectacle that was arrayed against the Nandi. At Mumias on October 29, Cunningham was joined by Dr. Mackinnon. The total column consisted then consisted of five Europeans, seven native officers, 367 askari, 23 Baganda "drilled and disciplined" auxiliaries, and a few armed "Swahili" porters in the Maxim detachment. After Captain C.H. Sitwell's column arrived, the number of askari increased to 428. This was more than one third of the total regular troops available in the protectorate.

Wait you cannot win all wars.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2018, 02:33:59 PM »
Killing GEMA will not help Ruto - it would only solidify all RV diaspora against him including Kisii and Luhya. Like you say the warriors are unhinged. Murkomen's war cries are meaningless because there is no Raila to demonize. Kalenjin are already in Ruto column so he gains nothing. It's a silly move for Kalenjin to start war with Ruto running for PORK.
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Offline patel

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2018, 06:12:42 PM »
Hard to figure out what murconmen game plan is here ......looks like a man under siege. Jubilee will definitely neuter him and most likely replace him as senator majority leader. It makes no sense to retain someone like murconmen as a majority leader, all 3 Kenya dynasty are after him.
Sad but these squatters need to be relocated from mau water towers to kakuma refugee camp.

Killing GEMA will not help Ruto - it would only solidify all RV diaspora against him including Kisii and Luhya. Like you say the warriors are unhinged. Murkomen's war cries are meaningless because there is no Raila to demonize. Kalenjin are already in Ruto column so he gains nothing. It's a silly move for Kalenjin to start war with Ruto running for PORK.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2018, 06:20:03 PM »
Blaa blaa and blaaa.  Ruto will not be president and there will be no war.

in 1850 - many knew better than you - in 21st century. In 2007 - you saw more than half million of your people kicked out in a week - despite Kibaki controlling all lever of power - and that was Raila war. Want to try a Ruto war - please don't.

The defeat of the Arabs created the "Nandi legend." The Nandi were undefeatable. Porters could not be hired and expeditions could not be launched into Nandi for nearly forty years. The Nandi warriors stood proudly aloof from the events that were swirling around them confident to defend their independence.

After considering several options, Major G. G. Cunningham decided to invade Nandi with a field force of 400 askari of the I, IV, V, IX URR, with a Maxim, 600 porters, and 800 followers from Kampala. The huge caravan attracted a lot of attention as it marched to Mumias. The local natives were awed by the spectacle that was arrayed against the Nandi. At Mumias on October 29, Cunningham was joined by Dr. Mackinnon. The total column consisted then consisted of five Europeans, seven native officers, 367 askari, 23 Baganda "drilled and disciplined" auxiliaries, and a few armed "Swahili" porters in the Maxim detachment. After Captain C.H. Sitwell's column arrived, the number of askari increased to 428. This was more than one third of the total regular troops available in the protectorate.

Wait you cannot win all wars.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2018, 10:45:01 PM »
Pundit still thinks the stars are lined for Ruto, we can see they're not, would he scuttle them further? I doubt it, he's too clever. Starting war would be a big disadvantage for Ruto... with Raila and Uhuru on one side he loses the optics & propaganda hands down. In Mau alone it's easy to slice away Maa from him - Maa view Mau issue as a Kalenjin encroachment on their livelihood. On Mau Ruto has much more to lose politically than Uhuru or Raila. Already his image is that of a corrupt brinkman... Mau is a juicy bait he should resist by silencing idiots like Murkomen.

Blaa blaa and blaaa.  Ruto will not be president and there will be no war.

in 1850 - many knew better than you - in 21st century. In 2007 - you saw more than half million of your people kicked out in a week - despite Kibaki controlling all lever of power - and that was Raila war. Want to try a Ruto war - please don't.

The defeat of the Arabs created the "Nandi legend." The Nandi were undefeatable. Porters could not be hired and expeditions could not be launched into Nandi for nearly forty years. The Nandi warriors stood proudly aloof from the events that were swirling around them confident to defend their independence.

