Author Topic: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum  (Read 3552 times)

Offline Ole

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uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« on: May 18, 2018, 09:12:46 PM »
He says the 47 counties are more than enough and that changes in law won't add value to our lives. He further states that he does not have time to run around the country campaigning when he has work to do. we will soon know who between Raila and arap singh is being played.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2018, 09:20:13 PM »

Offline Ole

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2018, 10:03:48 PM »
I have been telling people that Uhuru has Raila by the gonads. with the handshake he has been able to break NASA to pieces completely and all he has to do now is call Raila' s bluff after accomplishing what he wanted with him. people won t believe Raila anymore if he says he knows the road Canaan. On the other hand if he is genuine about the handshake which I doubt he is then Ruto will be the one to be targeted and finished.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2018, 10:38:49 PM »
Kichwa? please don't be silent.
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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2018, 10:18:03 AM »
Uhuru is pushing referendum behind scenes

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2018, 10:27:54 AM »
Uhuru pulled a fast one on desperate Raila. I mean the whole "Bridge" thing has no legal backing. The committee and it's secretariat is one big joke.
I have been telling people that Uhuru has Raila by the gonads. with the handshake he has been able to break NASA to pieces completely and all he has to do now is call Raila' s bluff after accomplishing what he wanted with him. people won t believe Raila anymore if he says he knows the road Canaan. On the other hand if he is genuine about the handshake which I doubt he is then Ruto will be the one to be targeted and finished.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2018, 03:24:56 PM »
You are just too desparate and looking for any straw to hold on to.  Listen, the handshake is bigger than even Ouru and Raila but the details of the handshake are still  being worked on.  Raila is trying to push for the maximum he can get out of the handshake and Ouru is obviously pushing for the maximum he can get. The task force will come up with a compromise of the things that have to be done between now and 2022.  The 14 devolved units that Ouru is opposed to was not even the core requirement for Raila and I believe can be negotiated.   What was core for Raila supporters is electoral reforms and inclusivity in government. The way the handshake is designed, there will be disagreements but nobody is walking away and nobody is going to shafted. That model of being lured in and then shafted has run its course.  The custodians of the handshake are not even Ouru and Raila but is bestowed upon people with a lot of influence on both of them.  If there is a big disagreement between Ouru and Raila then it will be ironed out behind the scenes and a compromised position will ensue. The handshake was negotiated for about three months and most of the obvious eventualities like this one were discussed and how to deal with them.  Expect a lot of contradictory statements and even disagreements between Raila and Ouru but do not expect handshake to fall apart that quickly.  Each side has a wiggle room to push their pet agenda's.

Uhuru pulled a fast one on desperate Raila. I mean the whole "Bridge" thing has no legal backing. The committee and it's secretariat is one big joke.
I have been telling people that Uhuru has Raila by the gonads. with the handshake he has been able to break NASA to pieces completely and all he has to do now is call Raila' s bluff after accomplishing what he wanted with him. people won t believe Raila anymore if he says he knows the road Canaan. On the other hand if he is genuine about the handshake which I doubt he is then Ruto will be the one to be targeted and finished.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2018, 04:12:08 PM »
Nice lemonande.I guess you can proceed to drink it. So the committee that has no legal standing will sit down and presnt their report to Uhuru & Raila. And then what? How will it go to parliament? How will it get to changing anything. I mean this most laughable political deal if there was one. Raila should at least have asked for a job for some of his boys. The man has sold you guys for cheap - and worse - made nasa the butt of jokes. Uhuru seem to have forgotten completely about that handshake and has resume where he left as Jubilee president with his agenda.
You are just too desparate and looking for any straw to hold on to.  Listen, the handshake is bigger than even Ouru and Raila but the details of the handshake are still  being worked on.  Raila is trying to push for the maximum he can get out of the handshake and Ouru is obviously pushing for the maximum he can get. The task force will come up with a compromise of the things that have to be done between now and 2022.  The 14 devolved units that Ouru is opposed to was not even the core requirement for Raila and I believe can be negotiated.   What was core for Raila supporters is electoral reforms and inclusivity in government. The way the handshake is designed, there will be disagreements but nobody is walking away and nobody is going to shafted. That model of being lured in and then shafted has run its course.  The custodians of the handshake are not even Ouru and Raila but is bestowed upon people with a lot of influence on both of them.  If there is a big disagreement between Ouru and Raila then it will be ironed out behind the scenes and a compromised position will ensue. The handshake was negotiated for about three months and most of the obvious eventualities like this one were discussed and how to deal with them.  Expect a lot of contradictory statements and even disagreements between Raila and Ouru but do not expect handshake to fall apart that quickly.  Each side has a wiggle room to push their pet agenda's.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2018, 04:18:07 PM »
Well, keep on laughing.  This matter will not be resolved in one news cycle.  Let us revisit the issue at a later date.

