Author Topic: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon  (Read 1344 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« on: May 03, 2018, 05:09:34 PM »
Immunisation coverage is now falling. Time for counties to volunteer this function to national gov in exchange for something else. Esp now that Uhuru is focussed on UHC

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Re: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2018, 01:22:02 PM »
I think GoK should work with governors to build capacity. Health is a basic mashinani service that needs to remain at county. Counties need time to mature which is why they should not be disrupted further with new regions.
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Re: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2018, 08:29:58 PM »
We cannot build capacity while allowing disease like Polio to re-emerge. If counties can't hack can be handed back to national gov...until they are ready. The doctors and health practioners also feel the same.
I think GoK should work with governors to build capacity. Health is a basic mashinani service that needs to remain at county. Counties need time to mature which is why they should not be disrupted further with new regions.

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Re: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2018, 08:40:33 PM »
Yeah this is a serious bread n butter item we should discuss reforming not PM and regions. It would need a referendum which won't fly for now due to the Raila trojan. Health should have been scheduled for gradual devolution. Unfortunately KMPDU - unlike say KNUT - slept on the job. It's a mountain task now to return it to the center without appearing to undermine devolution. It's easier now to help counties build capacity than reverse course.

We cannot build capacity while allowing disease like Polio to re-emerge. If counties can't hack can be handed back to national gov...until they are ready. The doctors and health practioners also feel the same.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2018, 08:52:22 PM »
Raila ideas are DOA. I don't know why you're taking the handshake joke too seriously. That is justs for gags. Now serious stuff - functions can be transferred without the need of referendum.Its just for both levels of gov to agree..some aspects of health falling under UHC care be taken...while leaving counties with say infrastructure.
Yeah this is a serious bread n butter item we should discuss reforming not PM and regions. It would need a referendum which won't fly for now due to the Raila trojan. Health should have been scheduled for gradual devolution. Unfortunately KMPDU - unlike say KNUT - slept on the job. It's a mountain task now to return it to the center without appearing to undermine devolution. It's easier now to help counties build capacity than reverse course.

We cannot build capacity while allowing disease like Polio to re-emerge. If counties can't hack can be handed back to national gov...until they are ready. The doctors and health practioners also feel the same.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Health too serious to have been devolved too soon
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2018, 08:53:21 PM »
Artile 187:
(1) A function or power of government at one level may be transferred to a government at the other level by agreement between the governments if--

(a) the function or power would be more effectively performed or exercised by the receiving government; and
(b) the transfer of the function or power is not prohibited by the legislation under which it is to be performed or exercised.

(2) If a function or power is transferred from a government at one level to a government at the other level--

(a) arrangements shall be put in place to ensure that the resources necessary for the performance of the function or exercise of the power are transferred; and
(b) constitutional responsibility for the performance of the function or exercise of the power shall remain with the government to which it is assigned by the Fourth Schedule.