After considering several options, Major G. G. Cunningham decided to invade Nandi with a field force of 400 askari of the I, IV, V, IX URR, with a Maxim, 600 porters, and 800 followers from Kampala. The huge caravan attracted a lot of attention as it marched to Mumias. The local natives were awed by the spectacle that was arrayed against the Nandi. At Mumias on October 29, Cunningham was joined by Dr. Mackinnon. The total column consisted then consisted of five Europeans, seven native officers, 367 askari, 23 Baganda "drilled and disciplined" auxiliaries, and a few armed "Swahili" porters in the Maxim detachment. After Captain C.H. Sitwell's column arrived, the number of askari increased to 428. This was more than one third of the total regular troops available in the protectorate.

Wait you cannot win all wars.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #30 on: July 24, 2018, 10:34:27 AM »
Told you this fool is acting on his own or being used to test the waters. Murkomen is Moses Kuria calibre of verbal diarrhea. Anyhow it seems Ruto will need a new party with Uhuru controlling Jubilee.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2018, 10:53:08 AM »
I think the attacks will only happen when fallout is final...either pre or post - but definitely it will happen if uhuru and ruto fall out.
Pundit still thinks the stars are lined for Ruto, we can see they're not, would he scuttle them further? I doubt it, he's too clever. Starting war would be a big disadvantage for Ruto... with Raila and Uhuru on one side he loses the optics & propaganda hands down. In Mau alone it's easy to slice away Maa from him - Maa view Mau issue as a Kalenjin encroachment on their livelihood. On Mau Ruto has much more to lose politically than Uhuru or Raila. Already his image is that of a corrupt brinkman... Mau is a juicy bait he should resist by silencing idiots like Murkomen.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2018, 10:55:16 AM »
Yeap Ruto need to call for early Jubilee elections otherwise it appears the party is under Uhuru control. There are lots of PNU reminant of Kibaki regime who have slowly warmed their way back to power and those are the guys attacking Ruto ferociously. There is really no love lost btw them & Ruto - likes of Kibicho, Mbugua & such. Ruto has parliament..but it appears he is loosing the executive and the party to Uhuru. He need to start calling for elections to replace the interim officials - likes of Tuju & Murathe - or well start forming another party.
Told you this fool is acting on his own or being used to test the waters. Murkomen is Moses Kuria calibre of verbal diarrhea. Anyhow it seems Ruto will need a new party with Uhuru controlling Jubilee.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2018, 12:23:45 PM »
Ruto needs to manage his image - stop opposing war on corruption via the Sudis, Murkomens and Duales - stop endless harambees which out him as corrupt. You can't convince Kenyans you're just generous with hard earned money which you miraculously made as a mere politician. Corruption is a big issue which will undermine him outside RV. Another way to lose Kenya is to start war against the diaspora. He has the most to lose.

Yeap Ruto need to call for early Jubilee elections otherwise it appears the party is under Uhuru control. There are lots of PNU reminant of Kibaki regime who have slowly warmed their way back to power and those are the guys attacking Ruto ferociously. There is really no love lost btw them & Ruto - likes of Kibicho, Mbugua & such. Ruto has parliament..but it appears he is loosing the executive and the party to Uhuru. He need to start calling for elections to replace the interim officials - likes of Tuju & Murathe - or well start forming another party.
Told you this fool is acting on his own or being used to test the waters. Murkomen is Moses Kuria calibre of verbal diarrhea. Anyhow it seems Ruto will need a new party with Uhuru controlling Jubilee.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2018, 12:40:13 PM »
Which kenyans are you talking about - the Big 5 tribes will pretend to care about issues but generally they have their own bosses. ISSUES never mattered in kenya - ask Kichwa - I took 15yrs schooling on that :).