Nice lemonande.I guess you can proceed to drink it. So the committee that has no legal standing will sit down and presnt their report to Uhuru & Raila. And then what? How will it go to parliament? How will it get to changing anything. I mean this most laughable political deal if there was one. Raila should at least have asked for a job for some of his boys. The man has sold you guys for cheap - and worse - made nasa the butt of jokes. Uhuru seem to have forgotten completely about that handshake and has resume where he left as Jubilee president with his agenda.
You are just too desparate and looking for any straw to hold on to.  Listen, the handshake is bigger than even Ouru and Raila but the details of the handshake are still  being worked on.  Raila is trying to push for the maximum he can get out of the handshake and Ouru is obviously pushing for the maximum he can get. The task force will come up with a compromise of the things that have to be done between now and 2022.  The 14 devolved units that Ouru is opposed to was not even the core requirement for Raila and I believe can be negotiated.   What was core for Raila supporters is electoral reforms and inclusivity in government. The way the handshake is designed, there will be disagreements but nobody is walking away and nobody is going to shafted. That model of being lured in and then shafted has run its course.  The custodians of the handshake are not even Ouru and Raila but is bestowed upon people with a lot of influence on both of them.  If there is a big disagreement between Ouru and Raila then it will be ironed out behind the scenes and a compromised position will ensue. The handshake was negotiated for about three months and most of the obvious eventualities like this one were discussed and how to deal with them.  Expect a lot of contradictory statements and even disagreements between Raila and Ouru but do not expect handshake to fall apart that quickly.  Each side has a wiggle room to push their pet agenda's.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2018, 04:25:25 PM »
You bet we will be watching this pure genius from UhuRuto - how Raila has neutered since August deserve some revisiting. They just pulled another MaDVD in 2013 - we are handing it over to you :) - on Raila and in the process killed NASA - and will make Raila the butt of jokes.

Raila simply need to hang his boots and give someone else in Luo a chance to emerge and try something else. The guys is now beyond senile.

Well, keep on laughing.  This matter will not be resolved in one news cycle.  Let us revisit the issue at a later date.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2018, 04:34:07 PM »
Another Raila kwisha pronouncement!.  You must have been really depressed if Ouru's one single statement can get you that excited.  I guess you will be going back and forth between depression and excitement many times between now and 2022 based on Ouru's statements. I can tell you that my political mood is not going to be pegged on what goes on in one, two or three news cycle but on certain important markers.

You bet we will be watching this pure genius from UhuRuto - how Raila has neutered since August deserve some revisiting. They just pulled another MaDVD in 2013 - we are handing it over to you :) - on Raila and in the process killed NASA - and will make Raila the butt of jokes.

Raila simply need to hang his boots and give someone else in Luo a chance to emerge and try something else. The guys is now beyond senile.

Well, keep on laughing.  This matter will not be resolved in one news cycle.  Let us revisit the issue at a later date.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Ole

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2018, 07:14:06 AM »
uhuru might have been sincere in shaking Raila' s hand. (We will find out) but one thing for sure is that if he was playing him this will become a stroke of genius to divide NASA and let them hang separately. Already a section of western province has vowed never to work with Raila. We will see how things unfold.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2018, 04:10:14 AM »
I do not think so.  The handshake was real. The referendum was never a condition precedent for the handshake and vice versa.  I think those opposed to the handshake are trying to make it look like Ouru and Raila agreed to agree on everything so that they can scream failure each time their is a slight disagreement.  I think the handshake is a very good thing for the country's political stability and Ruto should find away to feel comfortable with it and even embrace it.