Ruto has to concentrate on the small tribes and those one care about money, harambees and projects - and patronage (which is why Ruto has to be in Gov & Jubilee). Ruto has to try add to his Kalenjin core - another 15% - to make a realistic stab of power - before he negotiate with any of big 5. Obviously GEMA owes him big-time and he need to make them pay and therefore GEMA diaspora as hostage will be used. He has to play that smartly like he is doing. If he falls out with Uhuru - then he need to think about talking to Luhyas or Kambas -  talking with Raila & Luos is waste of time because they want PORK as bad as Ruto want it.

Anyway I think Ruto has made significant headways in KAMATUSA, Somalis & related, he is cracking Bukusu and COAST. That should probably put him at 30-35%. He need to forget about GEMA for now...he should not appear desperate for their support....but should work on his own support base.

He also need to figure out what Uhuru game-plan really is and start a countering it early. If Uhuru buys into Raila constitutional ammendment - Ruto has to counter that by making sure it exclude Uhuru from taking either of new positions.As long as Uhuru is not running in any form - Ruto can beat any GEMA upstart, Raila and the rest - and Uhuru will have no option but to support Ruto. I don't think GEMA can trust a mercurial Raila or Luos. They simply cannot.

Ruto needs to manage his image - stop opposing war on corruption via the Sudis, Murkomens and Duales - stop endless harambees which out him as corrupt. You can't convince Kenyans you're just generous with hard earned money which you miraculously made as a mere politician. Corruption is a big issue which will undermine him outside RV. Another way to lose Kenya is to start war against the diaspora. He has the most to lose.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2018, 12:49:30 PM »
My guess is Uhuru wants PM or something close where he can't be fired and has real power. While Raila or Ruto get PORK. He rightly doesn't trust Ruto to give him 50% GoK as PORK because Ruto has a big base like Raila. If Ruto was a hapless fool with Kalenjin only - like Kalonzo - Uhuru & GEMA would trust him. Noone trusts a cunning fox - which is what Ruto and Raila are.

Which kenyans are you talking about - the Big 5 tribes will pretend to care about issues but generally they have their own bosses. ISSUES never mattered in kenya - ask Kichwa - I took 15yrs schooling on that :).

Ruto has to concentrate on the small tribes and those one care about money, harambees and projects - and patronage (which is why Ruto has to be in Gov & Jubilee). Ruto has to try add to his Kalenjin core - another 15% - to make a realistic stab of power - before he negotiate with any of big 5. Obviously GEMA owes him big-time and he need to make them pay and therefore GEMA diaspora as hostage will be used. He has to play that smartly like he is doing. If he falls out with Uhuru - then he need to think about talking to Luhyas or Kambas -  talking with Raila & Luos is waste of time because they want PORK as bad as Ruto want it.

Anyway I think Ruto has made significant headways in KAMATUSA, Somalis & related, he is cracking Bukusu and COAST. That should probably put him at 30-35%. He need to forget about GEMA for now...he should not appear desperate for their support....but should work on his own support base.

He also need to figure out what Uhuru game-plan really is and start a countering it early. If Uhuru buys into Raila constitutional ammendment - Ruto has to counter that by making sure it exclude Uhuru from taking either of new positions.As long as Uhuru is not running in any form - Ruto can beat any GEMA upstart, Raila and the rest - and Uhuru will have no option but to support Ruto. I don't think GEMA can trust a mercurial Raila or Luos. They simply cannot.

Ruto needs to manage his image - stop opposing war on corruption via the Sudis, Murkomens and Duales - stop endless harambees which out him as corrupt. You can't convince Kenyans you're just generous with hard earned money which you miraculously made as a mere politician. Corruption is a big issue which will undermine him outside RV. Another way to lose Kenya is to start war against the diaspora. He has the most to lose.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2018, 01:00:35 PM »
Uhuru has to go home. That I think is not negotiable in kenyans minds. Term limit is term limit. He can become Chief Jubilee Supreme Leader and he can also pick DPORK for Ruto.