Things have changed and therefore Ruto and his supporters  should come to terms with the fact that the era of kikuyu/kalenjin winner take all arrangement is over. The new political reality is that Raila is not going back to play the opposition role that folks  have gotten so used to. Ruto should get used to Raila being in government and he should even think of scenerios where he could consider working with Raila now that Raila is here to stay.  Raila is already considering  several scenarios where he could work with Ruto. The old model where one side must completely obliterate the other side and send them to retirement is no longer viable.  Raila started this cooperation politics when he joined in with KANU.  He is coming with something new that will change how we do politics. 

uhuru might have been sincere in shaking Raila' s hand. (We will find out) but one thing for sure is that if he was playing him this will become a stroke of genius to divide NASA and let them hang separately. Already a section of western province has vowed never to work with Raila. We will see how things unfold.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2018, 12:25:15 PM »
UhuRuto comes a package - If Raila want to make peace with Uhuru alone then he'll know no peace - but if he is willing to extend the hand-shake to Ruto and retire - that would be great. Ruto is not Weta or MaDVD who he can wave like he drunkardly waved Miguna away - Ruto has real power and influence in Jubilee and has leverage of 1M kikuyus held hostage in RV as insurance for 2022 - so basically Ruto will make a big joke out of Raila hand-shake.

In short - just embrace Ruto as the heir apparent and Ruto will fix Raila somewhere - even that PM thing he wants - he can get it and Uhuru can become the Supreme Leader but ultimately Ruto has to become executive PORK come 2022. He has worked for it, he has earned it.

I do not think so.  The handshake was real. The referendum was never a condition precedent for the handshake and vice versa.  I think those opposed to the handshake are trying to make it look like Ouru and Raila agreed to agree on everything so that they can scream failure each time their is a slight disagreement.  I think the handshake is a very good thing for the country's political stability and Ruto should find away to feel comfortable with it and even embrace it.

Things have changed and therefore Ruto and his supporters  should come to terms with the fact that the era of kikuyu/kalenjin winner take all arrangement is over. The new political reality is that Raila is not going back to play the opposition role that folks  have gotten so used to. Ruto should get used to Raila being in government and he should even think of scenerios where he could consider working with Raila now that Raila is here to stay.  Raila is already considering  several scenarios where he could work with Ruto. The old model where one side must completely obliterate the other side and send them to retirement is no longer viable.  Raila started this cooperation politics when he joined in with KANU.  He is coming with something new that will change how we do politics. 

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2018, 02:56:12 PM »
Exactly. Noone's bothered with peace or inclusion or handshake - so long as it's not trickery or 2022 campaign. Raila can actually still run for PORK in 2022. Camouflaging his mischief as peace or inclusion won't fly. I think he meant to bribe Uhuru with PM in exchange for support to be PORK. He thinks his career is more useful than the country. Unfortunately Kenyans are not in the mood for referendum a few years into the new constitution that he championed as government project.

Apelekee uzee Bondo. Angoje kunyoroshwa.

UhuRuto comes a package - If Raila want to make peace with Uhuru alone then he'll know no peace - but if he is willing to extend the hand-shake to Ruto and retire - that would be great. Ruto is not Weta or MaDVD who he can wave like he drunkardly waved Miguna away - Ruto has real power and influence in Jubilee and has leverage of 1M kikuyus held hostage in RV as insurance for 2022 - so basically Ruto will make a big joke out of Raila hand-shake.

In short - just embrace Ruto as the heir apparent and Ruto will fix Raila somewhere - even that PM thing he wants - he can get it and Uhuru can become the Supreme Leader but ultimately Ruto has to become executive PORK come 2022. He has worked for it, he has earned it.