If he goes for PM - he'll need MPS and the hardwork of being in parliament - it simply won't work. The man has enough money from Mama Ngina and his own stash to be embarrassed in parliament by Babu Owinos. If he tries to remove the presidential term limit - he'll see the biggest revolution in kenya.

Basically Uhuru has to go through seven stages of accepting power loss in 2022. His best bet remain supreme/party leader of Jubilee (just to make him relevant), dpork of his own choice and MOU of 50-50 with Ruto.
My guess is Uhuru wants PM or something close where he can't be fired and has real power. While Raila or Ruto get PORK. He rightly doesn't trust Ruto to give him 50% GoK as PORK because Ruto has a big base like Raila. If Ruto was a hapless fool with Kalenjin only - like Kalonzo - Uhuru & GEMA would trust him. Noone trusts a cunning fox - which is what Ruto and Raila are.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2018, 01:14:42 PM »
You need to give Uhuru some credit. I think night meetings to discuss Ruto have been ongoing since 2013. Who would have guessed he was discussing Handshake behind Ruto's back? He would be naive to believe Ruto with a massive base will hand over 50% of GoK as PORK. He should ensure Ruto has a small base and does not control full KANU Moi machine. With a small base and insufficient numbers - a sort of checkmate - Uhuru will be spoilt for choice between Raila and Ruto. He'll be in Ruto's 2012 pole position. Ruto had to be reimbursed for URP investment to support Uhuru and was co-president until 2017 swearing in. There is no reason Uhuru or GEMA should back him foolishly for nothing over some MOU.

Uhuru says we're both in or out... I'm counting on the fallout to collapse the Jubilee House of Cards. So long as corruption is cut back to size in the process that's good for Kenya.

Uhuru has to go home. That I think is not negotiable in kenyans minds. Term limit is term limit. He can become Chief Jubilee Supreme Leader and he can also pick DPORK for Ruto.

If he goes for PM - he'll need MPS and the hardwork of being in parliament - it simply won't work. The man has enough money from Mama Ngina and his own stash to be embarrassed in parliament by Babu Owinos. If he tries to remove the presidential term limit - he'll see the biggest revolution in kenya.

Basically Uhuru has to go through seven stages of accepting power loss in 2022. His best bet remain supreme/party leader of Jubilee (just to make him relevant), dpork of his own choice and MOU of 50-50 with Ruto.
My guess is Uhuru wants PM or something close where he can't be fired and has real power. While Raila or Ruto get PORK. He rightly doesn't trust Ruto to give him 50% GoK as PORK because Ruto has a big base like Raila. If Ruto was a hapless fool with Kalenjin only - like Kalonzo - Uhuru & GEMA would trust him. Noone trusts a cunning fox - which is what Ruto and Raila are.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2018, 01:28:54 PM »
Uhuru and GEMA's play is to ensure a split of power in non-GEMA with no clear supremo. Hence the Handshake and supporting Raila. It's a good calculation than naively supporting Ruto - that would be very foolish.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru has reactivated mau evictions
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2018, 01:55:49 PM »
That can only work if Uhuru is planting to front a gema candidate -in which case the non-gema will easily rally around Ruto given Raila is really past his sell-by-date and has basically like GEMA betrayed everyone. Ruto squaring with Gema candidate would be easy stuff for Ruto.

So the way I see contrary to what you say - GEMA find themselves in unviable position if they are not ready for 2022 - Uhuru has term limit to contend with and there is no GEMA heir apparent who can be sold in 2022 - they were all destroyed in last election.

 Do you get Peter Kenneth from the dustbin and try to make him win PORK against machine like Ruto & Raila? Will a new Kikuyu upstart even manage to unite GEMA - or RV Kikuyu diaspora-for own safety & Meru-Embu wing will go rogue & honour Ruto 2022 deal?

Uhuru and GEMA's play is to ensure a split of power in non-GEMA with no clear supremo. Hence the Handshake and supporting Raila. It's a good calculation than naively supporting Ruto - that would be very foolish.