I do not think so.  The handshake was real. The referendum was never a condition precedent for the handshake and vice versa.  I think those opposed to the handshake are trying to make it look like Ouru and Raila agreed to agree on everything so that they can scream failure each time their is a slight disagreement.  I think the handshake is a very good thing for the country's political stability and Ruto should find away to feel comfortable with it and even embrace it.

Things have changed and therefore Ruto and his supporters  should come to terms with the fact that the era of kikuyu/kalenjin winner take all arrangement is over. The new political reality is that Raila is not going back to play the opposition role that folks  have gotten so used to. Ruto should get used to Raila being in government and he should even think of scenerios where he could consider working with Raila now that Raila is here to stay.  Raila is already considering  several scenarios where he could work with Ruto. The old model where one side must completely obliterate the other side and send them to retirement is no longer viable.  Raila started this cooperation politics when he joined in with KANU.  He is coming with something new that will change how we do politics. 
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2018, 03:08:03 PM »
He already used that card in 2002 to deny Uhuru PORK.Ruto has kept a keen eye on him and seem the handshake will have to abort.If Raila was smart - he would have embraced Ruto - but giving Uhuru a choice of Raila or Ruto - is making it too easy for Uhuru. Uhuru knows with Ruto he has a functioning gov...Raila is promising kumbaya...but unfortunately he didn't even bring along Kamba+Luhyas+Gusii+Coast - the guy came alone with Luos!.

Raila obviously is not gong to retire. He will be forced to retire. He must be beaten to submission like Baba Moi. Kichwa says that is not neccesary but Ruto would be stupid to cease his war on ODM and Raila. He must ignore the so called "hand shake" and pull no punches.

I like how yesterday he homed into Raila speech in London and made yet another impossible demand to Raila - accept Jubilee won free and fairly :) or no hand-shake.

Raila has to two conditions 1) Accept no referendum on constitution 2) Accept Jubilee won fairly & squarely - how boy the pending over he'll have to do.
Exactly. Noone's bothered with peace or inclusion or handshake - so long as it's not trickery or 2022 campaign. Raila can actually still run for PORK in 2022. Camouflaging his mischief as peace or inclusion won't fly. I think he meant to bribe Uhuru with PM in exchange for support to be PORK. He thinks his career is more useful than the country. Unfortunately Kenyans are not in the mood for referendum a few years into the new constitution that he championed as government project.

Apelekee uzee Bondo. Angoje kunyoroshwa.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: uhuru rejects Raila's referendum
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2018, 03:22:29 PM »
I think he already bent over enough. In 1999 NDP got 2 Ministers and some Asst Mins and PS. Well and Sec Gen of "New KANU". This time he got a motorcade with siren alone... not even an ambassador for anyone.

He already used that card in 2002 to deny Uhuru PORK.Ruto has kept a keen eye on him and seem the handshake will have to abort.If Raila was smart - he would have embraced Ruto - but giving Uhuru a choice of Raila or Ruto - is making it too easy for Uhuru. Uhuru knows with Ruto he has a functioning gov...Raila is promising kumbaya...but unfortunately he didn't even bring along Kamba+Luhyas+Gusii+Coast - the guy came alone with Luos!.

Raila obviously is not gong to retire. He will be forced to retire. He must be beaten to submission like Baba Moi. Kichwa says that is not neccesary but Ruto would be stupid to cease his war on ODM and Raila. He must ignore the so called "hand shake" and pull no punches.

I like how yesterday he homed into Raila speech in London and made yet another impossible demand to Raila - accept Jubilee won free and fairly :) or no hand-shake.

Raila has to two conditions 1) Accept no referendum on constitution 2) Accept Jubilee won fairly & squarely - how boy the pending over he'll have to do.
Exactly. Noone's bothered with peace or inclusion or handshake - so long as it's not trickery or 2022 campaign. Raila can actually still run for PORK in 2022. Camouflaging his mischief as peace or inclusion won't fly. I think he meant to bribe Uhuru with PM in exchange for support to be PORK. He thinks his career is more useful than the country. Unfortunately Kenyans are not in the mood for referendum a few years into the new constitution that he championed as government project.

Apelekee uzee Bondo. Angoje kunyoroshwa.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels